Discussion about students who are working on design and messaging for student fee campaign.
Due to the time commitments involved with their internships, they are not able to deliver the materials we were requesting by the end of July as originally planned.
The group agreed to see if they are still willing to work on the campaign materials, but deliver the work by the middle of August.
Discussion about space planning.
Cyndi Curnutte, the interior designer, and Bimal Balakrishnan, associate professor of architectural studies, were not able to meet yet. They will meet with student fee working group when we can get it scheduled.
We will work with Dr. Balakrishnan and his students on a visioning process for the space. This will give us some ideas we can put in front of students. Let students know they have a say in how the space is renovated.
Discussion about logistics of Student Fee Working Group (SFWG)
Ann Riley and Shannon Cary will work on communication to staff about the work of the group
Cindy Cotner will work on scheduling staff training on the student fee
Agreed that subcommittees need to be created that will report back to the group
Subcommittees are Collections, Proposal Document, Services, Social Media, Space Planning, Survey, Technology
LMT will work on committee composition and charges
Subcommittees need to meet by end of July
SFWG will create a timeline of the activities of the group for the fall
SFWG will work on talking points for various audiences