INFORMATION ITEM: An electrical shutdown in Ellis Library will be required soon – Campus Facilities informed Pat Jones that they will need to replace some of the electrical breakers in basement of Ellis Library. To complete the work the electricians will need to shut down power to the entire building. Campus Facilities would like to finish this repair as soon as possible after they receive the parts and equipment. Pat Jones will communicate to Campus Facilities that LMT prefers the work take place after finals. If it must take place during the semester, the Libraries request they work on a Friday at midnight or Sunday morning, when the Library is not open.
INFORMATION ITEM: Budget Update – Budgets have been a big topic of conversation at recent Council of Deans meetings. The Libraries are not alone at MU in having financial challenges. The Provost has asked the Libraries to provide a current budget strategy to meet the projected budget shortfall for 2016 as well as an ongoing plan for the future. The Libraries are seeking one-time assistance from various library and campus resources to assist with immediate shortfalls. The strategy will likely have to include some sort of journals cut. It is not clear yet how many or what titles. The ongoing Library plan will include educating the Mizzou community about the Libraries budget situation and spreading awareness of Open Access. Discussion ensued about whether or not the Libraries would ever consider trying to get another Library Fee. If so, would it be beneficial to try for a “targeted fee” that does not require a vote of the student body because it does not get charged to all students? It was generally agreed that any future student fee proposals, if there are any, would not be per credit hour but would, instead, be a flat fee.
INFORMATION ITEM: Kemper award display – The Libraries have been in discussion with the coordinators of the Kemper teaching awards about having a display in Ellis Library that shows the names of the past winners of the Kemper teaching award. After considering different areas, 114 Ellis Library was chosen as a potential place for the display. The display would not take up any student study space.
INFORMATION ITEM: Archiving Concerned Student 1950 movement – Matt Gaunt has reached out to the student leaders involved with the Concerned Student 1950 organization and has suggested that they turn over relevant documents from that groups activities to University Archives. Having some of this primary source material could be very valuable in the future if anyone tries to look into and understand what happened on the Mizzou campus in the Fall of 2015. Matt built a relationship with many of the student leaders due to his role in promoting the Library Student Fee. He hopes to build a bridge between the students and the personnel at University Archives.
Attendance: Grace Atkins, Wendy Batson, Shannon Cary, Anselm Huelsbergen, Federico Martinez-Garcia, Bryce McDonald, Mike Muchow, Wayne Sanders, Marcia Strong
INFORMATION ITEM: The MSA Presidential elections and the vote for the Student Library Fee was delayed one week. The Libraries will not campaign during this period as the campus continues to process and work through the events that led up to the resignation of the university president and chancellor. We will resume handing out flyers and encouraging students to vote during the new polling period (11/16/15 at 5 p.m. through 11/18/15 at 5 p.m.). Acting Director Ann Campion Riley has invited staff to one of two open meetings the day after the election ends to discuss the outcome of the ballot measure and the plans for Library funding going forward.
UPDATE – On 11/18/15 we learned that the fee did not pass. The election results were 46% in favor, 54% opposed.
INFORMATION ITEM: Now that the plans to create space in Ellis Library for the Kinder Institute have changed, the Libraries are in the process of returning material to the fourth floor. Preparations were underway to vacate a significant portion of that floor to make room for the new institute. Those plans will now stop. Also the students study area known as The Nook will no longer be relocated. For now, the recorded sound collection will stay in the northeast corner of the fourth floor.
INFORMATION ITEM: A survey of overnight library users has been developed to collect feedback from the individuals who use the building during the recently expanded hours of Ellis Library. Jeannette Pierce presented a draft to LMT. The survey will be administered around 3:30 a.m. Candy will be offered to participants who turn in a completed survey. The survey asks the students questions such as; What times did they come in? How long do they plan to stay? What services would students like to see offered overnight? etc.
INFORMATION ITEM: LTS is developing a computer program that uses information from Sierra to pull up the first and last names of MU students when a valid student ID is scanned. The system will be used by the security officers stationed at the Ellis Library entrances between the hours of midnight and seven a.m. to verify that individuals entering the Library are current MU Students. Security and LTS are still looking into the process and costs of eventuality using a door swipe system.
INFORMATION ITEM: The Libraries will explore keeping the upper floors of Ellis Library open until 2 a.m. during the week starting the Spring Semester of 2016. (We currently close floors two through four from midnight to seven a.m.)
INFORMATION ITEM: Six computer work stations will be put into Room 114 Ellis Library. This will provide a quiet computer area that will remain open past midnight. The target setup dates will be during the Thanksgiving break.
"MU library looks for new ways to improve after fee failed"
The Maneater, Dec. 1, 2015
"12 Things Tigers Did This Week"
Mizzou News, Nov. 20, 2015
"Board of Curators Holds Meeting to Listen to Student Concerns", Nov. 22, 2015
"Students bring hopes for campus improvement to curators' listening session"
The Maneater, Nov. 20, 2015
Present: Adrienne Arden, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Sheryl Cullina, Tammy Green, Terri Hall, Steven Hammer, Dustin Hoffmann, Jeanette Pierce, Ann Riley, Sandy Schiefer, Bette Stuart, & Deb Ward
Digital Services reported by Adrienne Arden
Last month I reported that our main scanner had broken down. The Zeutschel scanner is back in operation, and with its new motor, it may work even better than before. With this repair the Savitar migration has resumed. We have begun to migrate issues of “ShowMe”—thanks to Tammie Busch and student assistants. The covers are quite colorful and look good in our digital library.
We are almost done uploading books in four Ag Experiment Station series: Bulletin, Circulars, Research bulletins, and Special reports. Adrienne has done a lot of this work, with students helping out on some parts. Our next step will be to resolve problems and to determine why we have metadata without digital images for some.
Thanks to our GLA, more and more issues of the Columbia Missourian are now available. When the final 1925 issue is added, we’ll take a break from scanning and uploading so we can spend some time assessing our workflow and end products.
Our practicum student and English intern continue to work on “Pages from the past”.
Completed thus far: pages are uploaded, some of the metadata has been added, and pages are being organized by date, place of origin, and language. As you can see in the collection organized by date, users will be able to access and compare pages by date:
Hopefully, in the future we can use Facets as a way to collate items this way; Facets will not work in the digital library at this time. In the meantime, sub-collections is a quick way to provide this organization.
Institutional Repository:
With our new workflow using batch processing, we uploaded the spring and summer theses, and the spring dissertations in a snap. We have not received the paperwork for 2015 summer dissertations yet.
RAIS Division reported by Wendy Baston
E-Learning Update
Workshops, Tutorials and Event Recordings
Streaming Video Restricted License content:
Student fee projects
Book Chapter on Distributed Learning with Rebecca Graves
Engineering Library & Technology Commons Update
Science Branches Report
Engineering Library
Math Library
Government Publications & Data Services Update
Marie traveled to Washington DC for the annual FDLP conference in late October. While in DC the news came that Missouria tribal elders had accepted Willow's invitation to speak. Upon learning the status of those who'd be coming, the gov docs program was reworked to become a diplomatic welcome by the University and the Library itself. Marie began work on the Native American event immediately upon her return, and it took most of her time until November 4. With Marie's being out of the office and/or being otherwise occupied, Sandy held down the fort doing all of the things that must be done on a daily basis in the office, including taking more reference questions than usual and taking full part in the shared responsibilities in RAIS.
Instruction Update
Professional Development:
Journalism Library Update
Online Information Services Update
Research Services Update
User Engagement Update
Library Administration reported by Steven Hammer— all presented by Sheryl Cullina:
Sheryl Cullina presented the following–
Acquisitions & Collection Development, Accounting-ACTS Division, and Consortial Resources reported by Bette Stuart
Kathy Peters, David Walsh and Stara Herron are working on a project that will help make our large e-serials packages more visible and more easily accessible to Acquisitions staff as well as selectors. They are adding an internal note with a “990” MARC tag to item records. These notes can be found with a “z (Internal)” search, as well as a create list. So far, “990” notes have been added for titles in the Elsevier Core and the JSTOR Arts & Sciences collections.
HSL/Vet reported by Terri Hall & Deb Ward
Mike has created a webpage showing progress on the building construction next to the library, with a countdown to completion.
We participated in health sciences research day, and one of the presenters was the first to use the new method for depositing their work into MOspace.
Taira has been appointed to the planning committee for MU Healthcare Sharing Days to be held next spring.
Deb Ward reported that she would be traveling to Springfield to meet with the hospital librarians there, in order to establish a collaborative library services relationship that will support the School of Medicine expansion.
The hours for the Bookmark Cafe next week are Monday, Nov. 23 & Tuesday, Nov. 24 7:30 am to 2:00 pm, & closed on Wednesday, Nov. 25. The Wheatsone Bistro across the street at the Union will also be closed on Wednesday.
"MU students fail library fee"
The Maneater, Nov. 18, 2015
"MU students vote against library fee"
Columbia Missourian, Nov. 18, 2015
"Library seeks input from students, facutly after fee fails"
Columbia Daily Tribune, Nov. 19, 2015