April 21, 2015, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Ellis Library Room 159
Present: Adrienne Arden, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Jim Cogswell, Rebecca Graves, Tammy Green, Terri Hall, Dustin Hoffmann, Ruthe Morse, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Marcia Strong, Bette Stuart, & Deb Ward
1. Discussion:
Tammy Green volunteered to take the minutes for this meeting
Guest Speaker – Shannon Cary spoke about the upcoming events for Library’s Centennial.
Kick-Off Celebration – Sept 23, 2015, 11:00-2:00, Lowry Mall
Rededication Celebration – Jan 28, 2016, 3:30-5:30, Grand Reading Room
Centennial Library Society Dinner – April 15, 2016, 6:00-8:00, location to be announced
Upcoming Elections for New Representatives for Library Assembly
Sheryl Cullina will initiate elections.
Due to the reorganization of some departments, area representation may change for some.
Active Shooter presentation by Marcia Strong
Marcia recently attended a training session on the importance of preparedness in case of an active shooter incident.
It is possible to request individual or group sessions for this training or other types of situation training.
See Appendix A (below)
2. Director Announcements:
Security Concerns
Due to recent events, Jim Cogswell sees a need to follow up on security.
It was recognized that security in the branch libraries is dependent on building coordinators.
Jim is in communication with these coordinators about increasing security.
Other security concerns, such as fire and severe weather, were addressed by Library Management Team and Pat Jones, Security.
Fire drills will be held each fall.
Severe weather drills will be held each spring.
Forum Student Fee
The next forum will be held in Ellis Auditorium on April 23.
This will include music and food along with information on the fee.
There will be signage and a tent to aid students in finding it.
A table would be set up in Speaker Circle on Wednesday and Thursday, 10:00-2:00, to provide more information about the proposed fee.
There was a handout to share with colleagues about important points about the fee that would help in discussion about it. See Appendix B (below).
3. Departmental Reports:
Report on Research Services Department
Rachel Brekhus and Paula Roper are working on gathering information to help librarians with curriculum mapping.
Anne Barker has done some work with Paula Roper and Janice Dysart on developing/refining a service for compiling impact/citation information for faculty.
Rachel Brekhus attended ACRL in Portland, and Anne Barker will be attending the new Advancing Research and Scholarly Communication Conference in Philadelphia this month.
We had a fairly good attendance at the library-related presentations at CI Day in March.
Paula Roper was recently elected co-chair of the Black History Month Planning Committee.
Rachel Brekhus
Digital Services Report to Library Assembly
Library system problems beyond our control affected the Digital Library and the Institutional Repository earlier this month which resulted in some loss of productivity in those areas, though fortunately no loss of data. The latter was cause for concern, but we tried not to allow our fears to rule our heads. Thanks to the LSO programmers, we are up and running again. We are quite busy with
digitizing and uploading. One of Adrienne’s and our GLA Hannah’s biggest projects is providing access to MU theses and dissertations through uploading into MOspace and cataloging them. Digital Services works closely with the Graduate School to acquire the necessary paperwork and files to do this in a timely manner.
Adrienne Arden
Library Branch Announcements
The Engineering Library has completed processing and moving 16,000 books to clear one side of the library during the renovation of Lafferre Hall. The shelving and furniture on that side of the library still need to be taken out. In addition, one range of Reference books has been cleared on the remaining side of the library to create some extra study space.
Wendy Batson
Report from Health Sciences
At HSL, we are working with the School of Medicine on our shared payment for the Up-To-Date resource. School of Medicine pays two-thirds of the cost, which is the equivalent of the off-site access fee.
The Information Services search committee is continuing its work to find a replacement for Darell Schmick.
The HSL Sappington exhibit is now on display in Ellis colonnade, through the end of April.
The Vesalius exhibit is now on display in HSL, created by Special Collections librarians, in collaboration with Trenton Boyd and Amanda Sprochi.
Deb Ward
Report from Health Sciences & Vet Medicine Libraries
Sue Giger has started as the new Library Information Assistant at the VET Library
HSL had a successful celebration of National Libraries Week
The cake pops were a hit. Thank you to Jim for the funding for funding refreshments and to Shannon Cary and Steve Hammer for their assistance.
The Library Dayz game was enjoyed by many. Library users learned about library services and won prizes donated by Lakota Coffee, Tiger Garden and Staples.
We also held a book swap. There were about 20 participants. There were several positive comments from the participants. The leftover books were donated to the HSL collection, the MULSA book sale and Better World Books.
Thanks to Ivy Hui who helped plan, coordinate and execute the events. Thanks to Yasuyo Knoll for creating some of the signs and to the other HSL staff who contributed in a number of ways.
Terri Hall
Librarian and Archivist Council (MULAC) Report
Will be holding elections end of May/beginning of June for vice chair, chair elect, recorder, Faculty Council Rep & alternative, 2 Promotion Committee Members, 2 Administrative Affairs Policy & Nominations Committee members, and 1 Welfare & Professional Development Committee member.
The Promotion Committee held a workshop last week for librarians/archivists need to go or consider going up for promotions.
Jeannette Pierce gave a report on the status of library committees. Call for volunteers should be forthcoming from Sheryl Cullina and LMT will be looking at the length of committee terms.
Cindy Cotner reported that the Journalism students working on the Communications Audit have spoken with Shannon Cary and also Judy Maseles. It’s expected that the students will report back soon as the semester is almost over. The students have not had much contact with the ad hoc team working on this (Karla Geerlings, Shannon Cary, PT Martin, Cindy Cotner, Rachel Brekhus, Abbie Brown.)
Continued discussion on how we can better communicate with and support staff
Rebecca Graves, MULAC Chair
Report for Library Technology Services
ERES is being retired this summer in favor of Springshare; Judy Maseles is the contact for that project. I promise to have more for the next minutes.
Dustin Hoffmann
Appendix A
Surviving an Active Shooter
Run Hide Fight
Get out if there’s an escape
Leave whether others agree to or not
Help others to escape and prevent others from entering the area
Call 911 when you are safe
If you can’t get out, be out of the shooter view hide, lock and block the door
Silence your cell phone
Hide behind large objects and remain very quiet
Do not trap or restrict your options for movement
Fight because only your life is in danger
Attempt to take the shooter down act with physical force, use weapons and commit to your action
· Active shooter
· Sniper
· Hostage situation
· Terrorist threat
· Suicide and homicide bomber
You are responsible for your own safety in any response to an active threat.
The active shooter classes are upon demand by each departments, the classes are 3 to 4 hours long. You can contact Lieutenant April Colvin at 573-882-5927 or MUPD’s website to registrar for free self-defense classes.
Appendix B
Talking Points Regarding the Libraries Student Fee
The MU Libraries are working cooperatively with students to forge a vision for the future of the Libraries.
Students have expressed interest in modernized space, innovative new services, expanded collections, 24/7 library access and technology upgrades.
The students are considering a fee that will dramatically increase funding to the Libraries and help Mizzou deliver library services on par with our peer institutions.
The fee starts at $5 per credit hour and will be followed by $2 annual increases over the next five years.
The students will vote on the referendum in November.
The proposal calls for an estimated $4,330,000 in new funding in the fee’s first year and just under $13 million per year once it reaches its target in 2022.
Funds will be spent to improve all libraries on campus.
Ellis Library, Engineering Library, Geological Sciences Library, Health Sciences Library, Journalism Library, Law Library, Mathematical Sciences Library, Missourian Newspaper Library, University Archives, Veterinary Medical Library
Years of inadequate funding have taken a toll on collections, facilities and service capacity.
MU Libraries have prepared a draft plan that is in the process of refinement based on student input.