Library Management Action and Information Items, 7/19/16

Present:  Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Food and Drink Policy
INFORMATION: LMT members discussed the next steps for the newly approved food and drink policy. They agreed the policy will be implemented beginning August 1. It was also stated that staff needed to be made aware the policy affects them when they are in public areas. If they are taking food from public area to private office, they should be discreet.

ACTION: New food and drink policy will be communicated to users and staff by Public Relations and Marketing Committee and through News Notes.

ACTION: Pat will train Security staff on the new policy.

Goals Process
INFORMATION: Ann stated now that the staff had given input on the mission, vision and goals, objectives needed to be written.

ACTION: Ann will distribute revised Mission, Vision and Goals document.

ACTION: Ann asked each division head to meet with their staff before August 9 to write one or two objectives per goal. Goals should be for this fiscal year.

All-Staff Meeting
INFORMATION: There was a discussion about possible agenda items for the August All-Staff Meeting. Agenda items will include low waste implementation, benefits, food and drink policy, the cycle of success campaign and a budget update.

Cycle of Success Marketing Campaign
INFORMATION: LMT had a brief discussion about the Cycle of Success campaign proposal and budget that was submitted by the Public Relations and Marketing Committee.

ACTION: LMT approved the implementation of the Cycle of Success campaign but is currently unable to commit significant funds. They recommend that the PR & Marketing Committee should still go forward with the social media components and other less expensive activities outlined in the campaign.

Emergency Task Force Proposal
INFORMATION: There was a follow-up discussion on the proposal to create an Emergency Task Force that was presented by Edwin Davis at the last LMT meeting.

ACTION: LMT members will send recommendations for members to the task force to Pat by July 25.

Annual Report
INFORMATION: Ann talked to LMT about preparing for the Annual Report. She said a lot of the content would come from the Annual Statistical Report. She would like LMT members to be thinking about a summary of the year for their division or department.

Student Fee Strategy
INFORMATION: LMT members discussed a survey that Ann received from the Division of Student Affairs. The survey’s purpose was to assess the student body’s appetite for an increase to student fees.  Ann has been invited to meet with Jeff Zeilenga, assistant vice chancellor for student auxiliary services, and Alysha O’Neil, director of budget and fiscal operations for student affairs, to discuss the results of the survey as it relates to the Libraries and to develop an initial strategy and target amount for a referendum.  Ann explained the proposal meant the Libraries could receive a portion of the student activities fee if they were able to get an increase.

ACTION: LMT agreed to work with Student Affairs on this proposal.

Committee Charges
INFORMATION: There was a brief discussion about committee charges.

ACTION: LMT will have Whitney, the Administrative temporary office assistant, work on getting the current committee charges on the staff website.

Travel Policy
INFORMATION: Ann stated the Libraries had their own travel rules that had been imposed on top of the MU travel policies to try to spread the money out to more employees. She would like to consider following the MU travel guidelines with some exceptions.

ACTION: Ann and Kathy will work on a travel policy proposal based on the LMT discussion.