MUPD is committed to the safety of our campus community which includes our students, faculty, staff and visitors. Below are actions that MUPD is involved throughout the entire year to prevent crimes from occurring on campus:
The Citizen’s Response to Active Threat training program that deals with active threat/shooter type situations continues to teach many classes throughout the year. Further information on threat training can be found here:
To help address concerns about the potential for an active threat on the University of Missouri Campus, The University of Missouri Police Department created an educational video called, “Surviving an Active Shooter.” In the unlikely event of a threat on campus, this video provides information on what individuals should do to keep themselves, and others, safe. It can be found here:
Additional education for students and staff regarding personal safety and security, especially during the overnight hours is offered yearly by our crime prevention unit. Further information can be found here:
Currently the department has 42 sworn officers.The department is recruiting for a total of 50 officers to be filled by 2019.
The MUPD Communications Center, located inside the police department, is staffed 24/7, 365 days a year. There are currently 9 full-time communications operators. The department is recruiting for a total of 12 Communications Operators to be filled by 2019. Communications operators are responsible for a variety of tasks. One of the most important tasks is alerting our community of crime that is on or near our campus through the MU Emergency Alert system. Further information on MU Emergency Alert system can be found here:
Statistical information and suggestions for facilities and lighting improvements were shared during annual safety walks sponsored by MSA. Patrol was also reminded to continue to report broken or nonfunctioning lights on campus.
The Crime Prevention Unit has been working closely with the Off-Campus Housing Office to educate students living off campus on the topics of theft prevention and personal safety.
- Alcohol awareness presentations were modified to include information about the Downtown Enforcement Unit as well as the Community Action Team.
MUPD also works with the following groups to reduce or eliminate crimes on or near campus:
- Safe Mizzou Coalition
- Access to Alcohol Action Team
- MU Council on Violence Against Women
- Fan Behavior Task Force
- Partners in Prevention
- Men 4 Men Program (Department of Athletics)
- RSVP Center Green Dot Team
- Department Greek Life (Stakeholder)
- Residential Life (Stakeholder)
- Department of Student Life (Stakeholder)
- LGBTQ Resource Center (Stakeholder)
- Women’s Center
- Wellness Resource Center
- Mizzou Student Suicide Prevention Coalition
- ParentLink
- MU Resilience Task Force
- Missouri Students Association (MSA)
- Ellis Library Security Staff
- University Hospital Security Staff
- Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center
- Mizzou Store Staff and Administration
Summer Welcome
- Summer Welcome Leaders
- Incoming Freshman
- Transfer Students
- Parents
- Campus Facilities
- Campus Dining Services
- Student Health Center
- Mizzou Student Suicide Prevention Coalition
- Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
- Law Enforcement Training Institute (LETI)
- Division of IT
- Child Development Lab
- True North Shelter
- Boone County Sheriff’s Department