Library Management Team Meeting, Action and Information Items, 3/28/16

Present: Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

INFORMATION ITEM: Deb stated that HSL is investigating changes to their relationship with OCLC that could potentially eliminate monthly cataloging and ILL subscription charges but would still allow them to accrue credit fees for the system.  We need to find out if the OCLC savings would actually be there, or if it would just amount to a cost shift to the primary subscription. We don’t know if the code change would be simply a global change or not. LMT members were agreeable to this idea, pending further investigation of how OCLC charges work.

ACTION ITEM: Deb and Corrie will be investigating changes to HSL’s relationship with OCLC charges and how these changes would affect library services.

INFORMATION ITEM: There were two details of the budget that LMT members wanted to make sure that staff were clear about. There will be a 5% cut to their student worker budgets with no money for discretionary increases. Also, the LSO budget is cut by 5% just like the rest of the MU Libraries budget.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT plans to hold a retreat on Wednesday and Thursday of Staff Appreciation week, which is May 18 and 19.

INFORMATION ITEM: There was a quick discussion of the cuts in hours to Ellis Library. It was agreed that cuts could start in the summer session. (NOTE: This is still being discussed.) Branches will operate their regular hours as they see fit. Ann is meeting with MSA about the possible cuts to hours at Ellis Library in the fall.

ACTION ITEM: Jeannette and Shannon will meet with the appropriate staff to make decisions about changes to the fall hours for Ellis Library.

INFORMATIOM ITEMS: LMT members agreed to hold a celebration of the new Centennial acquisition. It will be a punch and cookies reception sometime before the end of school. April 18 was discussed as a possible date.