Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 10/14/14

Matt was in attendance to help discuss the Student Fee proposal. Matt will be taking a lead in promoting the fee to students.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Further clarification from Rhonda Gibler about Missouri Senate Bill 389 and its impact on the Library Student Fee Proposal revealed that the Library Fee itself would not be capped by the same percentage of the previous year’s CPI (current price index).  Instead, the bill would require a student vote to create the new fee.  It would be a new expense for students (not part of the overall fee increase).   If a library fee were to pass, any further increase would be limited by the CPI cap.   These implications and an overall discussion of the fee and the need for a detailed proposal revision were discussed.  Highlights of that discussion follows:

  • A more fully developed vision of what the funds generated by the fees will be used for needs to be developed and captured in a revised report.
  • A proposal revision needs to be completed as soon as possible.
  • Before a full proposal revision can be finished, more Information/clarification is needed from:

    • The Budget Office.
    • The Chancellor’s Office
    • Office of Student Affairs
    • LMT – for various facilities and collection details.
  • Matt will be seeking out individual meetings with LMT members who can meet this week to work toward completion of the revised proposal.
  • The Student Library Fee Working Group will be meeting after LMT.

    • Alysha O’Neil, of the Office of Student Affairs, will be in attendance.

INFORMATION ITEM:  The MU Library Committee met on Friday, October 3rd.  The committee, which is made up of faculty and student representatives from across campus, was still interested seeing lists of the items that will be destroyed due to the mold outbreak.  The Libraries did not believe the lists were still necessary because the Mellon Grant and the partnerships with Missouri State University and Washington University (in St. Louis) reduce the items that will be destroyed to duplicates. The lists are being worked on and will be provided to the faculty later this month.