Change in Reporting Structure for Digital Curator

Edward McCain, Digital Curator for Journalism, has completed the first year of a planned three-year pilot program undertaken by the MU Libraries and the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI). Over the past year, Edward has worked under a split reporting relationship, with both Mike Holland, Assistant Director of Libraries for SCARaB, and Randy Picht, Executive Director of the RJI, sharing supervisory responsibilities. On August 1, Edward will begin reporting to Jeannette Pierce, Associate Director of Libraries for RAIS, who will take over the shared supervisory duties with Randy Picht for the second year of the pilot. For the third year of the pilot, Anne Riley, Associate Director of Libraries for ACTS, will assume the shared supervision. We hope that this rotation across several divisions of the libraries will facilitate sharing of information surrounding the growing number of digital initiatives undertaken by the libraries and allied departments on campus.

College Colors Day is August 29


It’s COLLEGE COLORS DAY (CCD) time again and the Licensing and Trademarks Office is asking for help from your area to promote the event.  August 29th marks the 2014 annual College Colors Day, a tradition to promote school spirit and the start of college football season.  Students, staff, alumni & fans are encouraged to participate by wearing their BLACK and GOLD. 

Mizzou is participating in the third annual College Colors Day spirit competition and is asking for fan support to help win the national Spirit Cup award, which includes $10,000 toward the general scholarship fund as well as a chance to win an all-expenses paid trip to the College Football Playoff National Championship game.

The Spirit Cup is a points-based rivalry competition that utilizes social media platforms to crown its champion. Tiger fans can earn points for Mizzou by showcasing their school spirit on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtags #collegecolors and #mizzoumade. The Spirit Cup competition kicks off on August 1 and runs through August 28 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Winners of both the Spirit Cup competition and the College Football Playoff sweepstakes will be announced on College Colors Day, Friday, August 29, via

We encourage you to visit the official College Colors Day website, for detailed information along with registering your department as a participant.   We would like to see several Mizzou departments registered!!!!   You can also post your pictures on the Licensing Facebook page at

Action and Information items from Library Management Team 7/22/14

INFORMATION ITEM: MU Libraries Communications Officer Shannon Cary requested information to share at the Gathering. The Gathering is an informal meeting of student-centered departments at MU that meet annually before the start of each Fall Semester to share student-related information. LMT will ask Shannon to report the impact of Renew Mizzou and the Libraries’ implementation of LibAnswers.

ACTION ITEM: After LMT reviewed the MU Libraries Strategic Directions and Goals survey (Created in the web-based program Qualtrics), they made a few minor changes to the wording. LMT also resolved to move the “close” date of the survey from July 31 to August 5. The survey will be distributed as soon as possible after the recommended changes are made.

INFORMATION ITEM: INFORMATION ITEM: Jim is preparing a brief report for Interim MU Provost Ken Dean to discuss the Libraries’ budget situation. 

ACTION ITEM: LMT resolved to fill the Head of Access Services Librarian Position.  No other positions will be filled until a better grasp of the budget situation is established.


JULY 21-AUGUST 8, 2014

It’s time again to help the Rainbow House.  They will gratefully accept any donation of school supplies, but the following are the items they are most in need of:

Backpacks: New or used, but clean.

#2 pencils

2-pocket folders

8-count markers

12-inch rulers

Composition notebooks

Large erasers

Large glue sticks

Lined index cards

Liquid glue bottles

Pencil sharpeners


Hand sanitizer

Facial Tissues (boxes)


Please bring your donations to Sue Barnes’s work area in the Technical Services/Acquisitions area of Ellis Library (#52).   

Please contact Sue for pick-up or give your items to the mailroom staff when they make their deliveries.

Monetary donations are also accepted.


Sue Barnes


Delivery is scheduled for 1 pm Friday August 8th.

Please have all donations in by noon on Friday, August 8th.


New Posts, July 14-18

  1. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team, July 15, 2014
  2. MULSA Recovers Chairs in Staff Lounge
  3. Librarian Promotions
  4. MUSE Posts
  5. MU Libraries in the News
  6. Lactation Room Now Available in Ellis Library
  7. Special Collections Outreach Update
  8. Concannon to Chair Federal Advisory Committee
  9. Amigos Update
  10. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team, July 8, 2014
  11. Director's Calendar, July 21-24