Library Budget Forum, 6/20/17

Priorities in budget planning, 2017/18, University Libraries materials were handed out.

65 staff members were present

Welcome to Provost and Interim Chancellor, Garnett Stokes by Interim Director of University Libraries, Ann Campion Riley.

Ann reviewed Priorities in Budget Planning submissions that University Libraries made to the Provost’s office. The following points were addressed and commented on by Interim Chancellor Stokes.

  1. University Libraries’ first priority is to the students and the Student Enhancement Fee will assist us in providing better services for students.
  2. Library Management Team and Ann Riley decided to retain as many employees as possible and this resulted in loss of one staff member.
  3. University Libraries needed 10 million dollars to bring us up to par with peer university libraries. Instead, we were asked to cut 5 million dollars. We are requesting reinvestment in the libraries to give back to our collections, specifically electronic resources.
  4. Our move to Merlin Standalone will give us better control of our resources.
  5. ARL membership is at stake if our budget decreases significantly. ARL membership depends on a matrix of staffing, budget, enrollment etc. Interim Chancellor Stokes understands the real concern for loosing our ARL membership and thinks we should set up a plan to maintain membership. She is glad to see our new Administration is committed to supporting University Libraries and research resources for Mizzou students. Maintaining a sustainable support structure for University Libraries is essential.
  6. Interim Chancellor Stokes would like to plan for the annual increase in journals as an unavoidable expense like utilities. In historical budget models, revenue increases and cuts were given proportionally.
  7. President Choi is looking to find better efficiencies at both the system level and MU campus. Mizzou will undergo an administration review to as one solution to this goal.
  8. Discovery is a core value to the University and University Libraries have the mission to support students in this core value.
  9. Many colleges and departments on campus are in the same situation as we are with lack of available revenue streams such as class enrollment, alumni etc. Moving to more online programs and requiring supplemental fees are creative ways some departments on campus have found to make the 12% cut.
  10. University Libraries and the Collee of Arts and Science are two units that Interim Chancellor Stokes sees as needing a new approach within the new budget model.
  11. The system and the other 3 campuses did not cut 12%, nor are they affected by enrollment decreases that MU is facing. The system has had a reduction last year that they had hoped to reinstall but have not been able to retrieve. Therefore, they will continue to restructure HR, IT and finance departments.
  12. Requesting that units on campus cut 12% does allow for a cushion for reinvestment in key areas as well as to withstand against possible future state budget cuts.
  13. Marketing and Communications have been cut at system and campus level to allow for strategic implementation of a unified marketing plan. To increase enrollment we need to focus on our branding to support Enrollment Management. We will have a national marketing firm to help us manage our complex branding situation.
  14. Some reinvestments have already been arranged, such as Grad student stipend, Grad student health insurance, inclusion and diversity, center for teaching and learning. Stokes is waiting to see what the governor will do with the future budget to determine one time and reoccurring reinvestments.
  15. Chancellor Alex Cartwright will start August 1 and will need to be part of reinvestment conversations.
  16. Choi recognizes the importance to keep MU the flagship institution.
  17. Provost Stokes is implementing a taskforce charged with examining each program and evaluating it for investment, consolidation or elimination.
  18. It was brought up that we simply no longer have the staffing to be a professional resource for the State and to collaborate innovatively with organizations outside of the University for the advancement and wellbeing of its citizens.
  19. Interim Chancellor Stokes is not able to comment on the search for the Director of Libraries today, but will be able to do so by July 1.
  20. Interim Chancellor Stokes agrees that a title change needs to be made and, in researching peer institutions, is specifically looking at what that structure should become.

Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 6/15/17

In Attendance: Kathy Peters, Earnest Shaw, Anslem Huelsbergen, Pat Jones, Jeannette Pierce, Jacqueline Rash, Corrie Hutchinson, Ann Riley, Sheryl Cullina

Agenda Items

SPEC items in catalog

  • Corrie mentioned the need to review the scope for searching Special Collections items.Two possibilities include allowing full or limited access to search solely for Special Collections items.Special Collections at UMLD/II will be Library Use Only. The new system is that items from UMLD will be brought straight up to SPEC and not go through Circulation.

Action: Corrie will post this question to ARL list serve to see how other libraries scope for these types of searches. 

Student Worker Budget

  • LMT is ready to proceed with flat budget for FY18. Flat budget is acceptable as long as management can move the funds within their areas.HR determines wage levels and raise guidelines and we won’t know yet if we can offer student workers raises.

Action: Kathy will get division levels out to management. 

Bobeen Student Worker Library Endowment –

  • – Jeanette Bobeen has made another donation to the endowment. For FY18, we will have $2,400 available.


    • For FY17, we awarded one $500 prize to an outstanding student worker.
    • For FY18, do we want to do the same type of prize or use the funding for another purpose?

Endowment Description:

Funds shall be used for the costs associated with the employment of student workers at the MU Libraries on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus.
Funds may be used for, but not limited to, salaries, supplies, training materials, stipends, and/or scholarships.

  • The problem is that when we offer a scholarship it will reduce the financial aid package for the student.

Decision:  We will use this money for funding digitization student workers instead of individual scholarships. 

Giving button-

  • Request to add a giving button to Gov. Docs page: Marie would like to add an opportunity to support gov docs to a web page that has received 50,000+ hits since she uploaded documents regarding historical wage information.
  • Discussion ensued about this being a possible slippery slope for all departments to request giving buttons.

Decision: We will keep giving options on the giving page.

New Items:

Planning for retreat

  • 10-12 Problem solving, 12-1 Lunch, 1-2 use as needed, 2-4 Goals update
  • Management is encouraged to prepare desired departmental goals for FY18.
  • Jeannette mentioned that Librarian reviews don’t coincide well with timing with the goals.MyVita may help by reporting by semester.

Exit doors-

  • We are in the process of changing the card system.
  • We would like to be able to update the crashbars on the doors to allow us to exit the building when the library is closed and the door will lock again upon exit.
  • We will add security camera to monitor this door.

Action: Ann will send the reminder to all staff to close the doors behind you and not to let others in when the library is closed.

Budget forum w/ Provost-

Action: Jacqueline will send out a reminder to all staff for this meeting.

HR Changes organizational tree-                                                      

  • HR considers the library one department.Sheryl proposed that we split out to be 5 departments.This will help us identify seniority within department in light of recent layoffs.This will not affect budget or funding or the ability to move people across departments.It will formalize the department chair structure.

Discussion: ensued as to if we would be charged more for qualtrics if we were considered 5 different departments instead of one division.  It was suggested that users access through Admin.

Building Improvements-

  • Caulking and was completed on rattling windows throughout the library.
  • ’87 addition roof had pooling problems due to clogged water spouts,

Action: Campus facilities will look for funds to replace the membrane.

  • Pat requested blinds to be placed in all windows of Ellis.
  • North door will be stained this summer to repair from leaks this winter.

Annual reviews and annual report-

You will need to submit employee reviews soon. We will do another annual report.  Think about highlights in specific areas and goals for next year.


The auction house doesn’t think we will make enough money on the birds to make it worth the cost of auctioning them.


Pete hopes to return late July.

Friends fundraiser-

We have 88 RSVPs at this time including Interim Provost Stokes.

Merlin coordinator:

Corrie will be Site Coordinator for MU going forward.  Her being on LMT and the head of Technical Services will facilitate communication with MOBIUS.

Mobius Standalone:

Action: Corrie will send out a communication plan.

Steam pipe project:

Workers will enter the library basement area in early July, move through café area and historical society and be done with Ellis by end of July.

DSpace Development

DSpace, the software platform behind MOspace, has a new logo.  The new brand coincides with a major rewrite of DSpace code, which is expected to be available for implementation in early 2018.  Called DSpace 7, the new DSpace code will give us more flexibility in the look and development of MOspace.  Felicity Dykas serves on a DSpace 7 community team that is reviewing and prioritizing proposed features from DSpace users. 

More about the new logo:  “With the help of 99designs, DuraSpace, and designers from around the world, more than 100 logo designs were contributed to help the DSpace community chose a new logo for the popular open source repository software in use by more than 2300 institutions worldwide. The DSpace community was invited to vote and comment on the top designs in a poll. The winner is a bright green “D” with a stylized “connector” icon. The concept was designed by Yadhie Coy who resides in Central Java, Indonesia. The new brand aims to give DSpace an updated look and feel with a modernized logo as community work on the new DSpace 7 with an Angular user interface continues. The new logo will become part of a redesigned DSpace web site later in 2017, and will also be featured on promotional items.”—DuraSpace marketing material.

View the new logo here:


Staff Advisory Group Meeting, 6/14/17

Division Reports:

  • ACTS – Corrie Hutchinson

    • We are moving to MOBIUS Standalone on July 1.There are changes in the workflow and ticketing system that will be addressed in detail in the near future.
    • Welcome to Julie Housknecht, Technical Services Manager; Waldemar Bartikowski, Programmer/Analyst; Tom Barnes, ACTS Business Support Specialist II.
    • Collections budget is still unknown as we hope for reallocations from the 12% cut.
    • An automatic ILL request button is in the works.
    • ACTS division discussed priorities in light of the limited budget.
    • New UMLD van will be delivered in a few weeks.
  • RAIS – Jeannette Pierce

    • Online Educational Resources, being an initiative of President Choi, are getting more attention.Grace Atkins is working with Shannon Cary, Ann Riley and students to develop OERs for the libraries.
    • MU Connect implementation: June 1. Librarians will be connected with students and faculty.
    • Head of Instructional Services beginning of August.
    • Statistics are being reviewed for annual reports and evaluation of services we provide.
    • Jennifer Gravely will be able to stay through the summer.
    • Microform is looking to move off site, but we hope to have Microfilm readers/printers available.
    • Cindy Cotner will be the Interim director of Access Services.
    • Working with Digital Preservation Library, Sandy Schiefer, Nav Khanal and Matthew Stephens will do much of Judy’s web administrator duties.
    • Anne Barker is weeding reference materials.
    • Freddy Martinez Garcia’s last day is June 23.
    • Recorded Sound space will close at the end of June and materials within will be considered for relocation.
    • Special Collections is reviewing their materials and are considering transferring items that meet specific criteria from the general stacks to Special Collections.
  • Specialized Libraries – Noah Hartsfield on behalf of Deb Ward

    • Panic buttons will be installed in specialized libraries (and throughout Ellis) in July.
    • Offices were rearranged and a wall was moved to create more student workspace.
    • An Open House, sponsored by Staff Development Group, is being held on July 20 at 1:30 p.m. and a tour of the Medical School addition will ensue at 2:30. July 28 is the formal dedication of the addition.
    • Barb Jones is pursuing a partnership with SISLT this fall.
    • Diane Johnson will be working on a with the School of Nursing for the American Heart Association
  • Director’s report: Ann Campion Riley

    • Please attend the Budget forum with Provost Stokes at 2:00 p.m. in 114a on June 20.We will discuss budget projections moving forward.
    • Current Budget: Cut represents 1.367 million dollars cut to collections. We hope we will be able to get some discretionary funds back.
    • Don’t expect additional University separations.We will look to distribute recorded sound material within the library. The asbestos in that area will prevent us from making large structural changes.
    • July 5th old chairs will be moved out and July 6&7th Marathon will move new furniture into the Information Commons.Counter high tables will be added and additional new furniture will be added to seating outside of the Gov. Docs. area.
    • Chancellor Alexander Cartwright will start this summer.
    • We have met our Development goal for this year.Reminder to attend the Libraries Fundraiser event this Friday June 16th.
    • There is no big change to the plan for the Student Enhancement Fee fund allocation.We will promote the message that upgrades to furniture and security are due to this student fee.MULAC will be updated on the allocation of funds at every meeting and communicated using “#enhancement”.
    • Campus has retained an enrollment management consultant for Mizzou.
    • Communications and Marketing departments have been outsourced to streamline our messages between System and Mizzou.
    • We will have a consultant come in to review the administration structure at the system and University levels.
  • Staff Announcements:

    • Digital initiatives at the Missourian have been enhanced due to many images recently being uploaded.
    • MULSA is looking for staff to help with book sale.
    • Ellis will get new phones July 25th.
  • Open Positions/HR Announcements: Sheryl Cullina

    • Engineering librarian and SCARaB positions are posted.
    • Please conclude the Performance Evaluations in the near future.
    • The upgrade to PeopleSoft will change look and feel of myHR and timesheets at the end of July.Training handouts will be available.
  • Upcoming Events: Tammy Green – MULSA

    • MULSA encourages everyone to attend the annual picnic on June 16th at Gordon Shelter at Stephens Lake Park.Pulled park will be served complimented by a solar eclipse theme and special giveaway eclipse glasses to boot.
  • Chair closing remarks: Noah Hartsfield

    • Next SAG Town Hall – July 13th at 10am

      • Kevin McFillen, upcoming Chair of Staff Advisory Council, will have Dr. Angela Spec attend the next meeting.Any additional officers are welcome to join by contacting Sheryl Cullina.

Goodbye to Freddy Martinez-Garcia

June 23 will be Federico Martinez-Garcia’s last day as our Head of Access Services. Freddy is moving to Colorado Springs where he will be the Faculty Director of Access Services at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS). I thank Freddy for all the work he has done during his time with us. I will especially miss Freddy’s dedication to Access Services, his sense of humor, and his commitment to staff development. I hope you will all join me in congratulating Freddy and wishing him the best of luck in his new position.
–Jeannette Pierce

Healthy for Life Update

Summer 2017 Workplace Diversity Series (attachment)

Working in a diverse environment brings both opportunities and challenges. By becoming more informed, gaining skills, and having conversations with others, we can improve and enhance our workplace relationships as well as our overall campus environment.

End the Awkward: Disability Awareness in the Workplace

When: June 21, 2017

Time: 12:00 – 1:30 pm

Location: MU Student Center

Registration: Online

Green Dot: A Message for Staff and Faculty at Mizzou

When: July 12, 2017

Time: 12:00 – 1:30 pm

Location: MU Student Center

Registration: Online

Cultivating Wellness through Diversity

When: July 26, 2017

Time: 12:00 – 1:30 pm

Location: MU Student Center

Registration: Online

Eligible employees can earn 10 points for participating in diversity and inclusion activities, with a maximum of 100 points in this category. Employees must self-report diversity activities on the Healthy for Life Wellness Program website. Contact for questions about the Wellness Incentive.

Diversity 101 Online Course (attachment)

Diversity 101 is a free, highly interactive, fully online professional development course that explores the concepts of diversity and inclusion particularly as they pertain to the higher education workplace. Click here to learn more about the course.

Summer Session*

When: July 7, 2017 – August 18, 2017

Cost: Free

Registration: Online

*Fall and Winter/Spring sessions are available, but are not eligible for Wellness Incentive points since they occur after the end of the 2017 Wellness Incentive.

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 75 points for completing the Diversity 101 Summer course (7/7 – 8/18 only) by sending a copy of the certificate to Healthy for Life. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. Contact with questions about the 2017 Wellness Incentive.

Weight Watchers, New Session (2 attachments)

What’s your summer vision? Attending Weight Watchers meetings regularly can be a Launchpad to success. And so can visualizing the life you want! This summer create your Weight Watchers’ vision board to help boost your motivation and focus on your goals.

When: Thursdays, starting July 6, 2017 

Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Location: Quarterdeck Building, Room 162A

Cost: $156 for 12 weeks If you start at the beginning

Contact: Marion Spase at

In addition, Weight Watchers is offering complimentary webinars. You do not need to be a current Weight Watchers member to access this valuable resource. If you are unable to attend during the times offered, register anyway and you will be sent a recorded link after the event to view at your convenience. Webinars are not eligible for wellness incentive points.

Wholesome Cooking Techniques with Chef Ryan

When: Thursday, July 27, 2017 

Time: 2:00 pm


A Transformation Story with Lisa Shaub

When: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 

Time: 12:00 pm


Weight Watchers Experience

When: Thursday, September 28, 2017 

Time: 11:00 am


Eligible employees can earn 100 wellness incentive points for participating in Weight Watchers for 3 months. Webinars are not eligible for wellness incentive points. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. In addition, faculty and staff who have a flexible spending account (FSA) or a health savings account (HSA) may be able to use pre-tax dollars to pay Weight Watchers fees. Visit the Healthy for Life website to learn more about participating in Weight Watchers on campus.

Classes on Campus

Did you know a variety of low-cost and free physical activity and stress management classes are offered on campus? View the calendar of events to find a class near you or check out a few opportunities below:


When: Mondays, 6/26, 7/3, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31 and 8/7

Time: 12:10 pm – 12:50 pm

Location: Missouri Psychiatric Gym on the 1st floor of the Hospital across from the VA Tunnel

Registration: Contact Kate Walker at

Cost: $24.00, payment due at the time of class


When: Fridays, 7/14, 7/21, 8/4, 8/11, & 8/18

Time: 12:10 pm – 12:50 pm

Location: Missouri Psychiatric Gym on the 1st floor of the Hospital across from the VA Tunnel

Registration: Contact Kate Walker at

Cost: $20.00, payment due at the time of class

Yoga – Low & Slow and Gentle Flow

When: Monday and Wednesday evenings, 4 week sessions starting June 14, 2017

Time: 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm

Location: Women’s and Children’s Hospital, South Pavilion Rooms A and B

Registration: Contact Suzanne Norton at

Cost: $20 for once a week or $40 for twice a week

Eligible Faculty and Staff can earn up to 100 points for engaging in physical activity. Participation in physical activity classes must be self-reported in the Cerner Wellness Portal in the ‘Engage in Activity’ category to receive incentive points.

MU Libraries Staff Association 2017/2018 Executive Board

President — Ruthe Morse

Vice President/President Elect — ________________

Treasurer — Jack Batterson                                              

Secretary — Tim Perry

Book Sale Co-chair — Anne Barker

(Two year alternating term shared with Rachel Brekhus)  
Community Service Chair — Ashley Granger

Courtesy Chair — Sheryl Cullina

Staff Lounge Chair — Colleen Smith

Muse Co-editors — Michelle Baggett & Erin Powell

Social Co-chairs — Karen Eubanks & Tammy Green

You see we still don’t have a vice president, if you’d like to volunteer please let me know.

Thanks, Ruthe