Library Assembly Committee Meeting Minutes, February 25

Library Assembly Committee Meeting February 25, 2014 Ellis Library 159 1pm – 2pm

Present: Adrienne Arden, Jack Batterson, Sara Bryant, Jim Cogswell, Dustin Hoffman, Corrie Hutchinson, Karen Marshall, Shelly McDavid, Libby Myre, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Marcia Strong, Sheena Waggoner, Deb Ward, Karen Witt

1.      Discuss changed Guidelines

·         Guidelines changes to implement:

o   Grammatical changes

o   Spacing

o   Departmental name changes

o   Replacing division heads names with their titles

§  All recorded for updating

·         Noted that the link to the organizational chart on the Guidelines document does not have a file path to the website

2.      Discuss Subcommittee in Guidelines

·         Call for volunteers to work on the Staff Webpage Subcommittee

o   Adrienne Arden and Deb Ward volunteered (Adrienne Arden has subsequently withdrawn.)


3.      Director Announcements:

·         The Assembly members welcomed Jim Cogswell back from his trip to India.


·         Subtera Mold Problem Updates

o   Jim is meeting with the Campus Library Committee ( and Faculty Council ( to discuss the mold problem this week

o   FAQ now available on the library’s website

§  Jim suggests reading it, to be informed about the mold problem

§  Link:

o   Seeking bids on the remediation of the moldy books

§  Bids are due back on March 7th, 2014 to the Procurement Office

·         There is a process for bidding university jobs

·         David Silvey is our contact in the Procurement Office, please refer questions about bidding to him

§  Remediation is expected to begin March 15th, 2014

o   Still working to identify materials that need to be treated

§  Priority of treatment: rare and special materials, Missouri documents, Pre-1870 imprints, journals

§  Approximately 120,000 items have now been identified out of the 600,000 housed in Subtera

§  Originally our goal was to treat and return approximately 300,000 items, currently our goal is approximately 400,000

o   Currently creating a list of affected materials to send to the faculty

§  Seeking their rationale for why to treat specific items

o   MU Campus Facilities is assisting in finding a new storage space

§  3 current options available, weighing the merits of each one

·         Hoping to start moving some of the treated items by early April 2014

o   The lease at Subtera is out June 30th, 2014

§  Most likely will not have all items remediated by this date

§  In need of a separate holding area outside of Subtera

·         Submitting a grant application to cover some of the cost

o   University Risk Management and Insurance Management Office

§  Possibility of reimbursement that could help cover some of the costs of remediation

o   Fundraising Effort Underway

§  Collection Enhancement Fund

·         Main goal to rebuild collections and replace lost materials

·         Visit the website to learn more and pledge to the cause


o   Still a critical need for long term environmentally controlled storage space for remediated items

§  Lemone Boulevard UMLD1 built in 1997

·         Never encountered any book loss or any spikes in humidity or temperature

Ø  A tornado did hit UMLD1 on November 10th, 1998, no books were damaged


·         It has been requested that the UM System move forward in building the 2nd addition of that facility

o   Our goal: No student or faculty member will be impacted by the loss of materials.

§  MU Libraries invested heavily in MOBIUS, Center for Research Libraries and Western Storage Trust

·         These will serve and have already served in ensuring that we keep access for students and faculty top priority

o   What does it mean to be treating these affected materials?

§  Even with gamma radiation, mold is everywhere, as soon as they are put back into the atmosphere, it will come in contact with mold

·         The only way to eradicate mold completely is to treat materials then place them in a clean room indefinitely

Ø  Prime temperature 60-68 degrees, prime humidity ~50%  to inhibit mold growth

§  If Subtera could have maintained these temperatures and humidity levels, then this problem may have been prevented.

Ø  A controlled environment is imperative for preventing mold growth, if not maintained, it will grow.

o   Library Staff members receiving inquiries about the mold, that they can’t answer, should refer the patron to Shannon Cary


4.      Department announcements:

·         Sara Bryant: Access Services

§  Sara Bryant is leaving MU Libraries, her last day will be March 12th, 2014

§  Direct questions to June Deweese

o   Mike Knoll started in Circulation Reserves last week


·         Dustin Hoffman: LTS

o   Nothing to report at this time


·         Ann Riley: Access, Collections, and Technical Services

o   Welcome to Corrie Hutchinson, the new Head of Acquisitions and Collection Development

§  Corrie was the Director of the Stephens College Library for 7 years and served on the MOBIUS Board as Treasurer


o   Renew Mizzou Project

§  Meetings: Every other Monday a “Renew Mizzou” meeting is held to coordinate moving materials out of Ellis Library rooms 114 and 202

§  Room 114:

·         All material has been moved out of Room 114 (journals, newspapers, DVD’s cabinets)

o   Newspapers and oversize journals to North Colonnade (out of CPRR)

o   DVD’s to MU Ellis DVD Collection (out of CPRR)

o   Journals to MU Ellis Current Periodicals (out of CPRR) 

§  Room 202:

·         Some items in 202 will be weeded (discarded if duplicated elsewhere, have been superseded by online resources, and/or are little used), and other items will go to UMLD

·         Material to be moved out of 202 over Spring Break

·         Material will be moved to Room 201, Reference, the stacks, or other areas

·         Office materials for 202 will be housed in 201

§  Room 201:

·         From now till Spring Break materials will be moved out of 201:

o   Items will be moved in the early morning (5am–9am) to minimize inconvenience to students

o   Items in 201 (Readex microprint) are moving to a section of the Law Library

§  Coming to Rooms 114 and 202: Offices will be moving into Ellis Library the 1st of June 2014

·         Room 114 will house Admissions (normally housed in Jesse Hall)

·         Room 202 will house Financial Aid and Student Enrollment Offices (also normally housed in Jesse Hall)


·         Karen Witt: Special Collections

o   New exhibit coming in March 2014: Super Hero Science

§  Dr. Tim Evans will be coming as a super hero “The Antidote”

§  Designing your own super hero contest

·         Open to all Students and Mizzou Staff


·         Jeannette Pierce: RAIS

o   The positions of Science Librarian and Social Sciences Librarian position have been posted to the myHR website


·         Deb Ward: Health Sciences Library

o   Ed Parker’s last day at the Veterinary Medicine Library is Friday February 28th, 2014; he will be retired after this date.

§  Sheryl Cullina has received notice of approval to fill the position and we are advertising.

§  MU Library employees are welcome to apply for this Library Information Assistant position.


o   School of Medicine announced last week that the location for their expansion will be changed to the west side of the existing structure, with modified entrance at the second floor level.

§  We're all looking forward to seeing drawings, expected sometime in late March 2014.

§  At this time, it is expected that this will be advantageous to HSL, and will not require us to relocate the Health Sciences Library entrance.


o   Health Sciences Library Facility Planning continuing

§  We are releasing a survey this week and next to various student groups to obtain their feedback and ideas on what they would like to see in an improved Health Sciences Library facility.


o   Health Sciences Library first floor furnishings

§  School of Medicine funding fell short; therefore, soft seating furnishings were never purchased after the remodel.

§  We have some ideas for how we might move some things around to accomplish this, and Pat Jones and Cyndi Curnutte are helping us.


o   Refining the Role of the Health Sciences Library in Undergraduate Medical Curriculum and Enhancing Residency Training

§  Deb Ward is working with the Information Services Librarians on this project

§  Deb Ward presented to the School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education Council

·         They proposed some ways for us to work together that involve communication with the residents through the residency program directors

o   Health Sciences Library Planning Committee

§  Continuing to work on ideas for a Health Sciences Library centennial event.

§  Best idea, so far, is a birthday party for Dr. Lottes on October 15th, 2015

·         His date of birth is October 15th, 1906

§  We would highlight the changes in health information access and delivery  and promote those as a birthday present to him


o   Health Sciences Library Staff

§  Working to support the work of Trenton Boyd as he puts together an annotated bibliography of the Veterinary Medical Historical Collection.

·         Rich Rexroat and Kate Anderson have worked together to dump the bibliographic records from MERLIN into Endnote, therefore Trenton will only have to be concerned with the annotation itself.

·         Rich Rexroat and Amanda Sprochi believe that the annotation could be moved into a field in MERLIN so that it could be part of the MERLIN record.

·         The bibliography itself could be put into MOSpace

·         The teamwork is paying off for us to create a very nice set of products related to these historical books


·         Adrienne Arden: Digital Services

o   Digital Services is in the process of digitizing 30 additional UM Press books which will be uploaded into our institutional repository “MOspace”.

o   Islandora software is being analyzed and work is continuing on the Digital Library.

§  An example of a collection you will find there is the Phoenix: an Irish-American newspaper published in New York, NY. We have years 1859-1861.

o   One of our recent faculty collaborations is to digitize the Vetusta Monumenta in cooperation with Dr. Noah Herringman.

o   We have now digitized and uploaded into MOspace the medical school yearbook, “MUtation”, from 1992-2011 with the exception of yearbooks for 1996, 1998 and 2004; these volumes have proven elusive.

§  Anyone that currently owns these elusive volumes, 1996, 1998 and 2004 is encouraged to lend them to us for digitization.

§  The 2012 yearbook is currently being scanned.

o   Our department has hired two student assistants from the Journalism school to aid in the digitization process.

o   Link to the digital projects mentioned above:


·         Libby Myre: Acquisitions and Collection Development

o   Nothing to report at this time


·         Jack Batterson: Cataloging and Metadata

o   Renew Mizzou

§  Moving materials from 114, 201 and 202

o   Mold Issue

§  Running Merlin lists and putting notes in item records

o   Test Preparation Materials

§  Working with Janice Dysart on a new test preparation collection (such as GRE) – these will be circulating test prep books


·         Marcia Strong: Security

o   Everything is going good and as planned


·         Shelly McDavid: Health Sciences Library

o   Nothing new to report at this time


·         Rebecca Graves: MULAC

o   Nothing new to report


·         Sheena Waggoner: Administration Office

o   Shannon has hired a new graphic design student

o   All Students are back into the administration office, helping out

o   Chancellor Deaton has now moved furniture into his office

§  He is in and out on a regular basis

o   Jim Cogswell is back from his trip

§  Happy he has returned


·         Karen Marshall: Branches

o   Nothing new to report

Meeting adjourned at 1:58pm