MU Libraries, MU Extension and MOspace

In the March 2017 issue of Prime Magazine, Publisher Fred Parry extols the contributions of MU Extension.  He describes his involvement with the 4-H program while growing up and the contribution that MU Extension makes in Missouri today.  For example he notes that, “Statewide, their business specialists helped companies increase sales by $186 million last year while creating or retaining 7,766 jobs.” 

MU Libraries supports MU Extension efforts through its inclusion of MU Extension publications in MOspace. Working with Extension, Digital Services collected and added archival Extension publications to MOspace and continues to add new and revised publications as they are made available.  MOspace now includes 2,400 Extension publications, dated 1932 to 2017.  To give an idea of the range of subjects covered by Extension, here are the titles of a few of the 2016 publications:

In addition to these publications, nearly 200 4-H Circulars were added in 2016-2017 with funding from a Project Ceres grant.  Ranging in dates from 1922 to 1967, the 4-H publications give an interesting snapshot of agriculture and farm life during that time period.

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