Healthy for Life Update

Caught in the Act: Week 4
In week 4 of Caught in the Act, there were a total of 70 employees acknowledged for practicing Random Acts of Wellness. This is down slightly from last week but still an impressive number!  Keep those submission rolling in and get caught in on the act!

Here is a sampling of activities from week 4:

  • A manager taking the time to get to know staff and making sure they are supported
  • Parking on a high level in a garage and taking the stairs
  • Participating in a 5 minute chair yoga & breathing routine
  • Hosting a salad party instead of cake for an office birthday

The raffle winners from week 4 are as follows:

  • MU Campus: Andrea Kimura nominated by Margaret Jasinski
  • MU Healthcare: Samantha Galati nominated by Jamie Gale
  • UM System: No Nominations!
  • Extension: Karin Burgess nominated by Janice Perkins

Winners of the weekly raffle will receive a Yoga ball which can be used as a piece of ergonomic equipment in the workplace

There are many employees out there practicing random acts of wellness so let us know who they are.

Looking for more info?

Healthy for Life would like to extend a thank you to those Wellness Ambassadors who are promoting Caught in the Act and for your participation in the program. 

Culture of Health priority area: Empower and appreciate
Each Culture of Health priority area is featured on the Wellness Website along with many programs, discounts and resources associated with each. From the home page you may select any of the priority areas to find out more. This week we are exploring ‘Empower and appreciate’ which supports empowerment and appreciation by colleagues, yourself and the organization.

What you'll find on the website:

  • Easy action steps– These are simple action steps you can take empower yourself and appreciate others.
  • Empower yourself- Find tools for advancing your financial, educational and overall well-being.
  • Appreciate others- Find simple resources and ways to nominate someone for a staff award.

Going on now, Caught in the Act is a simple appreciation program designed to recognize employees for demonstrating random acts of wellness. Acts of wellness can be anything from taking the stairs, hosting a healthy potluck to mentoring a co-worker.  Want to find out more?

Ready to explore Empower and appreciate? Click here!

Looking for a Wellness Ambassador?
The Ambassador directory has recently been updated with many new ambassadors from across the University. Part of the Wellness Ambassador Portal, the directory now includes home department, parent department and address. Each campus, system and extension now have separate listings to make finding an ambassador easier than ever.

>>>Click Here to Find an Ambassador

Interested in becoming a Wellness Ambassador? Find out more information on the Ambassador portal and sign up today! Having more than one ambassador in a department is encouraged. All you need is desire to help promote a culture of health among faculty and staff!

Questions or need to update your information? Please contact Jen Oetting at

MU Extension Offers Incentive Eligible Classes
University of Missouri Extension will add to the menu of classes that earn you points toward your Wellness Incentive starting in January. Classes scheduled on campus include Taking Care of You, Powerful Tools for Caregivers, Stay Strong Stay Healthy and Youth Mental Health First Aid. See the attached flyer for class descriptions.

Registration: Required. Visit to complete your registration.


Wellness Incentive points awarded upon successful completion of course. Points are awarded by the 15th of the month following the month the course was completed. Contact for questions.