Library Research Workshops for International Students

The Ellis Reference Department just finished research workshops for international students. These workshops were offered both on weekdays as well as on consecutive Saturdays. The Saturday workshops were very popular. Workshops included Exploring MU Libraries; Finding Books using the MERLIN Catalog and Google Books; Finding Articles using MU article databases and Google Scholar; and Writing your Paper and Citing Your Sources. We collaborated with the International Center to publicize these workshops.


NDSA Update

Greetings NDSA members…

The next NDSA Outreach Working Group call on Monday Oct. 14 at 3:00 p.m. EASTERN will feature a presentation from Jason Griffey.

Jason is the Head of Library Information Technology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and is involved in a number of creative endeavors that help communicate the value of librarianship, including the development of LibraryBox (, a portable prividate digital distribution tool, and Library Boing Boing ( 

Jason will talk about some of his work and help us think about creative ways we can talk about (and do) our work.

Details to come.

Butch Lazorchak
Digital Archivist
Library of Congress
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
(202) 707-2603

Healthy for Life Update

Protect yourself and the ones you care about from the flu by getting your FREE flu shot!
Free Flu shots are once again available to UM faculty, staff, dependents and retirees enrolled in both the myChoice Health Plan and myOptions Health Plans. Flu shots are sponsored by UM myTotal Rewards,  Healthy for Life and UM Faculty and Staff Benefits. Visit to learn more and view the schedule of events.

Join the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in the Miracle Marathon
Miracle Marathon is a 27.2-day virtual fundraising campaign in which we ask you to run, walk or achieve forward motion one mile per day throughout October. Starting Oct. 1 and concluding Oct. 27, Miracle Marathon challenges you to get out, get moving and give back — all to help kids in your community.  

Miracle Marathon isn’t your typical marathon, because anyone can participate! Whenever it’s convenient, you can run, walk, bike, skip, scoot or just move one mile, every day, for 27 days. Even better, you can participate as a family, with friends, as a company or by yourself — whatever works best for you! It’s a marathon, plus an extra mile, “for the kids.”  

The official Miracle Marathon website is now available at and includes registration information, fundraising tips and inspirational messages as well as a personal donation page and blog for you to track your progress and share your stories.

New Walking Groups!
Healthy for Life is now offering two new walking groups, at University Hospital and Stankowski Field:

Stankowski Walking Group led by Stephanie and Sarah
When: Oct. 16-Nov. 6 (Wednesdays)
Where: Stankowski Field, southeast corner
Time: 12:15-12:45 p.m.
Distance: Approx. 1.2 miles
All levels are welcome and no registration is needed. Participation is free. If you have any questions please contact Blaine Snow at

University Hospital Walking Group led by Courtney and Rachel
When: Oct. 14-Nov. 4 (Mondays)
Where: University Hospital by the back door that leads towards Med. School and library
Time: 11:30-12:00 p.m.
Distance: Approx. 1.14 miles
All levels are welcome and no registration is needed. Participation is free. If you have any questions please contact Blaine Snow at

Act Healthy Enrollment is Open Again. Sign Up this Week before Enrollment Closes!
Ever wanted to: start a new healthy behavior and stick with it; be more active; manage stress better; improve your diet; lower your blood pressure or cholesterol; lower your blood sugar?
One hundred MU employees enrolled in Act Healthy in June. We are now enrolling 100 additional people. This project is a research study for MU employees sponsored by Healthy for Life: T.E. Atkins UM Wellness Program.
Research participants will be eligible to receive a total of $40 in gift cards. Individuals in the treatment group will attend 6 group meetings over the lunch hour.  For more information, see the flier and view the study consent form. If you wish to sign up for the study after reading the consent form, register for an orientation meeting by visiting The last day to sign up is October 3. Group meetings will start the following week. Contact Mary Clark, RN, with questions at (573)884-1439 or

Director’s Calendar September 23rd – 27th, 2013

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, September 24th
3:00-4:30 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Wednesday, September 25th
9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. – Jim will attend various activities related to the St. John’s Bible Workshop, Ellis Library.
2:00-4:30 p.m. – MULSA New Staff Tea, Ellis Library Staff Lounge

Friday, September 27th
8:30-10:30 a.m. – Jim to attend sessions of the National Campaign Cabinet Meeting which will be taking place throughout the day.
10:45-11:45 a.m. – Open Presentation by E-Learning Librarian Candidate Navadeep Khanal, Ellis Library

Updates on Ellis Library Renovation

  •  Renovations to Ellis Library are expected to begin in mid-November.
  • The doors before the stairwell next to room 202 will be closed off as repairs are made to the stairwell. You will still be able to access room 202 through room 201.
  • A break room will be created for the staff moving into Ellis Library due to Renew Mizzou. This breakroom will created in some office space that is right outside of room 202.
  • The women's bathroom close to room 202 will be renovated and will become a unisex bathroom.
  • Renovations to room 114: a door will be added and a room for presentations will be built on the north side of the room.
  • Renovations are expected to be complete by mid-Feburary.