Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 2/25/16

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT would like to investigate two potential projects that involve collaboration with Wikipedia.   

  • One, recently discussed at GWLA, involves having designated “wikipedians” on campuses dedicated to updating and keeping accurate and up-to-date entries on local topics (University, city, areas, etc.). This project often works with Graduate students of Library Schools.  On our campus, there may be an opportunity for the Libraries to coordination.
  • Another project involved WikiEdu, a nonprofit organization trying to creating partnerships between Libraries and Wikipedia.  This project involves letting Wikipedia editors use Library databases in order to research and make entries better.  How this might exactly work and if it is possible and/or desirable is still being explored.   

The Provost and University Relations will be consulted and informed as the Libraries consider both of these exciting endeavors.

INFORMATION ITEM: the Award for Academic Distinction Ceremony will be held  Sunday, April 24th, 4:00-5:00 p.m. in 201 Ellis Library.  This organization sought us out two years ago and wanted to specifically have their event take place in the Ellis Library Grand Reading Room. 

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT will make sure a representative from the Libraries will be present at the University of Missouri Undergraduate Honors Convocation that occurs Saturday, May 14th, 8 a.m.  The invitation requested a Director or Associate Director attend in full regalia to help lead the procession. 

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT resolved to take part in the Library Diversity Alliance that is being created between Academic Libraries.  The goal of the effort is to offer fellowships to newly graduated Librarians of underrepresented groups.  Libraries are urged to ask for supplemental funding from their home campuses and local organizations. The Library will take part in the Alliance will plan to request funding from various MU diversity initiatives.  

INFORMATION ITEM:  Library Committee and Faculty Journal Communication.  The Chair of the Library Committee, Rabia Gregory, sent a letter to faculty about the journal review process. The Libraries’ Collections Steering Committee (CSC), is working on a follow-up message from the Library to help clarify. The Libraries will need to review our current subscriptions and have faculty input by time we go into renewal negotiations this summer.  The uncertain budget situation and the vendors’ practice of “bundling” our subscriptions complicate the process.  We do not know how many titles we have to cut nor do we know how decisions about each title will affect our cost until we get into negotiations.