Farewell to Wayne Barnes

Monday, October 27 will be Wayne’s last working day in Ellis Library. We will have a small farewell reception in the East Reference offices on the 27th, Noon-3:00. Please come by to wish Wayne well as he gains closure on this career and moves on to new things.



Action and Information Items from LMT 9/30/14

Action and Information Items from LMT 9/30/14

INFORMATION ITEM: Jim reported out from the MERLIN Directors meeting that took place the end of the previous week.  LMT and Ernest Shaw (Head of Library Technology Services) discussed the relationship between MERLIN and MOBIUS consortium.  A wide range of topics and points of view were explored.  Further discussions will be taking place among and between LMT, MERLIN Directors and the MOBIUS Executive Board.

INFORMATION ITEM: MU Budget Officer Rhonda Gibler informed Jim Cogswell that the proposed Library Student Fee would be subject to Senate Bill 389 (which limits the amount of tuition and fees to the CPI) and that it would require a student referendum (vote). LMT discussed the impact/implications of this news and will continue the discussion in the weekly meeting of the Student Library Fee Working Group.

INFORMATION ITEM:  SWETS Information Services filed for bankruptcy on September 23, 2014.  MU Libraries had significant amounts of money tied up in credit and prepaid amounts.  No one saw this coming and many libraries are in the same boat.  We are hopeful that some of the publishers we acquired through SWETS will work with us in the future to minimize disruption to our holdings and services.  There is a required wait period before we can pursue or negotiate replacement contracts/relationships.

Director’s Calendar October 6th – 10th

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, October 6th – Thursday, October 9th
Jim Cogswell will be in Washington D.C. for the annual meeting of the Association of Research Libraries meeting.

Friday, October 10th
10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Orin Ethics Symposium and Luncheon, Cornell Hall

2:00-3:00 p.m. – Faculty Alumni Award Reception, Reynolds Alumni Center