- Guest speakers: David Currey, Director of international student and scholar services; Kristen Cobrecht, Assistant director of international student and scholar services; Lauren Sellers, International scholar coordinator
- In general, our International Student and Scholar Services programs support immigration compliance, F1 / J1 students and H1 / J1 Scholars.
- International Center supports the Institute of International Education, Andrew Heiskell Award, which funds faculty to travel abroad to foster international relationships in research grants, papers and teaching innovations.
- The International Center has 250 International Agreements: 100 in China, which is representative of the international population attending US universities across the country.
- The IC provides support, aims to reduce barriers and foster curricular integration for study abroad programs.Most students attend summer short-term study abroad programs.MU sends 14,073 student abroad, making us one of the highest supporters of study abroad among AAU members.
- International Student Enrollment: almost equal amount of undergraduate and graduate International students, where in the past we have supported graduate international students in greater numbers by comparison.Most students come from China, India, South Korea and Saudi Arabia.
- The IC would like to encourage us to individually volunteer for the International friendship program. This helps international students make a connection to domestic life in the US.
- The library is welcome to provide information / hand-outs on services & facilities we provide for students to assist in international student recruitment.
- Part of the International Student Success Course incorporates how to use the library.Teachers of this class have found it to be extremely helpful for our international students.
- Lauren Sellers works with visiting scholars H-1B Specialty Occupation Scholars, spouses and dependent support.These students often use a curtesy card through their department to check out library program
- Emerging issues in international student support: Impact of Executive Order, Changes in immigration regulations, Institutional opportunities and transitions
- The IC can facilitate undocumented students by encouraging Tiger Food Pantry, clothing resources and law firms who do Pro Bono work.
- Division Reports:
HSL and the Specialized Libraries – Deb Ward:
- The HSL has recently had furniture additions, electrical and will be working to obtain lighting enhancements.
- HSL is Hosting the annual Mid-Continental Chapter of the Medical Library Association (MCMLA) meeting, in October.They plan to use classrooms at Ellis for Continuing Education classes as part of the meeting.Rebecca Graves is the chair of the planning committee.
- The HSL Information Services Department is working with the School of Medicine Research Council on a drive to register researchers for an ORCID ID. The purpose of it is for each researcher to have a standard identification number to avoid confusion with similar names.
- Thank you to Judy in transitioning duties as she looks forward to retirement.
- We will be reviewing the Microforms list to determine what should stay on campus or go off site.
- Thank you to Library staff for all the work you do for our library and community.
RAIS – Jeannette Pierce:
- Librarians are heavily involved in teaching and workshops at this time.
- Plagiarism Workshop tomorrow from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. is good for Undergraduate students.
- Cindy Cotner is looking to do specialized workshops for International students.
- The Student Enhancement Fee vote is Mon-Wed next week.
- Thank you to Rachel and Paula for Black History Month activities.
- Encourages everyone to review the Annual Statistical Report: give input for future important statistics and contact the Assessment Committee with questions.
- MU Libraries Undergraduate Research Contest is looking to open submissions up to all research; not just that in paper form.Submissions must include research from MU Libraries.Contest deadline is March 13, 2017.Noel, Tammy and Sandy have more information.
- Thank you Jen for implementing more user engagement situations.Our Q/A whiteboard, staff picks, reference book display and historic images have been well received.
- We are offering drop-in workshops for ENG 1000 students who have completed a library instruction session.
- Working with University of Missouri Extension and the Personal Financial Planning Department, we hope to add a tax preparation site in Ellis.
- You can see social media from MU Libraries website and don’t have to have your own account.
ACTS – Corrie Hutchinson / Noah Hartsfield:
- Physical Processing and Preservation is working with Special Collections to evaluate their microform collection for transfer to UMLD.
- Director’s report – Ann Campion Riley:
- Ann hosted a State Historical Society space meeting. Early 2020 is the earliest that renovations can occur; late 2019 is when the addition would be complete. Ann will relay more as things progress.
- The upcoming Mizzou Giving Day is March 15 & 16.Advancement is emphasizing donations to the University on that day.
- University Libraries will participate in the Unbound Book Festival. The festival features Alex George, local author, presentation from MU Libraries Special Collections and the Stuckey essay contest.
- The LMT meeting this afternoon will discuss ideas for a new Digital Media Commons.
- Budget outlook has no changes. We will know exact cuts in May.We will move forward to fill positions: Head of Instruction, Technical Services Librarian, College of Engineering Librarian, and Head of Special Collections positions.
- Corrie Hutchinson is orchestrating the ILS transition from the standalone MOBIUS cluster.
- GWLA research project provides hard data on the correlation of improved GPA and students who have had library instruction. Only 12 libraries were able to complete study.Thanks to Nav and Goodie who were involved from MU Libraries.
- Q and A:
- What was discussed at the LMT retreat?: LMT discussed problem solving scenarios, making goals more available and the microfilm project.
- Can we have an update on the Birds?: We have a conference call scheduled with a consignment representative from the auction house. Packing and shipping details are being worked out.
- Daniel Boone Library has been required to allow conceal and carry.Are we concerned about a campus carry bill like DBRL?: It is on Dean Council agenda and will be talked about in few months.
- New Business:
News Hub (Grace)
- Check out the Cycle of Success stories on the News Hub website.You can use the form on the web to contribute stories. If it is on our News Hub, we can push it to other social media sites increasing the awareness of University Libraries.
Open Positions (Sheryl)
- Business Support Specialist – ACTS
- Head of Instructional Services
- Tech Services Librarian interviews are complete. The search committee will meet Friday.
- Programmer Analyst – LTS
- Engineering Librarian is ready to be published
- Head of Special Collections is ready to be published and volunteer calls made for the search committee.
- Final Q and A:
Ann posted a welcome to MU, System President Mun Y. Choi, on behalf of all of the University Libraries.
- Upcoming events:
- Mizzou Giving Day, March 15-16, will be posted on social media venues, please share on your social media as well.
- Friends of the Library Luncheon Donor Event, April 8, speaker: Dr. Barnstone Dept. of English, tickets $25
- Library Society Reception, Apr 28, speaker: Major Garrett Chief Whitehouse Correspondence for News, Mizzou Alum Grand Reading Room, tickets $50, bar and hors d’oeuvre, contact Sheila Voss
- Celebration of Service, May 18, use the online recommendation form to recognize colleagues
- HR training: Mar 15 Student supervisors, upcoming meeting for changes in student recruitment
- Resolving Conflict in the Workplace: Salama Gallimore, Director of Investigations and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, revolves around real life scenarios, offer scenarios you would like addressed to Sheryl.
- Chair closing remarks:
- Next Meeting April 4, 2:00 p.m.