E-Learning Librarian: The University of Missouri Libraries is seeking qualified applicants for the position of E-Learning Librarian. Reporting to the Associate Director for Research & Information Services, this position is responsible for promoting the convergence of E-Learning with services and resources of the MU Libraries on multiple levels.
The E-Learning Librarian will develop MU Libraries’ e-learning initiatives to serve the e-learning environment for the University of Missouri. Duties will include planning, coordination, and communication across the campus and within the libraries to advance the MU Libraries’ presence within the electronic aspects of MU coursework. Specific responsibilities include assisting librarians in the technical and pedagogical aspects of e-instruction, coordinating online tutorials for library users, and working with academic support staff to promote the use of library resources by students and faculty.
The full position description can be accessed at:http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/admin/positiondesc/Posdesc/ELearning%20Library%20Liaison.htm
Review of applications will begin in June. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To apply, submit a cover letter, resume, and the names of three references at http://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/academic/index.php. Job opening #10543. Only online applications will be accepted.