Banned Book Reading to highlight history of censorship and freedom of expression

MIZZOU — Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG) needs volunteer readers for our Banned Book Reading at Speaker’s Circle on Wednesday, Sept. 30. The reading is part of a series of activities held to highlight Banned Books Week 2009, Sept. 26-Oct. 3.

The event will feature an informational display table with lists of banned books and the history of censorship, as well as a rotating cast of readers reciting passages aloud from books that have faced banning or censorship at some point.

If you’d like to read at the event or help staff the table, contact us at or call 417-619-3724 to sign up for a time slot. The schedule will be informal, but please do let us know if you intend to read. Bring a copy of your own favorite banned book to read from, or choose from the selection available at our table.

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