Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 10/1/13

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Jeannette Pierce, Deb Ward, Mike Holland, Ann Riley.  Support: Mark Ellis

Information Item: The key note speaker at the Dean’s Retreat will be Hank Foley to speak about strategic planning. A noted anticipated discussion topic for Deans will be productivity measurement for faculty.  A related topic for LMT will be to explore how MU Libraries can be more closely tied to the Mission of University. (i.e. How to: improve collections and services, improve staffing and facilities and enhance promotion/communications about MU Libraries to MU campus community.)

INFORMATION ITEM: MU Libraries was awarded an ORCID Grant. Thanks to Ann Riley for pursuing this. The grant will involve MDPC (Missouri Digital Projects Committee).  And from MU Libraries it will involve: Ann Riley, Felicity Dykas, Amy Lana and Hardy Pottinger.  

INFORMATION ITEM: Library Committee – Today was the first meeting of the faculty Library Committee.  Chris Montgomery was on hand to discuss the Library Centennial Celebration (which is being planned for academic year 2015/2016). 

  • Other business:

    • Jim informed the committee of the repairs scheduled to take place over the winter break (in the West 1935 addition area).
    • Jim mentioned the Renew Mizzou impact to the Library.
    • The committee reviewed the MU Libraries expenditure report. 

INFORMATION ITEM: Faculty Assessment/accomplishment System – Ann Riley met with this group recently.  The Thompson Reuters product is (unfortunately) not going to be the final selection. The product “Data 180” is favored by some (a much smaller company).  Web of Knowledge access is needed with any of them.  Ann will keep LMT informed.

INFORMATION ITEM: Assessment Committee Update – Jeannette Pierce and the Assessment  Committee identified these questions/issues:

  • Membership of the permanent Assessment Committee.
  • Who is the MU Libraries peer group of similar institutions? And on what should we base the comparison?

    • Similar schools (Med School, Law School, etc.) housed on campus?
    • Student body size?
    • Other factors?
  • Measures to use on years that MU Libraries does not administer LibQUAL-Lite.

Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 10/15/13

Attending: Jeannette Pierce, Mike Holland, Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Jim Cogswell. Guests:  James Hunter- EAP Director and Sheryl Cullina – MUL Personnel Coordinator. Support: Mark Ellis.

Information Item: LMT, Dr. Hunter and Sheryl Cullina discussed Renew Mizzou and impact to MU Libraries. They focused on stressors (potential stressors) associated with the project and explored suggested actions that might reduce or minimize stress felt by Library employees. Another meeting will be scheduled to further explore the issues – possibly with the corresponding management team of Admissions and Financial Aid (the University departments from which some personnel will be temporarily located in Ellis Library).    

Action Item:  LMT resolved to form the following Task Forces:

  • Renew Mizzou Collections Task Force: to be convened by Ann Riley – this group has been currently meeting to discuss movement of collections due to Renew Mizzou.
  • Renew Mizzou Study Space Task Force: Jeannette Pierce will convene a group to address the loss of student study space in Ellis Library due to Renew Mizzou.
  • Renew Mizzou Communication Task Force: Shannon Cary (MU Libraries Communications officer) will convene a group to discuss how to communicate to both employees and students about the upcoming moves, impact and schedule surrounding Renew Mizzou.
  • Renew Mizzou Welcome Task Force: Deb Ward will convene a group to consider the social and orientation aspects of the project focusing on what kind of events or gestures can be made to the personnel temporarily located in Ellis Library that will ease the transition of everyone involved. 
  • Signage – Jim will request the ELSFAC Signage Task Force reconvene to discuss the need for signs specifically related to Renew Mizzou Project.

Action item:  Sheryl to look into timeline/project mapping software and consider a tool that could be used for all actions related to Renew Mizzou.  

Information Item: LMT discussed how MU Libraries could contribute to the Military Support Initiatives as suggested by Dean Stephen Jorgensen.

Action item: LMT will dedicate a portion of next meeting to discuss the long range plans of Room 202 Ellis Library and how to communicate related information to MU Library employees and the University Community.

Ellis Library Closed to Public, Nov. 27

On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Ellis Library will be closed to public because the water will be turned off for major repairs of the plumbing system. The Library will be open for staff, but it is emphasized that there will be no plumbing, which means staff will need to use restroom facilites in other buildings on that day. Staff may want to discuss with their supervisors the possibility of taking a vacation day to avoid the inconvenience. Also, only the west entrance will be open for staff.


Web Tips of the Week, October 21, 2013
RAIDS Online goes beyond crime mapping by automatically alerting the public about recent crime activity and by improving communication between the public and law enforcement through anonymous tips.

–Submitted by Jack Batterson

Mozilla Lightbeam for Firefox: NSA spying row leads firm to expose who's watching while you surf
Installing this add-on allows you to view which third-party sites are being given your information. When was visited, there were 11 additional sites using my info.

–Submitted by Sandy Schiefer

NDSA Update

Register now for the Best Practices Exchange, being held November 13-15, 2013 in Salt Lake City, Utah! See for details.

The hotel deadline for conference rates is October 19th. You may book your room at Please register for the conference itself by November 1st to help us with our planning. The registration form can be found here:

We have a full schedule of presentations related to the preservation and access of electronic records. See the full schedule at Some adjustments to this schedule have been made over the last few days, so if you haven't checked recently, you will want to know when to catch your favorite speakers.

Highlights of the Conference:

*             Former U.S. Senator Bob Bennett will open the conference and help us understand how we can influence the powers that be to financially support archives.

*             Milt Shefter, from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will be our keynote speaker, as well as provide a seminar for students and independent filmmakers.

*             The Sundance Institute will screen one of its films, These Amazing Shadows.

*             Experts in digitization with HUGE collections (FamilySearch and will be giving presentations as well as offering tours of their facilities.

*             Updates will be given from the National Archives and Library of Congress about their initiatives

*             Lots of tools, techniques, and collaboration/sustainability ideas will be offered.

New Posts, Oct. 14-18

  1. Director's Calendar, Oct. 21-26
  2. Information/Action Items from LMT, Sept. 24
  3. Healthy for Life Update
  4. North Entrance of Ellis Library Closed Sat. Morning Due to Tailgate
  5. Amigos Update
  6. Physical Processing/Preservation Open House for SISLT Students, Oct. 24
  7. Cultural Bricolage Feature in Afro-Hispanic Review
  8. Web Tip of the Week
  9. MU Libraries to Host Panel Discussion on Civil War, Oct. 23
  10. Families Welcome at Ellis Library Open House on Homecoming Morning
  11. September Library Assembly Minutes
  12. August Library Assembly Minutes

Director’s Calendar October 21-26th, 2013

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, October 21st 
4:00-5:00 p.m. – GWLA Finance Committee Meeting, TelePresence Room.

Tuesday, October 22nd 
1:00-2:00 p.m. – Library Assembly, Ellis Library
2:00-4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Wednesday, October 23rd
8:30-10:00 a.m. – UM Libraries Director/Dean Meeting, TelePresence Room
2:00-4:00 p.m.  – Divided Loyalties Panel Discussion: Beneath God and Generals, Ellis Library Colonnade

Saturday, October 26th
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon – MU Libraries Homecoming Open House, Ellis Library Colonnade

Information/Action Items from Library Management Team 9/24/13

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Mike Holland, Deb Ward.  Support: Mark Ellis

Information Item: Cast Gallery in Ellis Library – LMT discussed a possible response to the request by the MU School of Arts and Sciences to possibly move a portion of the Cast Gallery from Pickard Hall to Ellis Library.  The Gallery is currently planning to be moved to Mizzou North as part of the Renew Mizzou transition.  Soon after the LMT meeting, the request was rescinded due to internal decisions within the Art and Archeology Department.   

Information Item: Issues surrounding “free scanning” of articles in MU Collections – Questions about this issue were resolved before the LMT meeting.  There was a brief discussion about how to market this service (and to what degree).  It was acknowledged that the practice may create an additional workload for some departments which may need to be addressed in the future. 

Information Item: Fourth floor instruction/meeting rooms – The need for 4D11 Ellis Library to be refurbished was briefly discussed as was a request by the Instruction Committee to use 4D11 as instruction space rather than 4D12 Ellis Library.  A space proposal was circulated to LMT by the Ellis Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee.  Jim will send again for further discussion.  

Information Item: Announcements:

  • Ann Riley:  The ACTS offices in 52 Ellis Library are already moving their work spaces around based on the organizational changes recently made.  An organizational chart illustrating the make-up of the departments/units will be sent to LMT soon. Most functions have not changed.  Ann continues to fill in as Head of Acquisitions and Collection Development. A search for that position is ongoing.
  • Jim Cogswell:  A St. Johns Bible presentation and workshop will be held on September 25th. Two (of the seven) volumes will be on hand for the workshop and at Ellis Library for the rest of academic year. Although it may not be the centennial purchase for MU Libraries, Jim Cogswell does think it is impressive to see and hopes interested parties will gather to find out more about the work and surrounding projects.               
  • Provost Announcement – Ken Dean will serve as interim Provost.
  • In Library Assembly, – members noted that the LSO (Library Systems Operations) Unit has no representation in the Library Assembly.  A discussion is expected in upcoming Library Assembly meetings.


Healthy for Life Update

New Walking Groups!

New walking groups start next week at University Hospital and Stankowski Field:

University Hospital Walking Group led by Courtney and Rachel
When: Oct. 14-Nov. 4 (Mondays)
Where: Meet in the courtyard northwest of the Sinclair School of Nursing
Time: 11:30-12:00 p.m.Distance: Approx. 1.14 miles

All levels are welcome and no registration is needed. Participation is free. If you have any questions please contact Blaine Snow at

Stankowski Walking Group led by Stephanie and Sarah
When: Oct. 16-Nov. 6 (Wednesdays)
Where: Stankowski Field, southeast corner (closest to University Hospital)
Time: 12:15-12:45 p.m.
Distance: Approx. 1.2 miles

All levels are welcome and no registration is needed. Participation is free. If you have any questions please contact Blaine Snow at

Free Self Defense Class for Women
Execute techniques in a safe, controlled environment. Learn both standing and ground-based defense.  Learn how to take down a larger attacker. Gain confidence! Contact Zach Lenon ( or Kizzi Roberts ( for more information and to pre-register.

Run From The Park
Join the 2nd Annual Hallsville fun run at Tribble Park, October 27th at 3:00 p.m. Costumes are fun, but not required. See attached flyer for more information. Registration fee is $20 for adults, $10 for those under age 18. No pre-registration required.

Come Participate in the New Zumba Class
New Zumba class forming. Class meets every Thursdays October 10th through December 5th from 5-6:00p.m at Quarterdeck, QD 251. No class on Thursday Nov. 28. Please register and the cost is $24 for the series or $5 drop-in fee. Class is taught by Megan Jones. For questions and to register please email Megan at

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This October, Healthy for Life is proud to participate in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point during her life. After skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common kind of cancer in women (Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). The good news is that many women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early.

·         If you are age 40 to 49, talk with your doctor about when to start getting mammograms and how often to get them.

·         Women ages 50 to 74 need mammograms every 2 years. You may choose to start getting mammograms earlier or to get them more often.

·         Worried about cost? Mammograms are covered for women over age 40 under the health care reform law. More:

·         Did you know? Breast cancer can occur in men. Over 2,000 men are diagnosed each year. More:

·         Nervous about getting a mammogram? Watch this short video about mammograms and what to expect:

Department of Health and Human Services. (2013).Retrieved from

Fitness Instructors and Walking Group Leaders Needed
If you are a certified fitness instructor and are interested in teaching a class for faculty and staff members on campus or if you are interested in leading a walking group please contact Sarah Ellis for more information.