Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 8/11/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Ann Campion Riley welcomed the new members of LMT:

  • Budget/Library Finances – Ellen Blair
  • Security and Facilities – Pat Jones
  • Technology – Ernest Shaw
  • Human Resources – Sheryl Cullina
  • Corrie Hutchinson joins LMT as the acting head of ACTS.

These members will be very useful to quickly discuss and communicate any operational issues as they come up during the meeting.  As before LMT will invite other stake holders to meetings as needed.

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed two agenda items that they would like to send to Library Assembly:

  • Collection Steering Committee report – to better acquaint the assembly with their role.
  • Library Policy Review – two policies per meeting to review and consider updating or deleting.

INFORMATION ITEM: There has been some movement on the proposal to complete the UMLD phase II addition. The detailed building plans are being updated to submit with a formal proposal.  The new plans will include space for preservation work and a digitization lab. 

INFORMATION ITEM: Centennial Kick-Off will be September 23rd in Lowry Mall. Jim Cogswell will announce at the all-staff meeting, Thursday. Mark Ellis will send out a calendar invitation.

INFORMATION ITEM:  A Library gift announcement will take place in Ellis Library on September 11, 2015 at 11 a.m.  All Library employees will be invited.  Matt Gaunt will announce at the all staff meeting.  More information will be distributed as date approaches.

INFORMATION ITEM: Ellen Blair distributed and reviewed the three year expenditure spreadsheet that she will present at the all-staff meetings.  She also plans to review various miscellaneous figures such as book sale figurs, record sales and Bookmark Café earnings for past five years.

Future LMT agenda item:

  • A future agenda item will be Library safety and emergency procedures.