Tech Tip: Warning About Viruses in Holiday E-mails

As we approach the holidays, notices of e-mails containing viruses and actual e-mail viruses are beginning to circulate. These notices ask you to click a link, which may take you to a site containing a virus or some other type of malware.

Please, follow these simple suggestions to keep your computer safe:

If you get a forwarded e-mail *about* a circulating virus, check under the subject of the email. More than likely, the warning has been circulating for years and that particular virus is no longer a threat. Don’t trust the message when it says that it’s already been checked at Snopes or some other service; check yourself.

If you receive an e-mail with subjects like “An e-mail card for you!”, “A(n) Hallmark card for you!” or some other generic subject like this, delete it! On line card providers will have your name in the subject line, something like, “PT, Ernest sent you an online card!”.

As always, if you have ANY doubt about the legitimacy of an e-mail, delete it or ask someone in LTS.

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