Recycling & Hand Sanitizer

This week Civic Recycling pulled their paper recycling carts and cardboard dumpsters from campus. The City of Columbia is working to replace all of the paper and cardboard containers on campus so there is as little disruption as possible. In the meantime we will need to handle the recycling in Ellis Library differently. Newspapers should be bundled and tied in stacks (no more than 12” high); cardboard should be cut up and/or boxes broken down so they are no bigger than 24” x 20”; white paper and shredded office paper should be put in plastic bags before being put in the recycle bins. Plastic Bags have been ordered and should be available to areas in the library early next week. If you have any questions about these temporary changes please feel free to contact the Ellis Library Receiving Room. We will keep you posted. Please note the beverage container recycling will not be affected, it will remain the same since the City already picks it up.

Hand Sanitizer
The Libraries has ordered hand sanitizer and disinfected wipes for the direct service areas in Ellis Library and the branches. This is primarily for areas with public contact, especially at service desks and counters. We hope to receive the sanitizer early next week, and the distribution will be coordinated by Ellis Library Security. Also, today we learned the campus will be installing hand sanitizer dispensers early next week in areas throughout the library.

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