4th Floor Renovation Update

The 4th floor Ellis student study space expansion is well under way.  Rooms 4C12 and 4B11 have been removed and the space is being painted this week and the week of August 11. A study bar will soon be installed along the north wall and run between the 3 window wells.  Bar stools have been purchased and comfortable chairs will be moved into the area from other parts of Ellis.



Electrical upgrades will provide ample power for the students and will include USB jacks for device charging. 6 electric poles will be placed where the original walls were; this will give power to the center of the study space and allow power for tables and other seating in that area.

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Walls down and ready to paint!

8 computers will be moved into room 4D11 to replace the quiet study area we lost with Admissions’ move to room 114 and a student Printsmart printer will be installed at the corner of 4D21, at the top of the stairs from the 3rd floor.

As this is considered a quiet study area, noise will be dampened with wall treatments. We are looking at using stretched canvas photos of Ellis and its surroundings to help dampen sound and incorporate a Libraries theme.

The project should be completed by the end of September 2014. This renovation is funded by a 2013-14 award from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee.

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