September Library Assembly Minutes

Library Assembly Meeting
September 24, 2013
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
159 Ellis Library

In attendance:Libby Myre, Sara Bryant, Jack Batterson, Kate Anderson, Sheena Waggoner, Dottie Heuer, Deb Ward, Dustin Hoffman, Karen Witt, Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Shelly McDavid

Agenda Items

  • Staff Representative Committee (SRC) update: Shannon Cary, Communications Officer

    • Postponed to October 2013 Library Assembly Meeting
  • Reorganization of ACTS: Access Collections and Technical Services

    • Reasons for the reorganization of these departments

      • Recent retirements:

        • Hunter Kevil, Head of Collection Development
        • Karen Darling, Head of Acquisitions
      • Growing Trend: Digitization of materials

        • 80% of the Libraries Acquisitions budget is now spent on digital materials
      • Demand Driven Acquisitions book purchases
      • Paper serials purchases on the decline, replaced with electronic access

        • Serials check-ins are down 50% due to paper serial cancellations
    • Collection Services

      • Jackie Blonigen: Department Head
      • Handles ordering, cataloging and physical processing of newly acquired monographs
    • Head of Collection Development and Acquisitions

      • Currently seeking a Librarian for this position
      • Interim: Ann Riley
    • Digital Services

      • Felicity Dykas: Department Head
      • Fastest growing area within the libraries
    • Cataloging and Meta-Data Department

      • Wayne Sanders: Department Head
    • Major impact: staff changes in reporting structure
    • Physical move of space: currently taking place
    • Deadline for complete reorganization: October 1, 2013
    • Planning an open house around semester break
  • Library Assembly Representation

    • Impact of Reorganization on Library Assembly Representation

      • Those impacted are still represented

        •  Libby Myer will forward the notes on to LSO (Abbie Brown and Susan McCormack) and continue to keep acquisitions informed
        • Dustin Hoffman will forward the notes on to LTS (Hardy Pottinger and Philip Redmon formerly part of LSO)
        • Jack Batterson will keep cataloging and digital services informed
  • Library Assembly: Branch Library Representation

    • Both Karen Marshall and Wendy Batson are showing interest

      • Possibility that both can represent and alternate attendance at meetings
      • They will decide by the October 2013 Library Assembly Meeting
  • Take the Library Assembly meeting to other Venues On Campus

    • Branch Library Hosting

      • Health Sciences Library, Journalism and maybe Engineering
      • One challenge is securing meeting space on Tuesday afternoon at 1pm
  • Director Announcements:
  • Renew Mizzou

    • 2014-2015 Academic Year, Ellis Library giving up rooms 202 and 114

      • Losing 100 study spaces, looking for spaces inside and outside the building to accommodate this loss

        • Memorial Union and the Arts and Sciences Classrooms are being considered for late night study options

          • Security in those buildings will monitor their own areas
  • Ellis Library Structural Repair

    • Essentially the original 1915 section of the building and the 1935 addition need to be shored back together with large steel beams

      • Beams being brought in through the windows of Room 202
      • Repairs will take place from December 2013 to February 2014
  • U.M. Press

    • Jim Cogswell chairs the committee for the UM Press Director search

      • An offer is being made to the preferred candidate this coming week
  • Veto Bill

    • Governor’s veto sustained, Legislature did not overrule enough votes

      • Money will be coming to higher education

        • MU receiving 14 million

          • 12 million already earmarked

            • 2 Million going to School of Medicine for the new Springfield Campus
            • 1 Million slated for Veterinary Medicine
            • Approximately 2 million will be used for our campus’ needs

              • Mid-year salary raises are not likely because a 1% pay raise just for the Columbia campus would cost $7 million
  • Provost Foster

    • Recently announced his resignation and retirement

      • The New Chancellor will be choosing the new Provost

        • Interim Provost is Ken Dean
  • Position Filled (3rd Reference Librarian, E-Learning Librarian)

    • 3rd Reference Librarian is Nancy Messina

      •  Starting October 1, 2013
    • Current E-Learning Candidate coming to campus Friday, September 26, 2013
  • Department Announcements:

    • Access Services – Sara Bryant

      • Currently working on AV Lending via MOBIUS

        • Reasons why not all libraries are participating

          • Not all MOBIUS Libraries have large AV collections
          • Other MOBIUS Libraries are worried about damage
  • LTS – Dustin Hoffman

    • Replaced instructor machines in classrooms

      • Should be able to use a computer to do a presentation now
  • Health Sciences Library – Deb Ward

    • E-Learning Candidate

      • Candidate search different due to affiliated departments on campus: ET@MO, SISLT and Mizzou Online

        • All candidates need face to face time in these areas
        • Open forum expanded to accommodate other interested departments

          1. A second candidate withdrew only a week ago, left with one viable candidate now
  • First Floor Renovation

    • Completed and opened for patron use Monday September 23, 2013
  • Document Delivery Charges

    • Decided to stop charging our primary affiliated users the $5 document delivery charge

      • Rationale is the mode of delivery is now digital
  • Digital Storytelling Meeting

    • Could this be used to leverage the healthcare delivery system?

      • Interested in the possibility of using this in conjunction with the Literature in Healthcare discussion group
  • Special Collections – Karen Witt

    • Karen Witt and Kelly Hansen are presenting at MLA

      • K-12 Outreach and Special Collections
      • Balancing Librarianship and Home Life
    • St. John’s Bible

      • Special Collections will attend extra sessions on the care and display of the St. John’s Bible
  • Health Sciences Library – Shelly McDavid

    • Creating an iMovie Slideshow of the 14 week renovation of the 1st floor
  • Cataloging – Jack Batterson

    • Reorganization and move
  • Security – Dottie Heuer

    • Found the Library Assembly Meeting very informative
  • MULAC – Kate Anderson

    • The UM System is reviewing academic titles. Librarian and Archivist titles fall into this category.
  • Administration – Jim Cogswell

    • Chancellor Brady Deaton has resigned, but is not leaving campus

      • Official Headquarters are at the Brady and Ann Deaton Institute in University Hall
      • Inviting him to keep an office in 104 Ellis Library

        • He has kept a carrel in Ellis Library for years
        • Former Chancellor’s Richard Wallace and Mel George currently keep offices in 104 Ellis

          • Former Chancellor’s do volunteer work helping the MU Libraries with fundraising activities

August Library Assembly Minutes

Library Assembly Meeting
August 27, 2013
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
159 Ellis Library

In attendance: Rachel Brekhus, Libby Myre, Sara Bryant, Jack Batterson, Rebecca Graves, Sheena Waggoner, P.J., Deb Ward, Dustin Hoffman, Karen Witt, Jim Cogswell

Agenda Items

  • Renovations of Library Instruction Rooms 4D11 and 4D12

    Guest: P.J.(Pat Jones) of Library Security and Facility Coordinator

  • 4D11 Computer lab and 4D12 old DoIT room

    • Need refurbishments
    • Wired for computers
    • House 14 student computers, 1 instructor computer

      • 4D12

        • Plan to repaint
        • 59 chairs purchased for it
      • 4D11

        • Not used as much as 4D12
        • Discussing removing the ceiling fans due to complaints that they are too low
        • New carpeting – on order
        • Walls currently white, no need to repaint
      • Survey

        • Ellis Space Facility Advisory Committee (ESFAC) will be circulating a survey to MU Libraries about possible uses of these two rooms

          • Rachel Brekhus stated, “The Instruction committee has discussed using 4D12 as an electronic classroom already.”
      • Removal of walls outside 4D11 and 4D12

        • Tear down extraneous walls
        • Provide extra study space for students

          • Possibility of soft seating and tables in this area
      • Funding

        • Renovations have been approved by Jim Cogswell
        • MU Libraries possibly covering funding for this project

          • Jim stated, “Not certain where the funds are coming from, but MU Libraries tries to maintain a small facilities fund for work such as this.”
        • Heidi Davis from Campus Facilities has not said “No outright” but needs the bottom line cost to weigh if Campus Facilities can help with costs
  • Director Announcements: Jim Cogswell

    • LMT Retreat Report

      • Still a work in progress
    • Currently working closely with Renew Mizzou and ESFAC Committee (the Ellis Library Space and Facilities Advisory Committee)
  • Department Announcements

    • Administration: Sheena Waggoner

      • No new news
      • Everyone is in place and students are gradually coming back
      • No job openings in Administration at this time
    • Access Services: Sara Bryant

      • Currently very busy with reserve lists
      • Looking to integrate the BorrowITNow union catalog with the Book Finder for ease of student searching
      • Training
    • DoIT: Dustin Hoffman

      • Every network has gone down

        • Networks are continuing to fluctuate

          • Due to migration of work flow, still not back to where it was previously
        • Back-ups in place to keep the classroom going
    • Health Sciences Library: Deb Ward

      • First Floor Renovations

        • Construction phase completed
        • Now back to the School of Medicine for carpeting phase
        • Furniture and computers to be installed after the carpet
        • Opening date set for Oct. 1st, 2013
      • Branch Heads Meeting at HSL

        • Next meeting at HSL in the newly built 1st floor conference room
        • Meeting after that scheduled to be at the Journalism Library
      • E- Learning Librarian Position update

        • Interviews with 2 candidates set for the last Thursday and Friday in September
    • Ellis Library Cataloging/Technical Services: Libby Myer

      •  Cataloging/Tech Services going through a significant reorganization

        • Ann Riley is directing the reorganization
    • Health Sciences Library Circulation: Shelly McDavid
  • New Missouri Wildlife Photo display at the HSL
  • MULAC: Rebecca Graves

    • Nothing to report at this time
  • Reference Department: Rachel Brekhus

    • Welcomes to the department: Ashley Nelson (temporary science librarian) and Kimberly Moeller (temporary general reference librarian)
    • Search underway for a second temporary general librarian to take duties Anne Barker will have to give up as department interim head        
    • Reference department members heavily involved with subject and general library instruction sessions
    • The International Student workshop series will take place in late September
    • Graduate Student workshops will take place in October
    • Reference Department members are heavily involved with events surrounding the Divided Loyalties exhibit

      • A schedule of events, including today’s screening of Battle: Change From Within has been posted
  • Cataloging: Jack Batterson

    • Renew Mizzou

      • Suzy and Felicity are on a Renew Mizzou Committee

        • Suzy is running related Renew Mizzou Merlin lists
    • Air Conditioning

      • Department too cold in previous years when air conditioning on

        • Problem is now fixed
  • Upcoming Agenda Items

    • Renew Mizzou
    • Divided Loyalties
    • Repair cracks in Ellis structure
    • Book Preservation
    • Book Donor/Friend of the Library/Adopt a Book
    • Invite Jeanette Pierce, RAIS Head
    • Edward McCain, Digital Curator of Journalism
    • Update on New Library Webpage

      • Committee Members asked to think about other ideas for meeting discussions

        • If you think of any other ideas send to Sara or Sheena
      • Jim Cogswell suggested we have Matt Gaunt from Development come and speak about Friends of the Libraries

Meeting adjourned 1:04pm