Missing Plants Around Ellis Library

One of the landscapers noted that some of the beds around the library have been getting plants taken out of them.  Someone else witnessed someone actually taking some plants early one morning, putting them in a bag, and then entering the library.  If you see someone taking plants out of the flower beds on Lowry Mall and around Ellis, please contact Ellis Library Security or MUPD.


Ryan to Retire this Fall

Mary Ryan has announced her retirement effective November 1. With accrued vacation time taken into account, Mary’s last day at the MU Libraries will be August 30. Mary has been with the MU Libraries for 41 years, she has been a part of many changes over the years, and it is hard to say good-bye. An Interim Head of the Reference Department will be identified from among the current reference librarians, and we expect to hire a one-year temporary librarian to fulfill the duties of the interim head. Please help us wish Mary a long and happy retirement.

2nd Annual Rainbow House Back-to-School Supply Drive

The 2ND Annual Rainbow House Back-to-School Supply is in full swing running July 22nd through August 8, 2013.

The Rainbow House has specified that they are in need of the following items:


BACKPACKS                                                                                      Gluesticks

Hand Sanitizer /Antibacterial wipes                                              Scissors

Boxes of resealable plastic bags (quart & gallon)

Boxes of Tissue                                                                                #2 Pencils

Composition Notebooks                                                                 Large Erasers

Wide-ruled Looseleaf Paper                                                           Colored Pencils

Black Dry Erase Markers – Thin                                                      Lined Index Cards

Small Plastic School Boxes


The Back-to-School Supply sales are on.

PLEASE bring your donations to Sue Barnes’s work area in the Acquisitions Dept. of Ellis Library (52 Ellis).  Branches: Please contact Sue for pick-up or give your donations to our mailroom personnel when they make deliveries.

Donations will be delivered to the Rainbow House the morning of Friday, August 9th.

Sue  Barnes, MULSA Community Service Chair, BarnesS@missouri.edu, 884-2368

Update on MULSA Picnic

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Raffle to benefit the Central and Northeast Missouri Food Bank at the MULSA Picnic in June.

We raised $120.00 in monetary donations and 33 pounds of non-perishable food for the Food Bank.

Please thank Culver’s, Missouri Credit Union, the Candy Factory, Landmark Bank, MU Athletic Dept., and our Admin. Office for their generosity in providing the raffle items when you visit their establishments.

Sue Barnes
MULSA Community Service Chair

Staff Development Funds

MU campus staff, School of Medicine staff and School of Nursing staff can apply now through August 15, 2013 for September 16, 2013 funds. The Staff Development Awards program provides funding to staff for professional development such as workshops, annual professional meetings, conferences, etc…   Staff must meet the minimum 75% FTE and greater than 6 months continuous employment requirements.  Staff may receive the award once in any 12 month period.  Visit: http://staffcouncil.missouri.edu/awards/SDA.html for application, sample application and other important information.

Please contact the Staff Advisory Council office at 882-4269 or staffadvisorycouncil@missouri.edu with questions.

Action and Information Items from Library Management Team – 7/9/13

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Mike Holland – Support: Mark Ellis

Action Item:  Revisions to Policy #43 – Food and Beverage in Ellis Library were approved. A paragraph was added to address food and beverage being allowed in the library for special events.

Action Item: LMT and Jim Cogswell will nominate four Librarians/Archivists for the Chancellor’s Search Committee in hopes that one will be part of that important group.

Action Item: A task force will be assembled to explore the long-range plan of developing a fellowship program in Ellis Library Reference to possibly begin as early as Fall Semester 2014.

  • MU Libraries will seek to hire a one year temporary general reference librarian to help with coverage until the program is established. A search committee will be assembled.

Information Item:  Discussion related to Renew Mizzou:

  • ACTS is working on storage and collection issues related to the use of rooms 202 and 114 Ellis Library.
    • There is concern about space at the depositories. A policy update regarding duplicates will be sent to UM Library Directors for discussion/approval.
    • What else is needed at this time to prepare for Renew Mizzou’s use of the Library?
      • Dollar figure for move needs to be requested from Facilities.
      • ACTS is coming up with a cost report for Jim C. to send.
      • Other related preparations/issues:
        • The Library Society Dinner will be held in an alternate location in April 2014.
        • Wayne Barnes has been asked to find locations for items now in Room 202 that Reference wants to keep in Ellis.
        • June and Ann will discuss with ESFAC the challenge of over-sized material currently kept in an affected area.

Information Item:  Tentative agenda for All staff meeting August 14, 2014:

  • Update on renew Mizzou – Heiddi Davis will be present.
  • Update on position searches.
  • New Library website updates.

Information item:  Jim and LMT are reviewing notes from LMT retreat and hope to report out to MU Libraries staff soon.