Global Scholars Program in India, December-January 2013/14


The Provost’s Global Scholars Program is once again taking nominations for Winter, 2013-14. Questions can be directed to me or to Jim Scott in the International Center, The program this year will be in India and will include Mysore, Belgaum, Dharwad, Allahabad, Varanasi, Dehradun, and Srinagar,  and will be led by Professors Jana M. Hawley, Textile and Apparel Management, and Kattesh Katti, Physics and radiology. An after-program trip to the Taj Mahal is also available.

The goal this year is  to develop linkages for research, education, and outreach with counterparts in India and to develop a deeper cultural understanding of the rich Indian culture.  Applicants should submit a plan of work and should identify possible collaborators in India. The trip is paid for by the provost in partnership with academic units sending representative, so yes, it is free for applicants.

Below is the application process for MU Libraries and the original announcement. Interested parties should have their application to Jim no later than 10 June 2013. Please contact me if you have any questions, and good luck!

Amanda K. Sprochi


2013-14 Global Scholars Call for Applications

MU librarians and archivists have been involved with this program from its inception, including eleven who have traveled and served as Global Scholars in the past eight years.  Applications for this year’s seminars are due by Monday, June 10, 2013.  Please send application items listed below to Jim Cogswell at 104 Ellis Library.  If you have questions or would like more details, please contact Amanda Sprochi, the Libraries’ representative to the Council, or visit the Global Scholars Program web pages at the International Center.

Global Scholars Program:  Archivists/Librarian application information

In order to apply, please submit the following items:


1. A copy of your current resume.


2. A statement from your supervisor assuring support of your application.


3. A written statement (no longer than one page) addressing the following:


a) Your present role with students, faculty, and staff;

b) Your commitment to assist students, faculty, and staff expand their knowledge of international

information resources and promote international affairs to the wider university community;

c) Your willingness to participate in Global Scholars activities, such as a follow-up workshop;

d) Your willingness to participate in the international faculty mentoring corps in the next academic year;

e) Your interest and ability to assist faculty Global Scholars as they revise their courses with

international content; and

f) Your interest in international library materials and services.


4.  Submit a brief (1-2 pages) one year plan of work to pursue program objectives by January 31, 2014.  Plans should identify potential collaborator(s) from India.  They should describe expected outcomes and proposed action steps to complete this work.


May 14, 2013


Call for Deans’ and Directors’ Nominations
Global Scholars Program

December 27, 2013 – January 15, 2014


Prof. Jana M. Hawley, Textile and Apparel Management

Prof. Kattesh Katti, Physics and Radiology 

The MU Council on International Initiatives (CII) is pleased to announce the 2014 Global Scholars Program (GSP) trip to India.  This nationally recognized program is designed to support MU faculty members who seek to internationalize their teaching and research.  Since its inception, over 150 faculty members across Colleges and Schools have participated.  As a result, numerous research collaborations have begun, and dozens of courses have been modified – enhancing the learning experience of thousands of MU students each year.  In 2002, the Global Scholars Program received the Andrew Heiskell Award for Best Practices and Innovation in International Education from the Institute of International Education.

GSP is designed to: 1) expand faculty involvement in MU’s strategic international relationships; and 2) foster tangible new international collaborations for participants, including research grants or papers and/or teaching innovations.

Global Scholars India

What? A 15 day study tour of India to develop linkages for research, education, and outreach with counterparts in India and to develop a deeper cultural understanding of the rich Indian culture.

Why? With her vast population, increasing young English-speaking population, entrepreneurial spirit, and rich cultural traditions, India is poised to provide a great opportunity for MU to expand and enhance research, teaching, and outreach efforts. Furthermore, as India relaxes its policy on foreign direct investments, it becomes even more important for both MU students and faculty to better understand the power that India has on the world economy. Presently, India offers a broad range of possible research collaborations with MU faculty, including business, agriculture, the arts, architecture, religious studies, political studies, to name a few.  In addition, Missouri has important linkages with several universities and institutes in India.  A list of potential host institutions is presented below with indications of present Missouri linkages.

Performance Criteria for Global Scholars Faculty:

1.            Global scholars agree to participate in all scheduled program activities, including two brief pre-departure orientation sessions.

2.            Scholars submit a brief (1-2 pages) one year plan of work to pursue program objectives by January 31, 2014.  Plans should identify potential collaborator(s) from China.  They should describe expected outcomes and proposed action steps to complete this work.  Scholars should submit their plans to their Dean/Director and to the Director of the International Center.

3.            Scholars provide a brief report on action steps taken and revisions in expected outcomes from original plans of work.

For more information, please review the Global Scholars Program web page, or contact me directly.  Your questions and comments are most welcome.  We hope you can take advantage of this excellent opportunity.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Best regards,

James K. Scott, Ph.D.

Director – International Center

Assoc. Vice Provost – International Initiatives

University of Missouri

N52 Memorial Union

Columbia, Missouri 65211



Phone: +573.882.6008

Fax:   + 573.882.3223




Global Scholars – India

Proposed itinerary (tentative):

December 27th, Depart USA

December 29th, arrive Bangalore

  • First half of trip will be in the state of Karnataka.  We will be hosted by INFOSYS (see many references in Thomas Friedman’s The World is Flat). Visits will include INFOSYS, Mysore, Belgaum, and Dharwad:
    • December 29-31 INFOSYS



Goa is distinctly different because it was colonized by the Portuguese and is renowned for its world heritage sites, places of worship, and beaches. Rich flora and fauna are classified as a biodiversity spot



  • Second part of Global Scholars program will be in northern India including Allahabad, Varanasi, Dehradun, and Srinagar


  • Depart afternoon of Jan 7th on flight to Allahabad
  • Hosted in Allahabad by SHIATS  Jan 7-9th.
    • SHIATS University, Allahabad. SHIATS will host a New Year’s Celebration.  SHIATS has an MOU with the University of Missouri.
    • Allahabad, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, is known for literary and artistic heritage and the birthplace of holy scriptures (Vedas).
  • Depart for Varanasi morning of Jan 9th.  Visit Saranath afternoon of Jan 9th.


  • Varanasi cultural excursion Jan 10th
    • Varanasi (cultural visit to one of the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world). Varanasi is located on the Ganges River and has many ghats and temples. It is one of the 7 holy cities for Hinduism.


  • Depart Morning of Jan 11th for Dehradun.  Lunch hosted by India Institute of Petroleum. Dehradun is a Hill Station City located in foothills of the Himalayan mountains between the Ganges and Yamuna rivers. Yoga and Ayurveda have great influence on Dehradun.



  • Depart Jan 15th for Delhi .
  • Late Jan 15th. Depart for USA on night flight

We will travel by bus, trains, and planes throughout India.  Some accommodations will be in hotels, others will be in University Guest Houses.  The price includes accommodations, food, tips, and domestic travel.

Post-Travel Option

We can make arrangements for any interested scholars to stay a few days to participate in a quick “Golden Triangle Tour”—to include the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Jaipur.  If there are interested people in this extra excursion, Jana Hawley will make arrangements for you to have that option at the traveler’s expense.

Global Scholar Leaders

Jana Hawley is Chair of the Department of Textile and Apparel Management at the University of Missouri. She was a Fulbright to India in 2007 and has since led study abroad programs to India with a focus on fair trade businesses. She has also done work in Guatemala, Thailand, Korea, China, Indonesia, El Salvador, Greece, Italy, England, and Canada. She has taught in the areas of global consumers, e-Commerce, Brand Management, and international trade. She has been recognized for several teaching awards including the prestigious Kemper Award for Excellence in teaching. She recently served as president of the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) and still sits on the ITAA board. Hawley’s research focuses on sustainable practices for apparel companies.


Kattesh Katti is a Curators’ Professor of Radiology, Physics and Biological Engineering. Kattesh has over 25 years of professional experience as he has worked in three continents for professional training and academic careers in teaching and research in India, Germany (as a Alexander von Homboldt  Scholar), Canada and the US. Kattesh has led the University of Missouri delegation to India four times (2008-2012) to visit Universities and research organizations. He has been instrumental in signing memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the University of Missouri and the following organizations in India: Dayalbagh Educational Institute (DEI), Agra, India; SASTRA University, Tanjore, India; HNB Central University, Garewal, Srinagar, India; KLE Medical University, Belgium, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun; Sankara Netralya, Chennai; and Barwale Foundation, Jalna and many more. He is an internationally recognized leader in the application of nanotechnology for medicine and for consumer products development. He has won many national and international awards including ‘One of 25 Most Influential Scientists in the world award’ by Rt Image and ‘Father of Green Nanotechnology’ citation by the Nobel Prize winner Norman Borlaug.



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