INFORMATION ITEM: LMT further discussed the IT Transition Plan and how it may affect the Libraries. Several concerns were expressed about the effort to more centralize IT support. The Libraries will seek out more information and further address concerns.
INFORMATION ITEM: The Library and Library Committee have been trying to communicate as much as possible to the Faculty about the upcoming journal cuts and the Wiley/Elsevier review project. Several selectors have been invited to department meetings to further the discussion with faculty. A Journal cuts website is in the final stages of being created. The purpose of the site is to solicit faculty input about specific titles. The Libraries are also looking at the bundled packages offered by Wiley and Elsevier. The contracts of these expensive vendors (which represent over 1/3 of our materials budget) are up for renewal this summer. When the Libraries go into negotiations to renew at a lower price, we will need to know what titles can be cut and which titles must we keep or get through another vendor.