Barker to Serve as Interim Head of Reference

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Anne Barker as Interim Head of the Ellis Reference Department effective September 1, 2013.  Anne will provide leadership for the department while the search for a new Head of Ellis Reference takes place.  I am grateful that Anne has agreed to accept this appointment.  We are fortunate to have someone with her experience to oversee this transition.  To ensure that the Reference department is not left short-staffed during this interim, we will be hiring a temporary general reference librarian as soon as possible to cover many of Anne’s current responsibilities.

–Jim Cogswell

Boyd Receives Award for Animal Health Information Specialists

C. Trenton Boyd (second from the left), Distinguished Librarian Curator of the Medical & Veterinary Historical Collections, recently received the Founders Award from the International Conference of Animal Health Information Specialists. The award was given to Boyd during this year’s Medical Library Association’s Awards Ceremony in Boston. Also shown in the photograph are (left to right) Esther Carrigan (Texas A & M University), 2012-13 VMLS/MLA Chair, Vicki Croft (Head of the Animal Health Library, Washington State University) awardee, and Jane Blumenthal (University of Michigan), 2012-2013 MLA President.


Ellis Library 1935 Addition Repairs

Ellis Library will undergo some structural repairs to the 1935 addition (the west wing of the current building). A number of cracks appeared in the walls and stairways on the west side of the building after last summer’s drought. Engineers tell us that there is no loss of structural integrity, but they need to repair cracks that are in the roof and on the west side of the main staircase. They will begins the repairs right after the fall 2013 semester ends. They estimate the work will take eight weeks to complete. They plan to finish this work before the next round of renovations, which will be made to Room 202 in preparation for the “Renew Mizzou” tenants from Jesse Hall.

Pat Jones will be the Ellis Library point of contact for the project, and Gary Cox will serve as her alternate.

Some additional details:

  • the west stairwell will be closed from the 1st to the 3rd floor during the repairs
  • the entrance to room 202 that is next to the west stairwell will also be closed, but access to room 202 will be available through room 201
  • room 202 may need to be closed temporarily because they will be bring some building materials through the windows in that room
  • there will be an exterior staging area set up somewhere between Speakers’ Circle and the entrance to Ellis Auditorium
  • we should receive further details about the repairs as we enter the design development phase of the project in September.

Director’s Calendar: August 5th – 9th, 2013

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Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, August 6th

2:00-4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Wednesday, August 7th

10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – MOBIUS Board Meeting, MOBIUS Office, Columbia

Thursday, August 8th

8:00-10:00 a.m. – Council of Deans, Memorial Union

Ellis Library will need to undergo some structural repairs to the 1935 addition (the west wing of the current building). Some cracks appeared in the walls and stairways on the west side of the building after last summer’s drought. Engineers tell us that there is no loss of structural integrity, but that they need to repair cracks that are in the roof and on the west side of the main staircase beginning right after the fall semester ends. They estimate the work will take eight weeks to complete, and they plan to finish before work begins on Room 202 in order to house the “Renew Mizzou” tenants from Jesse Hall.

Pat Jones will be the Ellis Library point of contact for the project, and Gary Cox will serve as her alternate.

Some additional details:

  • the west stairwell will be closed from the 1st to the 3rd floor during the repairs
  • the entrance to room 202 that is next to the west stairwell will also be closed, but access to room 202 will be available through room 201
  • room 202 may need to be closed temporarily because they will be bring some building materials through the windows in that room
  • there will be an exterior staging area set up somewhere between Speakers’ Circle and the entrance to Ellis Auditorium
  • we should receive further details about the repairs as we enter the design development phase of the project in September.