Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 8/31/15

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT reviewed the proposed agenda and made additions/adjustments.

INFORMATION ITEM: Update on 114 Ellis Library: Pat Jones reported that carpet will be installed around 9/14/15. We hope the room will open to students soon after that date.

INFORMATION ITEM: Campus Facilities Department is updating the specifications of the UMLD expansion (Phase II).Plans and cost estimates will be used to further consider the Libraries proposal to complete the expansion as originally designed.

INFORMATION ITEM: Update on the conversion of room 205 Ellis Library into a US Census Regional Data Center:  Two meetings are planned with contacts from the RDC in the near future.  The meetings will discuss the security needs of the room and some of the operational details. The Center is operated independent of the Libraries but everyone is eager to explore how the resources of the two entities might complement each other.  

INFORMATION ITEM: Ellen and Ann Riley will meet with Risk management soon to talk about traditional insurance for the collection until the Libraries’ self-insurance fund is replenished. The self-insurance account is allocated an incremental amount of money per year.  The library lets that account build-up in order to draw money from the overall pool in the event of an emergency.  The pool of money was nearly all used up to deal with the mold situation.  Discussion ensued about how to insure the collection going forward.  More information and clarifications will be sought from Risk Management.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed specific and general issues about Ellis Library extending its hours beginning 9/8/15.  The Library will stay open 24 hours during the semester. The 24 hour operation will begin Sunday at 12 Noon and extend to Friday at 12 Midnight (during a typical semester week).  After Midnight, Security will ask library users to move to the ground and first floors.

INFORMATION ITEM: Library employee representation – Ann visited with Bryce McDonald who, along with others, would like to form a library staff organization as a comparable group to MULAC (MU Librarians and Archivist Council).  LMT expressed support.  The group would be initiated and organized by the staff.

INFORMATION ITEM: MU Libraries employees are encouraged to go to educational and training sessions, especially those offered by the Libraries. Division heads will ask supervisors to be as supportive as possible, acknowledging that coverage is sometimes an issue, especially with the reduced number of staff members.  As always, supervisor permission is still required to attend.

INFORMATION ITEM: Staff Development Committee will be conducting a needs assessment survey in September.