More changes have been made by the Catalog Department to update MERLIN to conform to the new international cataloging rules – RDA (Resource Description and Access). Here are a couple of major changes:
1) Subject and uniform title access points for Bible have been updated:
Before: Bible. N.T.
Now: Bible. New Testament
Before: Bible. O.T.
Now: Bible. Old Testament
Under AACR2 individual books in the Bible were listed under N.T. or O.T. Now the name of the book is directly after Bible.
Before: Bible. N.T. Luke
Now: Bible. Luke
Before: Bible. O.T. Genesis
Now: Bible. Genesis.
2) Subject and uniform title access point for Koran have been updated to Qur’an. Note, that you will still retrieve many entries under Koran, because that is the actual title of resource.
Before: Koran
Now: Qur’an