Healthy for Life Update

Show Me Better Health classes starting next month!
Show Me Better Health is an interactive workshop that teaches you the skills you need to take control of your health. This program is designed for people who have an ongoing health condition such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, fibromyalgia, depression or any other ongoing condition. It is also beneficial for individuals who are caring for someone with an ongoing condition.

Sessions are highly participative, where mutual support and success builds your confidence in your ability to manage symptoms and maintain active fulfilling lives. Topics include exercise and nutrition; managing pain, fatigue, difficult emotions and depression; medications and making treatment decisions; talking with your friends, family and healthcare team; and more. You will receive the book Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions and a Time for Healing CD. The next workshop series is starts June 11 and is scheduled every Tuesday through July 16th (6 weeks) from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the University Hospital. The workshop is FREE. For more information, see the attached flyer or contact Amber Phelps at

Get out of the “clean your plate” club – Register for the Eat for Life online course NOW!
Discover the benefits of Eat for Life—an innovative approach to weight management. This 10-week program uses mind-body practices (meditations and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help create a healthier relationship to your food, mind and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you. 

Win a Healthy for Life gift basket for referring someone to the in-person Eat for Life program! Simply tell the participant to put your name down in the “referred by” section of their registration form.

·         In-person course: Orientation: May 27 | Classes: June 3 – Aug. 5 (12 – 1 p.m.)

·         Online course: Orientation: starting May 30 | Classes: week of June 6 – week of Aug. 8.

·         Cost:

o   $50 for faculty, staff and family ($25 refunded with full participation).

o   $180 for community.

·         Register: Email Craig Deken at

Program taught by Dr. Lynn Rossy, health psychologist. For more information: watch informational videos or find more details online.

Free cancer screenings
Ellis Fischel Cancer Center is offering free cancer screenings for men and women ages 18 and older. The screenings will be held on Friday, May 16, from 1 – 3 p.m. at Ellis Fischel Cancer Center (second floor; One Hospital Drive). Screenings take about ten minutes. Registration is required. Contact Pam Garfias at (573) 882-4289 or

Interested in participating in a Healthy Lifestyle Change research project?
Have you made a change toward a healthier lifestyle in the past two years? Are you willing to share your story to help researchers understand how people make healthy changes? Aaron Bonsall, Ph.D., is currently researching how family affects lifestyle changes. See the attached flyer for more information, or contact Dr. Bonsall at

Need a 5k to start the summer off right?
Run or walk the Hallsville Optimist Club 5k on Saturday, June 14. This is one of their major annual fundraisers. Funds support annual high school scholarships and numerous youth leadership and development opportunities such as Boys and Girls State, Missouri Leadership Seminar, Parents as Teachers, and the Hallsville Buddy Pack Program. See the attached flyer for details.

DIY corporate yoga program—Enroll now!
Learn a new yoga program for yourself or train to be a yoga instructor for your organization. Be a cool breeze of calm, helping yourself and/or students maintain personal peace and wellness, and avoid or minimize pain and repetitive stress in the workplace. Enroll in this new yoga training program held on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus.

When: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. May 27 – July 31. No classes June 24 – July 3; classes resume July 8.

Time: 12:10 – 12:50 p.m.

Location: Memorial Union

Registration: Go to the DIY Corporate Yoga Program webpage. Space is limited. Registration closes May 20, 2014 at 5:00pm.

Coursework will cover over thirty postures, twelve breathing techniques and 8 aspects to engaging a personal or shared yoga program that tackles the sneakiest sabotaging patterns in your work environment. Reclaim satisfaction in your personal and professional life. Class is taught by Ashley Jenkins. For more information, visit Element Yoga’s DIY Corporate Yoga Program webpage. Evening classes are available; contact Ashley Jenkins for more information.

Healthy for Life presentations and workshops
If you are looking for guest speakers at your department or staff meetings, Healthy for Life will speak to your group about campus wellness programs. Wellness workshops are also available on several other topics, such as stress management, physical activity, and healthy food choices.

May is Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month
If you’re among the millions of people who suffer from seasonal allergies, you’ll be greeting spring with an itchy nose and watery eyes. For those who also suffer from asthma, seasonal allergies can affect the airways in the lungs with symptoms ranging from mild to serious or even life threatening. The good news is that it can be controlled and you can find relief. See the attached flyer for tips on how to breathe easier as the spring turns into summer.

“Get Real! Teaching with Library and Museum Collections on Campus” Session on May 21

 Special Collections and Rare Books department invite all colleagues to attend our session “Get Real! Teaching with Library and Museum Collections on Campus" at the Celebration of Teaching Conference, on Wednesday, 21 May, in 219 Cornell Hall, from 2:00 to 2:50 pm.

The panelists represent a broad spectrum of MU scholars: Jessica Boldt, an assistant curator at the Museum of Anthropology; Joan Stack, Curator of Art Collections at the State Historical Society, and her colleague, manuscript specialist John Konzal.  Arthur Mehrhoff, of the Museum of Art and Archaeology will talk about a Roman coin, and  Maggie Mayhan, historical educator at the State Historical Society will lead the discussion. 

Special Collections and Rare Books department will be represented by Kelli Hansen, who organized the session and is its Chairman; Karen Witt who will speak about World War II posters from the Special Collection, and Alla Barabtarlo, with a talk on The Virtue of the Real Text vs. Virtual Reality, or The Clay’s the Thing!

Special Collections Update

Special Collections weekly Tumblr roundup
Special Collections is actively posting content to Tumblr to raise the visibility of the collections and connect with researchers, students, and book lovers all over the world.  We’re enjoying a great response there, so we thought our colleagues here would be interested in seeing a roundup of a few of our top posts each week.  Enjoy!

·         Fore-edge Painting featuring Abraham Lincoln (click through to see the animated gif)

·         6 Books that Look Like They Belong at Hogwarts: Book 4

·         Arthur Rackham’s 1920 illustrations for Sleeping Beauty

·         Phrenology

Stay tuned for next week’s roundup, or connect with us online: Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr

Wrapping up the Comic Book Lounge
Special Collections, Security, and LTS teamed up to create the Ellis Library Comic Book Lounge in the Colonnade during Monday and Tuesday of finals week.  Special Collections staff supervised use of comics over the lunch hour (11-2) each day, and about 40 students used the lounge during those hours. Many students also availed themselves of the refreshments provided .  We noticed some great comments on social media:

  • Now this is a kind and understanding library.  Finals, graduations, etc., and they are offering a respite and safe haven from the stress.  Well done!
  • My alma mater knows what’s up.
  • Some mad genius must have made this comic up in Ellis Library.
  • Way to deal with finals stress!  Excellent!

Kudos to Pat Jones, Connie Housley, and PT Martin for coming up with the idea to create the lounge! Special thanks to Amy Spencer, David Henderson, Shelby Wolfe, Dana Houston, Dottie Heuer, William Martin, Duane Bittle, Dustin Hoffman, and all the other staff who made this event a success.

–Kelli Hansen

Bhullar and Khanal to Serve on GWLA Student Learning Task Force

GWLA Libraries Impact on Student Learning Task Force will be working on a cross-institutional research study on the impact of library educational interventions on student success. Goodie Bhullar and Navadeep Khanal will represent the MU Libraries on the task force.  Members will consult on research design and analysis and collect local data.  

New Posts, May 5-9

  1. Director's Calendar, May 12-16
  2. Goodbye to Samantha Engel
  3. Welcome to Kat Stone
  4. Web Tip of the Week
  5. NDSA Update
  6. Library Assembly Minutes
  7. DeWeese Honored by the Department of Residential Life
  8. Healthy for Life Update
  9. MU Libraries in the News
  10. Dykas Publishes Article in Society Proceedings
  11. Barabtarlo Nominated for Excellence in Education Award and Selected as Global Scholar
  12. HSL Presents Poster at MU Health's Sharing Days Event
  13. Amigos Update