Go Green! Review Your Pay Advices in myHR!

Employees can elect to review their pay advices electronically in myHR rather than receive them via campus mail.  Electing to review your pay advices electronically rather than receiving hard copy in the mail saves paper and energy, and helps contribute to environmentally sustainable practices at the University of Missouri.  You are able to view and print current and past pay advices in myHR.


To make this election, log in to myHR (https://myHR.umsystem.edu).  Click on Self Service > Personal Information > UM Employee Data.  Then select the 3rd box down.

um employee data



To view and print your paycheck, click on Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > View Paycheck.  Then select the check date of the paycheck you would like to review.


view paycheck

Welcome to Jillian Bueno, Mike Knoll and Corrie Hutchinson

Please welcome the following new employees to the MU Libraries:

–          Jillian Bueno, part time Library Information Assistant at UMLD.  Jillian starts on Monday, 2/10/2014.

–          Mike Knoll, Library Information Specialist I in Circulation Reserve.  Mike starts on Monday, 2/17/2014.

–          Corrie Hutchinson, Head Acquisitions & Collection Development.  Corrie starts on Monday, 2/17/2014.

Library Assembly Minutes, Jan. 28, 2014

Present: Kate Anderson, Deb Ward, Ruth Feldkamp, Adrienne Arden, Libby Myre, Karen Witt, Wendy Batson, P.T. Martin, Jim Cogswell, Sarah Bryant, Rachel Brekhus, Sheena Waggoner, Jack Batterson, Jeanette Pierce, Marcia Strong, Shelly McDavid

1.Discuss changed Guidelines to reflect new structure of Access, Collections & Technical Services:

·        Add to “Members” guidelines & add #5

“In the event a department restructure, or a representative need replacing the department can appoint a representative, and in the latter case the department has the option to appoint the alternate from the previous election, which can be retrieved from the Human Resources Manager. The representatives may serve until the end of the term year in June. In June new representatives for departments can be added to the Human Resources Manager nominations for committees.”


“If a department needs to replace a representative before that representative’s term has been served, then the department may appoint a representative to serve until the end of the term year in June. In the event a new department is created, then that  department must elect a new representative from among its ranks to serve until the next election in June.”

·        Appendix A

o   Jack Batterson suggested that the committee look at this section to review it for other possible changes that need made also.

o   Add departments to the list:

§  Cataloging and Metadata

§  Digital Services

§  Collection Services

·        Membership Section of Guidelines

o   Amended changes to the membership were decided and will be reflected accordingly. Sheena will bring the new changes to share at the next meeting.

·        Departments and how they are represented

o   Jim asked, “Is a department a division that is represented by a division head?”

§  Yes, as defined in Appendix A.

·        Library Assembly information disseminated to departments: Communication

o   Is HSL Adequately represented?

§  Deb Ward is checking to verify that everyone in HSL is pleased with the information dissemination of their representative. 

o   Discussed other smaller departments and how their chain of command for Library Assembly information dissemination is handled. 

1.Future meetings for Library Assembly:

·        Ideas and Suggestions

o   Judy Maseles – have her come talk about the website

o   Pat Jones from the Space Committee – have her come talk with the group

o   Renew Mizzou – have some specific people come talk and answer questions; maybe at the April 2014 meeting

o   Centennial planning: May 2014 topic


2.Posting open positions

·        There will be an all-staff email notification for open positions and those positions will be posted for the prescribed open time in the News Notes. We want the most coverage when a vacancy comes open. (Sept. 8, 2010)

·        News Notes do not line up with posting period.

o   News Notes is the archival record for these postings

§  Determined need to continue posting to this repository

o   Library Assembly feels even with redundancy in News Notes, it is important to send a quick email to all library staff too.

o   Replacing the wording in the September 28, 2010 minutes by adding “beginning” after prescribed.

§  They will read: “Will be posted at the prescribed beginning of the open time…”

o   News Notes job links go to the myHR job site and do not take you to a full description of the job

§  Sheena states, “This was done on purpose, since this is the place where employees would be able to apply for these open positions.”

§  The job number of the position is usually referenced in News Notes for ease of finding the posting in myHR where the job description can be found.       

3.Director Announcements:

·        Sentencing hearing for arsonist

o   Thursday, January 23, 2014 in Jefferson City, Jim traveled to take part in the sentencing of the arsonist, Christopher Kelley

§  Sentenced to 6 ½ years in prison

§  Also liable for over $500,000 restitution

·        After he has served his 6 ½ years, it is up to the judge to determine how the restitution will be paid

·        Renovation of 2nd floor

o   Ellis 2nd Floor, proceeding, painting the west staircase is largely completed and open again

o   Corridor to the west reading room is open, but there is a barrier on the south side to complete work on the restrooms

·        Mold

o   Three major questions being asked

§  Need to place a FAQ on the website outlining the answers to these questions:

·        1) Why was there was no insurance other than our special insurance fund? Our property insurance company does not cover this kind of loss?

o   Supplemental insurance fund was our insurance

o   Determined need for a facility that we have climate control over

·        2) Can we have people take books from out of there, so they do not have to be destroyed?

o   No, this could lead to recontamination

§  Do not want recontamination of our own collections or other libraries collections, in case they were ever donated back to our library or any other library

§  We have been advised by the Preservation Staff at the Library of Congress to destroy what we are not remediating

·        3) What can we do to help out?

o   Matt Gaunt and Jim Cogswell are working to set up a fund for people to donate money for this cause, both now and in the future

o   The funds collected will go into a fund to be used for this specific purpose

§  People inquiring about the mold problem

·        Refer them to Shannon Cary who will field their questions

§  Preservation of items at UMLD2

·        Most likely saving less than half of those adversely affected

·        Items in UMLD1 and UMLD2 are owned by the Curators of the University

o   Other university campuses do not want to save duplicate titles, this is a decision for the Curators

·        UMLD1 currently has room for approximately 200,000 titles

·        2% Reallocations of Budgets

o   There will be about $60 million going toward the UMC Strategic Operating Plan

§  $37 million coming from the reallocation process

§  $18 million coming from a combination of new enrollment and new supplemental fees, if the Board of Curators say yes to this proposal; none of these fees are for the library

§  $5 million will come from the state’s budget

·        The Strategic Operating Plan, strategic priorities are:

o   Raises for high ranking faculty

o   New Hires

o   New facilities, such as laboratories

4.Departmental Announcements

·        Reference: Rachel Brekhus

o Instruction ramping up

o Reshuffling of subject responsibilities

o Anne Barker doing lots of work pertaining to the mold

·        Health Sciences Library: Deb Ward

o Ed Parker is retiring at the end of February 2014

§  In the process of posting and rehiring that position

Meeting Adjourned at 2:03pm

Healthy for Life Update

Earn your 2014 Wellness Incentive in your May paycheck. See the attached User Guide!
In 2014 active UM medical plan subscribers can earn your $100 Wellness Incentive in your final May paycheck by completing two simple steps: your online personal health assessment and health screening. Plus, we’ve implemented a new, easier to use Cerner Health account that allows you to track your weight, exercise and food goals, participate in wellness workshops and connect with a dietician or trainer with the click of a button. Health screenings are available now—sign up for yours today!

Step 1: Complete your Personal Health Assessment (PHA). Start by creating your Cerner Health Account, or log into your existing account by visiting https://www.healthyforlife.umsystem.edu. You’ll be able to complete your Personal Health Assessment and learn more about your health risks.

Step 2: Complete your Health Screening. You can schedule your free health screening at a convenient time and location on campus through your Cerner Health account. Or you can visit your doctor. You can use results from your annual physical exam obtained May 1, 2013 through April 30, 2014.

Taking Care of YOU: Body • Mind • Spirit

Good intentions to take care of yourself can be pushed out of reach by the demands on your time and attention.  You may overextend yourself trying to meet the needs of others, face daily responsibilities or live up to expectations.  These demands can lead to feeling stressed or burned out. Life is full of choices—and those choices affect the body, mind and spirit.  Taking Care of YOU is designed to help you deal with life's stress, make wise choices and explore ways to live a healthier life. Taking Care of YOU is an eight-week program that offers practical strategies to help deal with the stress in your life.  Managing life's challenges in healthy ways allows you to take better care of yourself and your overall health.  Each week you will explore topics through small group discussion, self-reflection and activities.

When: Tuesdays, March 6 – May 1 (no class on March 27, spring break) 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Where:  Heinkel Building, Room 226

Cost:  $35    

Registration Deadline:  February 25, 2014

Taking Care of YOU Registration Form PDF

For questions or more information contact the program instructor: Vera Massey, Nutrition & Health Education Specialist, University of Missouri Extension, 573-445-9792 or masseyv@missouri.edu

Come join the Lunch & Learn Series on Quick and Easy Chinese Vegetarian Cooking.

SAVE THE DATE:          February 18, 2014

LOCATION:                  Room 185 GSB

TIME:                           Noon

PRESENTER:                Paula Vandelicht, Hy-Vee Dietitian

 DESCRIPTION:            Chinese Recipes – Vegetarian and with Meat

Bring your lunch and drink, and explore a couple of Chinese recipes to include in your healthy foods for 2014.

If you are a Campus Facilities employee and this is not your regular lunch hour, please get approval from your supervisor and

register with your CF Department Training Representative.

Registration requested due to room capacity.


New Fitness classes have started—it’s not too late to join!

Start 2014 off in a healthy way by enrolling in one or more of the fitness classes being offered to faculty and staff members. Some of the classes include yoga, pilates, zumba, and strength conditioning. Please check out the website at http://www.umsystem.edu/curators/wellness/classes_mu If you have any questions please email Sarah Ellis at elliss@umsystem.edu

Jan. 17-Feb. 21 (Fridays): Zumba. Quarterdeck, Room QD251.Class meets every Friday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Please register and the cost is $24 for the series or $5 drop-in fee. Class is taught by Megan Jones. If you have questions, email Megan at jones.megan004@gmail.com

Jan. 6-Mar. 10 (Mondays): Pilates.  Townsend, Room 223. On Feb. 17 class will meet in Townsend 109. Class meets every Monday from 12:10-12:50p.m. Class is taught by Tina Price. No registration is needed. Fee: $3 per class. If you have questions, email Tina at  PriceT@missouri.edu

Jan. 8-Mar. 12 (Wednesdays): Pilates.  Townsend, Room 223. Class meets every Wednesday from 12:10-12:50p.m. Class is taught by Tina Price. No registration is needed. Fee: $3 per class. If you have questions, email Tina at  PriceT@missouri.edu

·         Weds Feb 26 –meets in Towns. 222

Gentle Yoga (Tuesdays & Thursdays): Ongoing. Dalton Research Center. Class meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:10-12:50 p.m. $3 per class; pay by month for one or two days a week (average cost $27 or $15 per month) Class is taught by Sandy Matsuda. If you have questions, email Sandy Matsuda at matsudaS@missouri.edu

Jan. 6-Feb. 10 (Mondays): Gentle Yoga. Quarterdeck, Room QD251.Class meets every Monday from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Registration is needed with a minimum of 8 students. The cost is $18 for 6 week series. Class is taught by Sandy Matsuda. If you have questions, email Sandy at matsudaS@missouri.edu


Hy-Vee offers great meal ideas—enroll in the DISH program!

DISH –Dinner is Solved at Hy-Vee.   Get a group of friends together, choose recipes, bring the fun and come to Hy-Vee. In as little as 2 hours at Hy-Vee, you can create entrees to prepare home cooked meals for your family.  With delicious entrees to plan the week around, it is easy to bring the family back to the table.  We Shop, You Cook, We Clean.  For more information, contact Paula Vandelicht at pvandelicht@hy-vee.com or call 573-442-8595 today.

NDSA Update

The February issue of the Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available!

Included in this issue:

*         Spotlight on Digital Collections, including an interview with Lisa Green on Machine Scale Analysis of collections, and a look at the Cultural Heritage of the Great Smoky Mountains

*         Digital Preservation Aid in Response to Tornado

*         NDSA Digital Content Area:  Web and Social Media

*         Wikipedia and Digital Preservation

*         AV Artifact Atlas, FADGI interview with Hanna Frost

*         Several updates on the Residency Program

*         Listing of upcoming events including the IDCC (Feb 24-27), Digital Maryland conference (March 7), Computers in Libraries (April 7-10), Personal Digital Archiving 2014 (April 10-11)

*         And other articles about data, preservation of e-serials, and more.

Sue Manus
Library of Congress / NDIIPP



