Healthy for Life Update

Learn more about the exciting new Culture of Health Initiative
The Culture of Health Council invites the Healthy for Life Wellness Ambassadors and ALL interested faculty and staff to find out more about the Culture of Health Initiative on September 24th from 12-1pm in Memorial Union, N214/215.  Find out how to bring wellness into the workplace! Dr. Lynn Rossy, Health Psychologist for Healthy for Life, will be showing a brief presentation. Please RSVP by emailing

When:  Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Where: Memorial Union, N 214/215 (Benton/Bingham Ballroom)
Time:  12-1pm
Learn more about the Culture of Health

Protect yourself and the ones you care about from the flu by getting your FREE flu shot!
Free Flu shots are once again available to UM faculty, staff, dependents and retirees enrolled in both the myChoice Health Plan and myOptions Health Plans. Flu shots are sponsored by UM myTotal Rewards,  Healthy for Life and UM Faculty and Staff Benefits. Visit to learn more and view the schedule of events.

Are you Computing “Healthy”?
Do you experience back pain, wrist cramps, or headaches from working at your computer all day? If so, a Workstation Analysis, performed by the Adaptive Computing Technology (ACT) Center, may help alleviate some discomfort and prevent long-term injury.

People are all shapes and sizes; therefore, not every workstation can consist of the same set-up and computing tools while providing the same level of comfort and productivity. An ACT Center staff member is able to evaluate your personal workstation, at no cost, as well as provide suggestion on how to reduce strain in areas that may be causing pain. They can also provide suggestions for alternative computing tools to make you feel more comfortable throughout your day.  

The ACT Center believes that a Workstation Analysis can be beneficial in many ways:
•    Increase productivity
•    Boost morale
•    Reduce injury

Healthy computing starts with the proper posture and tools needed to make computing comfortable and productive.  Visit or contact the ACT Center at (573) 884-2600 to schedule an appointment.

Dealing with Chronic Illness?  Pain?  Anxiety?  Depression? REGISTER NOW for Stress Reduction Class
Healthy for Life invites you to engage in a program with three decades of research showing its efficacy at helping people who are coping with medical problems, job or family-related stress, anxiety, and depression. The 8 week Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program provides tools for responding to the stress associated with illness and everyday life with greater skill and creativity using mindfulness meditation, yoga, and body scan and information about stress, communication, and wellness. Cost:  $40 for faculty, staff, retirees, and spouses/partners. Attend 7 of 8 classes and receive $20 rebate.


Orientation: Wednesday, September 25 (Memorial Union) at 5:30 p.m.
Class: Wednesdays (October 2-November 20) 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Retreat: Saturday, November 16 (9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)

Program taught by Dr. Lynn Rossy.  
Register by contacting Craig Deken at

Make peace with your body.  Register for Fall Eat for Life Program – In Person or Online
Discover the benefits of this innovative approach to weight management through Healthy for Life’s Eat for Life course.  This 10-week program uses mind-body practices (meditations and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help you create a healthier relationship to your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you.

For more information: watch informational videos

In Person Class:
Orientation: Tuesday, September 24, 5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.  
Class: Tuesdays, October 1 – December 10, 5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.  
Cost: $50 for faculty, staff, retirees, and partners/spouses ($25 rebate with full participation); $180 for community members

Online Class:
Online Orientation: week of September 27
Online Class: week of October 4 – week of December 6
Online Class Registration Deadline: September 23
Cost: $50 for faculty, staff and family members ($25 rebate with full participation); $180 for community members
Program is taught by health psychologist, Dr. Lynn Rossy.
Register by emailing Craig Deken Deken at        

Now enrolling for fall physical activity classes

•    Sept. 9 – Oct. 28 (Mondays): Pilates. Hill Hall, 305. Class meets every Monday from 12:10-12:40 p.m.  No registration is needed and costs $3 per class. Class is taught by Tina Price. For questions, email Tina at
•    Sept. 11 – Oct. 30 (Wednesday): Pilates. Townsend 222. Class meets every Wednesday from 12:10-12:40 p.m.  No registration is needed and costs $3 per class. Class is taught by Tina Price. For questions, email Tina at
•    Sept. 17-Nov.5 (Tuesday): Tai Chi. Ellis Library Room 5, State Historical Society of Missouri Art Gallery from 12:00-1:00 p.m. Enjoy the Zen and the artistry of the gallery with a well-known local Tai Chi instructor, Kenneth Greene. Registration is needed with maximum of 12 participants. Fee: A donation is appreciated. Register at  
•    Sept. 19-Nov.7 (Thursday): drop in Yoga. Ellis Library Room 5, State Historical Society of Missouri Art Gallery. Class meets every Thursday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. Immerse yourself in the restorative experience of the gallery with the added benefit of Glenda Moum’s instruction.  No registration is needed. Fee: $1 per class. If you have questions, email Glenda at


Reference Position Filled

Nancy Messina has accepted the position of Librarian I, General Reference in the Ellis Library reference department. Nancy worked in the Ellis Reference Department while an undergraduate at MU majoring in geography. She was also one of our first Libraries Student Ambassadors. Nancy went on to library school at Indiana University where she specialized in digital libraries. While working on her degree, Nancy worked in the Indiana University Libraries as a graduate assistant for Maps and Government Information and as a reference assistant in the Reference Department. She most recently worked in the Archives and Information Services Division of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in Austin Texas. She will begin on October 1.

HRS 2013 Annual Training Conference

Registration is open for the HRS 2013 Annual Training Conference. The conference will be held October 22 and 23 in Memorial Union. All sessions are free. Session topics include personal and professional development, wellness, compliance and more. The conference schedule and registration information is online at

Divided Loyalties Kids’ Day Follow-Up


As part of the celebration of The Divided Loyalties exhibit in Ellis Library, two re-enactors – one representing the Union and the other representing the Confederate States – came to show and talk to approximately 50 children in two separate events about their war uniforms and what a soldier experienced during the War.   In addition to the talk, the children received treats and prizes for answering questions.

News from Special Collections and Rare Books

Alla Barabtarlo has contributed an essay to the book Cultural Identity and Civil Society in Russia and Eastern Europe: Essays in Memory of Charles Timberlake, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK.

Special Collections has received the gift of Pennyroyal Caxton Bible from New York businessman Mr. Bruce Kovner,
“This edition of the King James version of the Holy Bible, illustrated by Barry Moser, a foremost American master of wood engravings, is the first such illustrated Bible since Gustave Doré’s famous 1865 edition of the Le Saint Bible.  Volume one contains the five books of Moses, the historical books and the books of poetry.  Volume two contains the books of prophecy and the New Testament.  Both measure 16 x 11.5 inches and are laid into its own full linen tray case. The beauty of this Bible does not rest on the illustrations alone.  It is also a singular polygraphic achievement and an example of some of the finest printings of our time.  Some of the paper was handmade specially for this project, and the exquisitely tooled parchment bindings are a marvel of craftsmanship”, Diane Morrison, Kovner Philanthropy. Special Collections will be showing this gift on the forthcoming exhibit Verba Sacra: the Bible from manuscript to modern print.


Web Tips of the Week

Free Flu shots are once again available to UM faculty, staff, dependents and retirees enrolled in both the myChoice Health Plan and myOptions Health Plans.  See the link above for the full schedule.

Choose among almost 400,000 dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and many other animals that are in need of a home. While you are at this website, take a look at the articles or videos that help you solve common pet problems.

Submitted by Jack Batterson