MU Libraries Participate in MU Remembers

Each year the members of the Mizzou family commemorate the lives of students who have passed away during the past year at an event called MU Remembers.That event occured today, April 3 at 2 pm. Jim Cogswell always attends this event as a representative of the MU Libraries. 

To serve as a memorial and tribute to the contribution of each student, the Libraries place a book in the collection that is related to the student's major or interests. A personalized bookplate is placed in each book and the book record in the computer catalog also states that the book has been placed in the collection as a memorial to the student. Letters with the title and cover of the book are sent to the parents. We have received many thank you notes from parents and some parents come to the library to look at the books.

In the future, there are plans to create an MU Remembers LibGuide with a complete listing of all the MU Remembers books.

If you would like more information about MU Remembers, you can visit