Information and Action Items from LMT meeting 4/29/14

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT would like to create a communication plan to specifically coincide with the Renew Mizzou project.   As Enrollment Management will have signage and tools to inform visitor how to find their departments located in Ellis Library, MU Libraries will also create signs to help patrons find library departments, study spaces and points of interest.  The plan:

·         Will take advantage of higher traffic/profile.

·         Will likely remain even after Renew Mizzou.

·         Will be coordinated with Pat Jones, the ELSFAC sign committee and Shannon Cary.

Communications Officer Shannon Cary will attend the May 13 LMT meeting to further discuss. 

INFORMATION ITEM: The Fiscal Year 2014/2015 general revenue allocation has been received. The 2% give-back appears to include acquisitions budget. The amount is calculated at $353,000. It is hoped that this is just an over-sight and that the give-back will exclude acquisitions.  Inquiries are being made.

·         The funding does include additional amounts to close the “Acquisitions Gap” over the next four years. 

·         A new gap will be created if the current give-back amount remains.

ACTION ITEM:  LMT will create an Ellis Library North Entrance Task Force to rethink a number of processes/policies regarding the North Entrance.  Also to be considered by this group are changes to the Food and Drink Policy.  Tentative members and stakeholders were discussed.  The charge and membership will be announced after they are finalized.  

ACTION ITEM:  Jeannette Pierce will contact Shannon Cary to discuss again the possibilities of a big screen message boards in Ellis Library. Previous proposals made by the Communications Committee were delayed by concerns about ongoing content management and the ability to keep information fresh and up-to-date.  Jeannette and Shannon will explore having Librarians help with content. 

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT is exploring the possibility of moving the microforms/microfilms on the fourth floor to a different location. Discussion ensued about where that might be and the various service changes and opportunities that would be created.  Meanwhile, an engineering study will be requested to ensure all possible safety concerns are being considered in regard to the weight of the cabinets and where they are or will be stored.


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