Present: Ann Riley, Shannon Cary, Jeannette Pierce, Debra Ward, Ernest Shaw, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Sheryl Cullina, Corrie Hutchinson, Jacqueline Rash
Agenda Items –
Sequence of Leadership – Final call to confirm all phone numbers.
Action: Ann would like to meet with everyone on the list and discuss what this duty means and the different possible situations.
All Staff Meeting Agenda
Different budget report options:
- Traditional Report- shown at Fall All-Staff meeting
- Current Year’s Forecast – from Long Range Planning budget; what we showed Provost in Dec.
- Budget Variance report- shows budget against actual year to date, shows all funds and broken down by different programs
- General Revenue by Division –most basic information showing budget decrease over next several years. Will want to supplement this with a gift chart.
Action: Ann will work with Matt to get a Gift Report
Decision: Show Traditional Report and then show the General Revenue by Division report supplemented with a Gift Report.
- Assignments were given for LMT members to present aspects of the All Staff Meeting
A request was made for additional items for the All Staff Agenda:
- How will we manage in the face of declining budgets? Where do we stand? The suggestion was made to present ideas from the Truman school project. What can staff do to advocate on behalf of the Library?
- Staff may want to know an update on raises.
- There was a suggestion to offer a thank you for staff who worked over the holiday week break.
- Facilities update
- Marketing team update
- Additional information will be provided on Priority of Positions.
- Friends of the Library update/status.
- State Historical Society space
- UMLD expansion- hope to start in next fiscal year
Action: Shannon will also include staff thank you in Library Notes.
Action: Ann will send out e-mail to all-staff before meeting.
Action: Sheryl will check on the nametags.
Follow up from last meeting –
Writing tutors- Writing tutors will keep their current location in the Student Success Center.
Security update-
- Everything should be set up and ready in Bookmark Café by Monday.
- Discussion about automatic blinds in room 201
- Chair repair requirements were noted.
Relevant stats from last week
- Statistics about last week headcounts were reported on PJ’s handout.There were about 30 patrons in the library each day at any given time.
- Over the four-day period, there were over 4800 pages scanned and 1400 pages printed.
- Most of the students were International Students.
- Reference fielded 33 questions: 10 involved research assistance by the ARL definition only one of these was an in-person query. 16 questions were handled in person, the remainder were by chat, phone, or e-mail.
- Computer log-in’s were reported at 50 per day.
- We may need to contact FedEx and UPS if we close in the future.
Discussion: Should we stay open for 30 people?
Action: Jeannette will check in with book drop overflow
New business –
Property Insurance Evaluation
- We received permission to combine Ellis and UMLD into same insurance.
- Birds and loving cups displays are excluded from the insurance as we begin to look into selling them.
- We will wait on doing anything with reserve insurance until we know more about our Special Collections inventory.
Phone messaging system
- Request has been submitted to direct people to Circulation, Reference, Lost and Found, hours etc. We hope the programming will be done by next week.
Trespassing situation
- If we see offender, please contact Ellis security who will then call MU PD. This person will then be removed from Ellis or other branch libraries.
Action: Ann will look into getting a list of Trespassing offenders for our security.