Electronic Resources & Libraries 2013 Online Conference Schedule

The MU Libraries have registered for the Electronic Resources & Libraries 2013 online conference for March 18-20. They will be broadcasting sessions from multiple tracks simultaneously, so we have reserved several rooms in Ellis Library.  Below is the schedule of sessions, locations and links to brief session descriptions.  You are welcome to attend any session.  We will have archival access to the recordings for one year.  If there are two sessions broadcast at the same time that interest you, contact me and we’ll arrange for you to view the recording of the one you miss when it is available.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference Schedule

Monday, March 18 – Ellis Library Room 4F51A

Monday, March 18 – Ellis Library Room 213

Monday, March 18 – Ellis Library Room 4G41

Tuesday, March 19 – Ellis Library Room 4F51A

Tuesday, March 19 – Ellis Library Room 4G41

Wednesday, March 20 – Ellis Library Room 4F51A

Wednesday, March 20 – Ellis Library Room 4G41

Director’s Calendar: March 4-8th, 2013

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, March 5th
2:00-4:00 p.m. – LMT, Ellis Library

Wednesday, March 6th
12:00 Noon – Life Sciences Symposium – Dr. William Ashworth, Ellis Library Colonnade

Thursday, March 7th
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon – Presentation and All Staff Open Meeting with RAIS Division Head Candidate Polly Boruff-Jones, 4F51A Ellis Library

Friday, March 8th
8:30-10:00 a.m. – UM Library Director/Deans TelePresence Meeting, Ellis Library

2:00-4:00 p.m. – University Press Advisory Committee TelePresence Meeting, Ellis Library

2013 Statewide Severe Weather Exercise

The 2013 statewide severe weather exercise will be held at approximately 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 5th. Jim Cogswell has requested that all Ellis library staff participate in this year’s severe weather exercise. If you are in a patron service area have minimal staff stay in the area during the drill to serve the patrons. All branch library employees please contact your building coordinator for your severe weather evacuation plan and safe areas.

Severe Weather Exercise Drill:

  1. The outdoor warning sirens sound as one part of the local warning network. The sirens are used only as an attention getting device.
  2. Ellis Security will be making an announcement at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 5th the serve weather exercise is beginning.
  3. Ellis security  will then evacuate the build to the safe areas
  4. For security reasons please lock your office doors.
  5. Ellis security staff will be making rounds in the safe areas, please feel free to ask any questions.
  6. When the drill is over security will make a 2nd announcement

*In the event of a real weather emergency do not use the elevators, please use the stairs*

For severe weather, emergency plan:

All Ellis staff should move to the ground floor hallway behind the grand staircase; staff lounge, lower stairwells, LTS hallway, twin elevator area and/or colonnade area of the first floor and DoIt computer area.  Due to the danger of shattered glass, it is important to keep people away from windows and the “hole” (the opening above the Bookmark Café).

*In the event of inclement weather, the backup date will be the same time on Thursday March 7th *



Healthy for Life Update

Time is Running Out to Earn Your Incentive!
As part of your 2013 benefits, you are eligible for a wellness incentive. Healthy for Life is an incentive-based wellness program designed to help you earn your incentive and actively manage your health. By completing a personal health assessment, health screening, and 240 minutes of cardiovascular physical activity, primary subscribers to the UM health plans will receive $100 in a tax-favored account to use for medical expenses in 2013 Benefit Plan year. You can receive your health screening through Healthy for Life or by going to your health care provider. If you’ve gone to your provider, you can submit your results by using our doctor screening form.

Earn $100 in 3 Easy Steps:

1. Complete your personal health assessment–an online questionnaire that helps you understand your health risks and provides you with resources to improve your well-being. (between Oct. 15, 2012 and Apr. 30, 2013)

2. Complete your health screening, which includes cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, height and weight. You can schedule a FREE on campus screening or visit your health care provider (valid screenings are between June 1, 2012 and Apr. 30, 2013).

3. Track 240 minutes of everyday physical activity in any calendar month (between Oct. 15, 2012 and Apr. 30, 2013).

Get Started Now

1. Create or return to your Cerner Health account by visiting www.healthyforlife.umsystem.edu.

2. Enter your email address and join the program.

3. Use the helpful quick-start guide to help you step by step.

4. If you need help, call Cerner at 877-621-8014.
Already Visit Your Doctor?

If you have had your annual physical, you can complete the Doctor Screening Form and fax it in! It must be completed in its entirety to get credit.

Weekly Prizes!

Don’t miss your chance to win one of our great prizes each week. All who complete(d) the personal health assessment,  their health screening and activity are eligible for the drawing to win a FREE FitBit pedometer!

Wellness Informational Tables Available on Campus

Starting next week, Healthy for Life will have tables set up on campus to provide wellness information. You can learn more about tobacco cessation resources as Mizzou will be smoke-free starting July 1, 2013. In addition, you can get a free blood pressure screening and education on how to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range.


10a.m.-2p.m Student Center


10a.m.-2p.m Memorial Union

Stress Reduction Meditation–FREE

  • Mondays, 12:15 – 12:45 p.m., Heinkel Building, Room 10
  • Wednesdays, 1-1:45 p.m., Hulston Hall, Room 327A (Law School)
  • Mondays-Fridays, 7 a.m.-12 a.m., AP Green Chapel is available for silent meditation, prayer or contemplation

No experience or registration is necessary for any of the meditation sessions. Classes do not meet on holidays or holiday weeks. If you have questions, contact Lynn Rossy, Ph.D.


Blaine Snow

Healthy for Life: TE Atkins UM Wellness

myTotal Rewards,­­­ Wellness

Program Coordinator, MU, UM System and MU Health Care

205 Heinkel Bldg.| Columbia, MO 65211 | 573.884.1312 (Phone) | 573.884.3123 (Fax)

Faculty & Staff: To earn your $100 Wellness Incentive, visit www.healthyforlife.umsystem.edu


Call for Volunteers: MU Libraries Salvage Team

LMT has approved the restructuring of the MU Libraries Salvage Team.  We are seeking MU Libraries Staff interested and able to serve as Salvage Team members.  There are a limited number of positions to be filled and we are seeking individuals who can best perform the tasks related to the salvage and recovery of damaged library materials.   If you would like to be considered for a place on the Salvage Team, please contact Michaelle Dorsey and express your interest.

Examples of Salvage Team Tasks

  • Ability to work for long periods of time in damp, potentially dirty, and sooty, conditions
  • Remove wet and damaged items from the area, clear aisle to allow free movement
  • Inventory and pack wet materials into boxes
  • Label and tape closed packed boxes
  • Load packed boxes onto book trucks and deliver to on-site freezer or loading dock
  • Load boxes into freezer or freezer truck
  • Empty dehumidifier reservoirs
  • Interleave the pages of a wet book with dry paper