Library Assembly Committee Meeting, June 24, 2014

Present:  Adrienne Arden, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Jim Cogswell, Ruth Feldkamp, Rebecca Graves, Tammy Green, Dustin Hoffman, Shelly McDavid, Libby Myre, Jeannette Pierce, Sheena Waggoner, Deb Ward, Karen Witt


  • Presenter (Ann Korschgen)

    • Ann Korschgen is Head of Enrollment Management

      • Thought it would be nice for her to discuss how Renew Mizzou folks are doing with the move over to Ellis Library

        • Unable to make it to today’s Library Assembly meeting, going to try to get her for next month

          • Sheena Waggoner is passing her name on to the new chair 
  • Meet and Greet with Jesse Employees

    • Renew Mizzou folks now here in Ellis Library

      • If you see them introduce yourself and welcome them
      • If you see them in the staff lounge, welcome them and ask if they need anything
    • Previous idea to combine the MU Libraries Annual picnic with the Meet and Greet with Jesse Employees

      • The shelter for the picnic was limited by the number of people it could hold, therefore these events were not combined
      • Now scheduling a separate event for July 17th in conjunction with the Diversity Committee

        • Instead of a luncheon like the Diversity committee usually does

          • Event taking place on the second floor of Ellis Library
          • MULSA will  provide the drinks and invite everyone to share by creating a finger food type of dish
          • Renew Mizzou folks are encouraged to bring some goodies to share also
          • Currently working on a flier for this event

            • If you have ideas, contact Sheryl Cullina, Sheena Waggoner or Tammy Green 
  • Election and Welcome New Chair

    • Elections went out, departments needing to elect a new representative are currently working on this

      • Sheryl Cullina volunteered that there are 7 members coming off, the new representatives term will end in 2017
      • Sheena Waggoner asked if anyone wanted to stay on an extra year to serve a one year term till 2015, since only one representative coming off in 2015 

        • Rachel Brekhus stated that her term does not end until 2015 and her department was informed that they needed to elect a new member this year                                            
  • Mold Questions

    • MOBIUS Session given by Ann Riley and Jeannette Pierce over the mold at MU

      • Brian Cain from the depository, sent some wonderful photos to Jeannette Pierce and Ann Riley to use in their MOBIUS presentation
      • Jack Batterson feels there should be an all-staff open library meeting for a Q and A on the mold

        • A one-time open meeting, means that some library staff might not be able to make it, therefore a more progressive website FAQ could serve in place of an open meeting

          • A FAQ already exists on the MU Libraries website

  • Jim Cogswell adds, there have been lots of questions from faculty, alumni and other interested parties
  • FAQ site has not been updated in a month

    • Jim Cogswell would like the webpage to be an online forum, for asking questions and getting factual answers
    • Reframing the website like this would also serve as an online public relations document
    • Jim Cogswell and Shannon Cary are figuring out how to get questions about mold implemented on the webpage for anonymous questions
  • Rebecca Graves and Rachel Brekhus point out that some staff may feel they need a face to face meeting to be informed and to ask questions

    • Sheena Waggoner points out that we are the representatives for our departments and we can always be utilized as an outlet and information source for our departments

Director Announcements 

  • LMT Retreat

    • Mission, Vision and Values documents

      • Reviewing and revising these documents

        • Previously revised in October 2010
      • Included strategic goals in this discussion

        • A survey coming out for library staff to select their priorities among the goals that we currently have
    • Assessment of our collections and services

      • Discussed reconstituting an Assessment Committee of library staff

        • The statistical report is coming out this week
    • Spent time reviewing the library committee structures and charges
    • Preliminary discussion about organizational issues
    • Lengthy discussion about salary strategies, plans for when money might be available (new money from central administration)

      • The only way to generate any funds right now, is to utilize any vacant salary lines in the budget

        • Trade off: an increase in salary for fewer colleagues
        • Dean’s on campus suggested, reallocate funds internally

          • This would mean taking money away from salaries or collections

            • Discussed these trade-offs at the LMT retreat, no decisions have been made
        • Last week, the governor announced, no funds available, they have been vetoed or restricted by him
        • Determined a need to conduct a communications audit

          • Looking to use an external facilitator
          • Using university resources, not library resources (library staff)
  • Mellon Grant

    • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

    • Grant money

      • MU Libraries has been given a $400,000 grant from the Mellon Foundation specifically to deal with the mold issue

        • This grant combined with the self-insurance fund will enable us to remediate well over 400,000 items
        • Funds for the grant are available July 1st, 2014
        • The grant will pay to remediate around 200,000 books, plus pay our partners Washington University and Missouri State University

          • These partners are helping us to maintain access to materials and to replace government documents that must be destroyed

            • We were not the only holder of these documents

              • We are the regional repository for these documents, they are being replaced by our partners with clean copies.
      • Most of the non-government documents being pulped/destroyed are in the duplicate category
    • Belfor Property Restoration is our contractor for the remediation
    • Currently all books have been moved out of the caverns

      • The books are either on their way to Texas to be remediated or there now or in storage awaiting remediation
      • The new local storage facility for the books is the former Rust and Martin Warehouse at the Midway exit
      • Rental agreement up on June 30th, 2014, currently working quickly to get all steel stacks cleaned and out of the caverns to be used again

        • Do not want to go over this date and have to pay more rent at this facility 
  • Renew Mizzou

    • All offices moved out of Jesse Hall and into Ellis Library

      • Once students return in the August, it will be very busy upstairs
      • Room 202 now houses: University Registrar, Student Financial Aid and the Cashiers Office

        • These departments are happily ensconced since they are usually in the basement of Jesse Hall
      • Room 114 now houses: Admissions

        • They are already doing lots of business, welcoming students and parents
        • Their high traffic time is September and October 
  • AAU Status

    • American Association of Universities, founded in 1900. Members of this group are invited based upon their academic distinction. MU joined in 1908 and KU joined in 1909.  They started out with private institutions like, Yale and Harvard. They now have 62 total members, the majority are private institutions, and the rest are land grant universities.
    • Will we continue to be members of this organization?

      • This is what predicated the 2% give back, to provide incentives to hire and maintain faculty members
      • 20 new hires supposed to be made in areas of distinction on-campus, the university is hoping to bolster our status in the AAU
      • The University of Nebraska was invited to leave the AAU in May of 2011, this proved to be a wake-up call for MU, KU and U of Iowa

        • Currently MU, KU and the U of Iowa are rated just above the lower tier of the AAU
      • There are a number of criteria that rate status with the AAU

        • Competitively funded federal research support
        • Membership in the National Academies (NAS, NAE, IOM)
        • Faculty awards, fellowships, and memberships
        • Citations, Thomson Reuters InCitesTM

  • Jim Cogswell states, you can’t have an AAU caliber institution without an AAU caliber library

    • Need to add to our scholarly collections to support our research on campus
    • Add more subject specialists     
  • Department Announcements

    • Jack Batterson, Cataloging & Metadata

      • Nothing to report at this time
  • Karen Witt, Special Collections

    • Special Collections exhibit “Books with Personality” will go up in the Ellis Library Colonnade August 2014.  We are posting sneak peeks on social media leading up to the mounting of the display.
    • A new wheelchair/book truck lift will be installed on the 3rd floor to replace the old one that is 3-plus decades old.  Details are forthcoming, no exact date set yet.
  • Ruth Feldkamp, Collection Services

    • Michaelle Dorsey is gone until the middle of next month, trucking along without her
  • Adrienne Arden, Digital Services

    • Felicity Dykas has been on vacation since June 11 and upon her return will travel to ALA.  She will return on July 2nd
    • Digital Services will welcome the newest member of our team, Tammie Busch, on July 7.  Tammie will serve as Senior Library Specialist reporting directly to Felicity Dykas. She will mainly be in charge of MOSpace
    • Digital Services is losing our Graphics Technician, Elaine Nelson.  Her last day is July 18 2014.  Elaine is returning to school in the fall.

The following information regarding our digital library is provided by Mat Miller:

  • We have begun migrating items from the University of Missouri Digital Library (which is the old platform that was under curation of the Library Systems Office) to Islandora. The first major project is 100 volumes of the Savitar yearbooks. The entire migration project is a daunting task and we are starting with one of the largest and most popular collections.        
  • Rachel Brekhus, Ellis Reference

    • Wayne Barnes retires the second half of October 2014, he has moved out of his corner office and is occupying an open desk in Ellis Reference

      • Paula Roper moved into his corner office and Rachel Brekhus moved into Paula’s office, it has a window.
    • Now at the point where recommendations have been made for hiring the Science Librarian and the Social Science Librarian positions
    • Room 156 Ellis will be repurposed as a classroom/meeting space with modular furniture for easy rearranging

      • Renew Mizzou needed more meeting space
      • Moved lots of materials out of that room into East Reference Area
    • Mizzou Fair is under way with Ellis Librarians and other librarians on campus

      • Answering parent questions and providing information about the libraries
    • Reference had a mini retreat where they discussed ideas about reorganizing the reference department
    • Librarians have been getting training on the new libguides
  • Jeannette Pierce, RAIS Division

    • Annual statistical report took longer than anticipated to get out, but should be out this week

      • AAU, Land grant, and libguide stats are included in this report
    • Making a hiring announcement for the Science and Social Science Librarian position soon
  • Deb Ward, Health Sciences Library

    • A date has been set for the new School of Medicine building construction to begin. (NOTE: Due to the actions of the Missouri Governor on this day, putting many projects on hold, this action will be delayed until we have further information. The west entrance will not be closed until further notice.)
    • Fencing is going up the last week of July 2014, by July 25, 2014 the fence will be up and the entrance will be closed (NOTE: This announcement was negated the following day by Campus Facilities, since the Governor's actions froze funds for this project.)

      • The west entrance used for library deliveries will now be closed

        • Don Gerlach will give a tour of the hospital corridors to the libraries delivery drivers for them to navigate deliveries to and from the HSL
    • The HSL Space Planning Committee is meeting with Cyndi Curnutte, a designer for MU Campus Facilities, on Friday, June 27, 2014.  Cyndi has worked on a number of prior projects for the MU Libraries, and she was called in to assist with the design elements of the first floor renovation by the School of Medicine.

      • They are putting together a plan for revitalizing the HSL. Elements include both staffing and facility. The physical facility needs to be updated and aligned with the mission.

        • Friday’s meeting will focus on how we can achieve these goals by updating the facility.
    • Supervisors Roundtable met last week and we came up with a good list of “Attributes of a good supervisor”
  • Rebecca Graves, MULAC

    • Incoming officers:

      • Chair: Rebecca Graves
      • Vice-Chair/Chair Elect: Sandy Schiefer
      • Recorder: Ed McCain
    • The librarians and archivists revised their Annual Performance Review form
  • Shelly McDavid, Vet Med Library

    • Shelly McDavid is now back from maternity leave 
  • Dustin Hoffman, LTS

    • Nothing to report at this time
  • Libby Myre, Acquisitions and Collection Development

    • Nothing to report at this time
  • Tammy Green, Access Services

    • Nothing to report at this time
  • Sheena Waggoner, Administration

Meeting adjourned at 2:05pm

Thank You From MULSA

Thank you to everyone who attended the MULSA Annual Picnic and so generously donated to the Food Drive for the Central & Northeastern Missouri Food Bank either with monetary donations or non-perishable food items. 45 pounds of food and $134 in cash were donated.

Thank you also to the Ellis Administration Office for providing Missouri Concert Series tickets and to MULSA for purchasing the MIZZOU Store gift cards for our door prize drawings.

Sue Barnes
MULSA Community Service Chair