Library Assembly Meeting, May 26

Ellis Library Room 159
1:00 – 2:00 PM

Present:  Adrienne Arden, Wendy Batson, Jim Cogswell, Sheryl Cullina, Ruth Feldkamp, Tammy Green, Terri Hall, Dustin Hoffmann, Mike Holland, Suzanne Lippard, Ann Riley, Sandy Schiefer, Marcia Strong, Bette Stuart, & Deb Ward

  1. Discussion:
  • Guest Speaker – Sheryl Cullina


    • Funeral leave policy will be removed from the Libraries’ policy manual to coincide with the University’s policy
    • Other release time, like departmental training, is at the discretion of the supervisor
    • If there are questions, please contact Sheryl
  • New Officers for Library Assembly – Asked that the members please consider becoming the vice-chair/chair elect and the recorder.


    • Election results are:


      • President – Ruthe Morse
      • Vice President/President Elect – Karla Geerlings
      • Secretary – Bette Stuart
      • Treasurer – Jack Batterson
      • Courtesy Chair – Gwen Gray
      • MUSE Editors – Ashley Granger & Corrie Hutchinson
      • Ellis Staff Lounge Chair – Colleen Smith
      • Social Chair – Karen Eubanks & Steve Clayton
      • Book Sale Co-Chairs – Noel Kopriva & Rachel Brekhus
      • Community Service Chair – Ivy Hui
    • Recent fund raisers brought in:


      • Bake sale $82.95
      • Auction $285.00
  1. Director Announcements:
  • Renew Mizzou


    • A very short meeting was held regarding the July moving out process
    • Chancellor will be the first in
    • Once out of Room 114, work will begin to convert it to study space


      • The spare room in Room 114 will be kept as a future meeting room
      • Orange shelving will be removed


        • Concern was expressed about the stress placed on unbound issues not laid flat
        • Other options will be researched
  • Sierra Migration


    • It is currently in process
    • Only one day down time is expected
  • Library Management Team


    • LMT will have a retreat June 10-12
    • Plans will be discussed about if the student fee passes or what if it does not
  • Student Library Fee


  • New Campus Fundraising Campaign


    • New billion dollar fund raising campaign will begin in October
    • Funds will be for endowments for positions, collections and facilities
  • Library Anniversary Celebration – Events will be coming up
  1. Departmental Reports:

Special Announcement–Active Threat Training will be held at HSL on June 18, 1:00 – 5:00 PM. Staff from all of the libraries are welcome. Please e-mail Gayle Mooney if you would like to attend.

From VET Library presented by Terri Hall:

Kate Anderson won the Dean’s Impact award.

For Memorial Day and summer, Sue Giger put together a fantastic Animals in the Military book display. We’ll be working on a LibGuide companion.

We’re helping CVM archive over 500 news stories that are currently on the CVM web page. CVM is migrating to a new web site and didn’t want to lose this content. Content will be available in MOspace.

From HSL presented by Terri Hall:

HSL was mentioned in May 17th’s Tribune in an article about artist and graduate student Kyle Bader. Kyle’s works were on display at HSL during the spring semester.

RAIS Announcements presented by Wendy Batson:

RAIS decided that one Library Assembly representative for the division is adequate, so Wendy Batson will be the current representative effectively replacing the two former positions (Branches – Wendy and Reference – Rachel) with one representative.

  • In April and May, forums were held for undergraduate and graduate students to promote the student fee.
  • A new plagiarism check service is now available through LibAnswers and Blackboard.  Graduate students can use TurnItIn to check their theses for plagiarism.
  • The Libraries are transitioning to a new E-reserve system in early June. 
  • Cindy Cotner, Dianne and Jeanette Pierce presented about Open Education Resources at the Celebration of Teaching conference.  Judy Maseles, Navadeep Khanal and Rachel Brekhus also did a panel presentation, and several people sought them out later to express how much they liked it. One professor said, “My mouth is watering!  I had no idea that the library had all those things and I can’t wait to use them!”
  • Interviews for the User Engagement Librarian are ongoing and all library staff members are encouraged to fill out evaluation forms about the candidates.  Even if you are unable to attend the open presentations, you can still review the application materials and fill out the evaluation form.

Digital Services Report presented by Adrienne Arden

Digital Services bade farewell to our Practicum student, Kristen, who has graduated.  Our good wishes for her future, and many thanks go with her for fine service.

We now have a new Practicum student whom we look forward to working with over this summer.

The Journalism Master’s Projects, and the English Honors Projects for spring 2015 have been processed into the MOspace Institutional Repository.  

1,400 Extension publications were submitted recently and are being processed into the Digital Library.

We are currently working on a variety of projects with Special Collections, Journalism, and Archives.

Congratulations to two of our employees who are working toward an MLIS: Tammie Busch for completing her 2nd semester, and Hannah Salings (GLA), for completing her 1st semester.