MU Has Joined Digital Federal Depository Library Program

The University of Missouri has joined the LOCKSS-USDOCS project of distributed preservation of US government information published by the Government Publishing Office.

The Digital Federal Depository Library Program, or the “USDocs” private LOCKSS network replicates key aspects of the United States Federal Depository System. The content is held in geographically distributed sites and replicated many times. Citizens have oversight and responsibility for the long-term care and maintenance of the content. All these characteristics mean the content will be preserved so that any alteration of the content (either deliberate or accidental) will be detected and repaired. For all documents, preservation in a tamper-evident environment is important, but for government documents, this is essential.

Our current focus is harvesting and preserving all collections hosted on GPO's Federal Digital System (FDsys).

For more information on the project, see the LOCKSS-USDOCS page: