Taking Photos and Videos in Ellis Library
- Anyone taking photos or videos at Ellis Library needs to check in at the Admin Office (104 Ellis Library).
- The person(s) taking photos/videos will need to fill out a form and get approval from a staff member in Admin and possibly Security.
- The person(s) taking photos/videos will need to have a copy of this form with them while shooting in the library.
Publishing Photos of Patrons
- University of Missouri photographers and videographers must obtain a signed release form from any person appearing in a photo to be used by the university for publications, marketing materials, websites or any other communications.
- Release forms are available from the Admin office and on the forms section of the Libraries' staff web page: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/c.php?g=28456&p=174830
- More information about MU's photo and video releases can be found here: http://identity.missouri.edu/photos/releases/index.php