Notes from the Director 9/9/2016

Hello everyone,

This week, the week after Labor Day, seems like the time students decide, “OK, now it’s REALLY fall,” and get back to work.  It’s great to see the students fill the libraries all over campus again.  Of course, someone pointed out that we’ve had a lot of rainy weather this week, which makes them come inside, so maybe it’s not just a renewed urge to study.

Thanks to all who participated in interviews for our new fiscal officer.  I’m delighted to announce that Kathy Peters has accepted the position.  Since she is in the acting role already, we hope for a smooth transition.  Kathy’s degree in Business, many years of financial and supervisory experience, and her cheerful personality combined to make her a great choice, and I hope you all will join me in congratulating her on her new role. She’s a positive addition to the Library Management Team.

Work on renovation of Ellis 202 and 114 is almost complete.  I hope you can take a look and see how much those rooms have improved.  Changes continue at the Health Sciences Library also, and they have front row seats for the new construction of the School of Medicine’s new facility.

Sheryl reports that voting closes today on the future of Library Assembly.  If you haven’t voted, please do.  Currently option 2 on the ballot appears to be in the lead.  That’s the one suggesting open staff meetings quarterly or as needed with only a few officers being elected, and all welcome to attend.  Sheryl also has sent out some revised library policies.  Since we don’t have a group to look these over at the moment besides LMT, that seemed like the best way to let you all know about them.

Next week Grace A. will convene the first University Library Student Advisory Council meeting of this year, and I am working with the new chair, Todd Ruppar, a faculty member in Nursing, to set up the first campus Library Committee meeting of the year for that predominantly faculty group.  Work continues on our big journal cut, which I know will interest everyone.  Reaching out to our campus community continues to be a high priority.  Gaining additional funding depends a lot on having more people understand the value of what we do.

Other than that, I think I’ve already mentioned that over Thanksgiving Break the BookMark Café will get a bit of a makeover, funded by Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee funds.

As always, feel free to email me with questions or concerns.

Thanks for all you do to serve our users, and for getting the fall off to a good start.
