Upcoming Black History Month Events

Candling the Flame: Using the Creative Process for Sustaining Social Justice
12–2 p.m. (drop in workshop),Craft Studio, N12 Memorial Union
Stop by the Craft Studio anytime from 12–2 p.m. and make something with your favorite social justice quote to help you stay inspired. Projects take approximately 1 hour to complete; please plan accordingly. Email questions to Amy at CraftStudio@ missouri.edu.
Sponsored by the Craft Studio

Am I Still Black If . . . ?
6 p.m., Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center
A dialogue on a variety of topics challenging the notion of what it means to be Black in 2015.
Sponsored by the Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center

The Fight for Racial Equality in Missouri
7 p.m., Leadership Auditorium, MU Student Center
MU alumni Jack and Gloria Logsdon speak about their work as activists in Columbia and Kansas City during the 1960s. Reception to follow. Sponsored by ABGPS, Mizzou Alumni Association, and Black History Month Committee

FILM: Nas: Time is Illmatic
7 p.m., Missouri Theatre
An account of rapper, songwriter and producer Nas’s evolution from a young street poet to a visionary MC.
Sponsored by MSA/GPC Black Programming Committee, Student Life, and Black History Month Committee

FEBRUARY 19-21, 26-28 & MARCH 1
Theatre Performance: The Whipping Man
7 p.m. (2 p.m. on March 1), Rhynsburger Theatre
Directed by Professor Clyde Ruffin
Sponsored by the MU Department of Theatre.
Call (573) 882-PLAY (7529) for tickets or reserve online at theatre.missouri.edu

Contemporary Artist: Edgar Arceneaux
Sponsored by Residential Life, Honors College, College of Education, Multicultural Center, Student Life, Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative, and the Vice Provost Undergraduate Studies

Friday, February 20—Artist Workshop
9:30–11:30 a.m., Craft Studio, N12 Memorial Union
With Professor Alexis Callender. Space is limited. RSVP to CallenderA@missouri.edu.

Friday, February 20—Artist Talk
12–1:30 p.m., The MARK, Mark Twain Hall
Discussion of Arceneaux’s work exploring Martin Luther King, Jr’s ideas and legacy. Students, staff and faculty without a meal plan RSVP to

Saturday, February 21—Artist Workshop
9:30–11:30 a.m., Craft Studio, N12 Memorial Union
Drawing for all ages and skill levels. Bring $1 or a non-perishable food item to donate to a local community organization.

New Posts, Feb. 2-6

  1. Director's Calendar, Feb. 9-13
  2. Turner Avenue Garage Elevator Project Update
  3. Report of Injury/Work Injury Services
  4. Urgent Care Has Moved
  5. Opening Reception for The Nook, Feb. 12
  6. MU Libraries Fundraising Update
  7. Inaugural SEC Academic Collaboration Award
  8. RJI and MU Libraries Receive Knight Grant
  9. MU Libraries in the News
  10. Anderson Presents "Responsible Authorship and Publication Ethics" on Feb. 18
  11. Amigos Update
  12. Upcoming Black History Month Events

Director’s Calendar February 9th – 13th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, February 10th   
2:00–3:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

3:30-5:00 p.m. – Student Library Fee Working Group, Ellis Library

Thursday, February 12th  
8:00-10:00 a.m. – Council of Deans, Memorial Union

3:30-4:30 p.m. – Grand Opening of The Nook, 4 East, Ellis Library

Friday, February 13th 
11:00 a.m. – Library Committee, Ellis Library 

Report of Injury/Work Injury Services

The University of Missouri Risk Management sent out the following information about workplace injuries and worker’s compensation.  If you are injured at work, please be sure to follow the steps below.  Please direct any questions to Ellis Security (882-4220) or Sheryl Cullina (882-9166).

1.Employee:  report work related injury immediately to your supervisor.  Failure to report may jeopardize your ability to receive workers’ compensation benefits.

2.Supervisors: direct employee to authorized medical care immediately if indicated. 

3.Supervisors:  complete the report of injury form within 24 hours of employee notice (http://www.umsystem.edu/ums/fa/management/risk/forms/)

Authorized Medical Care

1.7:30am-4pm Monday – Friday
Work Injury Services
University Hospital Room MC-11
Phone: 884-9924

2.After Hours  Until 7pm Monday – Friday and 8am-4pm Saturday – Sunday
Mizzou Urgent Care
551 E. Southhampton Drive (across from State Farm)
Phone: 882-1662

3.Emergency or After Hours
MUHC – University of Missouri
One Hospital Drive
Phone: 882-4141

Opening Reception of The Nook, Feb. 12


Please join MU Libraries staff for the opening reception of The Nook, 4th floor NE, Ellis Library. The reception will be held at 3:30, Thursday, February 12, 2015.

Funding to create this new study space in Ellis was made by a generous award from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee. The Libraries would like to thank them for continuing support.

Light refreshments will be provided.

MU Libraries Fundraising Update

As of December 31, 2014, the University of Missouri has raised $65,786,043 or 38 percent of our $175 million 2015 goal. While this number is below projections it makes us realize how important it is to quicken our pace, deliver more proposals, regain focus and build positive momentum for the final six months of this fiscal year.

The MU Libraries have raised $3,100,000 of its $2,000,000 goal or 155 percent. This total includes standard campaign counting of outright cash, gifts-in-kind, new planned gifts, new pledges and sponsored research. The Libraries have had success by securing the following commitments this year – William Trogdon at $1,500,000, Jeannette Bobeen at $200,000 and Martha Mares-Lebo at $850,000 just to name a few.     

While this is very exciting news for the MU Libraries, it is important to note that the bulk of the giving has come through estate gifts that will not be received right away.


Inaugural SEC Academic Collaboration Award

Jeannette Pierce and Anne Barker will be joining two MU students for an SECU workshop entitled Developing Partnerships to Advance Open Access Initiatives at SEC Universities.  Students and representatives from each SEC university will work together to develop strategies to advance open access and open educational resource initiatives at their home institutions. 

We are fortunate to be sending two outstanding MU students to this event.  Hallie Thompson, President of the Graduate Professional Council (GPC) and Benjamin Vega, Chair of the MSA Senate Academic Affairs Committee.   Hallie is a third year Ph.D. student in Plant Sciences.  She earned her B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Missouri in the December 2011.  Hallie is currently serving as the Assistant National Director of Legislative Affairs for the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS).  Benjamin is an undergraduate student in the Biological Sciences.  He was selected by the Biological Sciences Division for an “Outstanding Sophomore in Biological Sciences” award in 2013.

The Texas A&M University Libraries will host this inaugural SEC Academic Collaboration Award event to be held Feb. 6-8 at the Sterling C. Evans Library.  Here are a couple of recent announcements with additional detail:

SEC Academic Collaboration Event To Address Scholarly Communication

University Libraries hosts first-ever SEC Academic Collaboration Award Workshop

We are all excited about the opportunity to attend the workshop.  Hallie will be tweeting.

RJI and MU Libraries Receive Knight Grant

A $35,000 grant from the Knight News Challenge on libraries will help MU Libraries and the Reynolds Journalism Institute develop a long-term model to protect born-digital news content from being lost forver. Edward McCain will lead the effort to test assumptions about the perservation and monetization of small-newspaper articles. Congratulations to Edward!

The complete press release is here.

More links:
NetNewsCheck, Jan. 30, 2015
This Week @ ANA, Feb. 5, 2015
Virginia's ePress, Feb. 4, 2015
Editor & Publisher, Feb. 2, 2015