What would improve your quality of life? That’s the question Daniel Boone Regional Library staff will be asking at a series of community conversations to be held in Boone and Callaway Counties during February. One has been scheduled specifically for academic library staff on Wednesday, February 15 at 10 a.m. at Ellis Library.
Please come to this informal one-hour session that will be led by a Daniel Boone Regional Library librarian who will ask conversation-starting questions. The library’s long-range planning team will review all the ideas and comments that come up, look for trends, set goals and brainstorm ways the library can enhance its current services.
“We’re starting our strategic planning process, and we want to know how the library can better serve the community,” said Melissa Carr, Daniel Boone Regional Library director. “By asking general questions about our communities as a whole, we can take a look at how the library might fit into the overall picture.” The new plan will begin 2018.
If you can’t attend this meeting, you’re welcome to fill out a brief online survey, attend one of the public community forums or host your own community conversation among friends, family or co-workers. Find details at www.dbrl.org/conversations.