Library Management Team Information and Action Items, 9/26/16

Present:  Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward
Guest: Grace Atkins

Student Activity Fee Group Discussion
Grace Atkins updated the LMT members about her meeting with the group working on a strategy for the Student Activity Fee that is being promoted by Student Affairs in cooperation with the Division of IT and the MU Libraries. The draft proposal is for $45 per semester to improve student access to mental health services, extend library hours, expand wireless in the student unions and some classrooms and increase opportunities for student involvement in clubs, organizations and recreational programs.

ACTION: The Libraries will support any student-led efforts for library fees, but will make it clear that these efforts were not initiated by the Libraries.

ACTION: Grace will share ideas from LMT about marketing strategy for library portion of Student Activity Fee proposal.

ACTION: Grace will meet with the University Libraries Student Advisory Groups to discuss the student petition and MSA fee proposal.

Tech Services Position
There was a brief review of the position description for a new Technical Services Librarian position.

ACTION:  Ann, Kathy and Sheryl will meet to finalize some of the details of the position before sending it to campus HR for approval.

Testing Center Proposal
LMT discussed the new proposal put forward by Disability Services that requests part of the space that will be vacated by the State Historical Society be allocated for a testing center. They would be willing to give room 4G41 back to the Libraries as part of this proposal. The State Historical Society is currently slated to move out in 2019.

ACTION: Jeannette Pierce and Mike Holland will meet with the Campus Space Utilization Committee and let them know the Libraries would like to take the lead in working with other groups to create a comprehensive plan for the space.


Dual Factor Authentication
There was a brief discussion of the new dual factor authentication for email passwords that is starting to roll out. Some members of the Libraries had received emails about setting up their new passwords. There are several new steps to take this year when staff members set new passwords. This is for better security.

ACTION: Staff members will be informed to contact Sheryl if they have concerns about the new email registration system.

UPDATE: There has been a delay with this process due to some technical problems, so most Libraries staff will not have received the email to reset their passwords yet.

Comments on Policies
LMT received comments on the Faculty Research Offices policy (#17) and the Ellis Library Graduate Study Carrels policy (#61).

ACTION: LMT agreed to table policies #17 and #61 until the spring semester in order to further investigate the fee structure.

ACTION: Policy #62: Ellis Library Rental Lockers received no comments so will now be implemented as official library policy.