Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 3/6/15

INFORMATION ITEM: Jim Cogswell reported on his time spent with Provost Garnett Stokes, who was scheduled to meet with him and tour the Library on Wednesday, March 4th, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. She is still getting to know the job and the campus. She agrees the library has bigger issues than mold. Jim shared with her the Library presentation to the Budget Allocation Advisory Council (BAAC) as well as discussed Open Access, the Student Fee Proposal and many other issues.  Jim made it a point to promote and discuss the Specialized Libraries.  They agreed the discussion on all these and many other library topics will continue once she gets settled. Jim is not yet certain how often he and Provost Stokes will meet one on one.   

INFORMATION ITEM: Matt Gaunt joined LMT for a discussion about the student fee proposal and his hopes to hold open forums in the month of April to gather student feedback.  Matt suggests six such forums, each one hosted by a student organizations and assisted by small Library working groups made up of library employees.   Matt and LMT discussed who would make up the working groups based on the focus of the forums.  Each forum will focus on an aspect of the student library fee proposal (such as one forum for Collections, a forum for Services, possibly two forums for Space, etc.).  The last forum Matt hopes to be a large “town-hall” meeting hosted by the Library Student Ambassadors with Chancellor Loftin present.