Christmas Trees and Holiday Decorations in University Buildings

From: Maureen Kotlas, Director
Date: November 20, 2012
(Note: These procedures do not apply to the University of Missouri Healthcare System.)

With the holidays fast approaching, it’s that time of year to review safety procedures for use of Christmas trees and other holiday decorations in University facilities.

Fresh cut natural trees and evergreen decorations must be sprayed with a fire retardant material. The MU Forestry Club will provide this service upon request when purchasing trees during their annual sale. Live trees should not be used in unsprinklered public assembly areas.

Natural holiday decorations may be put up no earlier than November 26 and must be removed from the site on or before January 3, 2013. All trees and decorations in residence halls and family student housing that will be unoccupied during the semester break should be disposed of before December 16. If trees or other decorations become dry before these dates they must be removed right away. Please remember that the danger of fire increases each day the tree is up. Holiday lights should be inspected for loose connections, broken or cracked sockets, or frayed or bare wires.

If you have any questions concerning this information, please call David Dorth or Shawn McCollom at Environmental Health and Safety at 573-882-7018.

(Does not apply to University of Missouri Healthcare System)

Fresh Cut and Live Christmas Trees
1. All natural trees and evergreen boughs set up in University facilities are to be sprayed with a fire retardant material (this does not apply to “U.L. Listed” artificial trees labeled as “Fire Resistant”).
2. When purchasing a fresh cut tree, be sure the tree and/or boughs are not dried out. To check, grasp a branch about 6” from the end and firmly slide it between your fingers to the tip. If the tree is fresh, no needles will come off. No red cedar trees or red cedar boughs are to be used under any circumstances due to their fast drying nature.
3. After purchasing a tree, keep it in water and outside the facility until the time you set it up. When you are ready to set up the tree, saw approximately 2” off the bottom of the trunk to assist in absorption of water.
4. Be sure the tree is placed in a sturdy, broad-based stand which will hold water and be sure to keep water in the stand at all times. Check water level daily.
5. There will be no designated drop-off/pickup location on campus property for disposal of Christmas trees. Do not put trees in dumpsters or outside on the curb, in the yard, or other locations. The City of Columbia provides drop-off locations for recycling. For details, go to .

All Holiday Decorations
1. Live, fresh-cut, and artificial Christmas trees must not be placed near a stairway, radiator, exit, hallway, or any other location where the tree, if standing or fallen, would block an escape route, signage or increase fire risk.
2. Check to see that artificial trees are Underwriters’ Laboratories (U.L.) listed and labeled “Fire Resistant”.
3. Only use lighting that is listed by U.L. or other independent testing laboratory. Before putting lights on trees or other decorations, inspect for frayed cords, loose connections, broken sockets, exposed wires and general safety. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the maximum number of lights on any one circuit. Do not use real candles or other open flames on Christmas trees or as room decorations.
4. Turn off and unplug all decorative lights when there is no one to monitor them.
5. Electrical tree lights are not to be used on metallic trees due to the ever present danger of electrocution.
6. Avoid use of electrical extension cords if possible and never use them for periods exceeding 30 days. Never run extension cords under rugs, behind or beneath furniture.

Mizzou Advantage Faculty & Staff Development Awards

Did you know that Mizzou Advantage funding is available for professional development? Check out the opportunities at:

Awards of up to $2,000 each are intended to help faculty and staff more fully engage in the interdisciplinary efforts of Mizzou Advantage.

Want to keep up to date with what’s happening with Mizzou Advantage? Sign up for the newsletter at:

Year End Address Update Reminder

It’s getting close to the end of the tax year and it’s time to verify or update your address(es) at  This will help ensure correct delivery of W-2 forms next January.  Addresses should be updated no later than 12/31/2012!

The “HOME” address is where W-2 forms will be mailed unless a “MAILING” address is provided.  For example, if a student provides us with the following:

HOME:                                              MAILING:

123 Providence                              123 Quivira

Columbia MO                                  Overland Park, KS

We will send the W-2 to the Kansas address.

Each year we are not able to process reprints of W-2s for any reason until the middle of February.  Updating your address will help reduce the need for reprints.

New MUSE Posts

–          October 29, 2012: Packing Meds

–          October 22, 2012: Free Shipping Day

–          November 5, 2012: Let’s Talk Turkey

–          November 12, 2012: Safe Shopping Online

–          November 19, 2012: Wantful

–          November 26, 2012: Verge

–          September 2012 Spotlight Award Winner: Michaelle Dorsey


Healthy for Life Update

Earn Your $100 Wellness Incentive
As part of your 2013 benefits, you are eligible for a wellness incentive. Healthy for Life is an incentive-based wellness program designed to help you earn your incentive and actively manage your health. By completing a personal health assessment, health screening, and 240 minutes of physical activity, primary subscribers to the UM health plans will receive $100 in a tax-favored account to use for medical expenses in 2013 Benefit Plan year.

Earn $100 in 3 Easy Steps:

  1. Complete your personal health assessment–an online questionnaire that helps you understand your health risks and provides you with resources to improve your well-being. (between Oct. 15, 2012 and Apr. 30, 2013)
  2. Complete your health screening, which includes cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, height and weight. You can schedule a FREE on campus screening or visit your health care provider (valid screenings are between June 1, 2012 and Apr. 30, 2013).
  3. Track 240 minutes of physical activity in any calendar month (between Oct. 15, 2012 and Apr. 30, 2013).

Ready to get started?

  1. Create or return to your Cerner Health account by visiting
  2. Enter your email address and join the program.
  3. If you need help, call Cerner at 877-621-8014.

2013 Screening Schedule:

  1. MU
  2. UMKC
  3. Missouri S&T
  4. UMSL

Get moving with physical activity classes

  • Drop In, ongoing: Lunchtime-Me Time Strength Conditioning. Ellis Library, Room 4F51. Class meets every Monday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. and costs $1 for each class. No registration is needed and class is taught by Nani Fudge. If you have questions, email Nani at
  • Drop In, ongoing: Lunchtime-Me Time Strength Conditioning. Ellis Library, Room 4F51. Class meets every Wednesday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. and costs $1 for each class. No registration is needed and class is taught by Nani Fudge. If you have questions, email Nani at
  • Drop In, ongoing: Yoga. Ellis Library, Room 4F51. Class meets every Tuesday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. and costs $1 for each class. No registration is needed and class is taught by Glenda Moum. If you have questions, email Glenda at
  • Drop In, ongoing: Yoga. Ellis Library, Room 4F51. Class meets every Thursday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. and costs $1 for each class. No registration is needed and class is taught by Glenda Moum. If you have questions, email Glenda at

Spring Wellness Classes

Learn to eat for health and enjoyment
Discover the benefits of this innovative approach to weight management through Healthy for Life’s Eat for Life course.  This 10-week program uses mind-body practices (meditations and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help you create a healthier relationship to your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you.


  • In Person Orientation: Jan. 23 (12-1 p.m.)
  • In Person Class: Jan. 30-Apr. 17, no class on Feb. 8 or Mar. 27 (12 – 1pm)
  • Online Orientation: Jan. 18
  • Online Class: Jan. 25-Apr. 5 (except spring break)
  • Cost: $50 for faculty, staff and family members ($25 refunded with full participation); $180 for community members
  • Watch informational videos, complete your registration form and email to enroll.

Lower your stress in just 8 weeks

Helping employees manage stress effectively is a key goal of Healthy for Life. The wellness program offers eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes at minimal cost to benefit-eligible employees looking to manage today’s busy lifestyles in a healthy way. This is an 8–week class teaching meditation, yoga and other mind-body techniques for managing stress. There is a $40 registration fee, $20 reimbursement if you attend seven of the eight classes.


  • Orientation: Jan. 16, at 5:30 p.m.
  • Classes: Jan. 23-Mar. 20, from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
  • Full Day Retreat: Saturday, Mar. 9,  9 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • Contact: Lynn Rossy, Ph.D. at

Upcoming Races

No Race Date Race City / County
1 Nov 22, 2012


TurkeyTrax 5K

5K run

Columbia, MO


2 Dec 8, 2012


Cheese and Sauerkraut 10M

10M run

Columbia, MO


3 Dec 8, 2012


Jingle Bell Run/Walk Columbia

5K run, 5K walk

Columbia, MO


4 Dec 31, 2012


First Night 5k

5K run, 5K walk

Columbia, MO



Blaine Snow

Healthy for Life: TE Atkins UM Wellness

myTotal Rewards,­­­ Wellness

Program Coordinator, MU, UM System and MU Health Care

205 Heinkel Bldg.| Columbia, MO 65211 | 573.884.1312 (Phone) | 573.884.3123 (Fax)



Faculty & Staff: To earn your $100 Wellness Incentive, visit



SDC Presents Best Preservation Practices for MU Libraries Staff

The Staff Development Committee invites you to a presentation by Michaelle Dorsey (Head of Physical Processing/Preservation Unit) to educate MU Libraries Staff on preventive preservation methods including proper handling and shelving practices, and identification and prevention of damage.

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Place: 4F51A

Topic: Best Preservation Practices for MU Libraries Staff

Presenter: Michaelle Dorsey, Head of Physical Processing/Preservation Unit

Release time is available with supervisor approval.

Donations Needed for Our Adopted Family

It’s that time again, the “holidays”.  Did last year go as quickly for you as it did for me?

But the perfect way to start the season is by buying for the less fortunate in our community.  This year we are sponsoring a family with four children and four adults: Cheyanne (3); Brooklyn (5); Jaren (6); Madison (8); Natasha (27); Tonya (47); Myron (20) and Alan (19).  See the MULSA page for the wish list:

Our delivery date is December 10th, which means we need your donations here by Dec. 7th (we don’t have to wrap the gifts this year so we have a couple more days). The VAC discourages the adults in a family from asking for personal items so I’ve added gift cards for them.

If you’d like a printable list, I can email you a spreadsheet.  I’ll be sending around donation envelopes as well for the shopping challenged.
Thanks, Ruthe
or 884-8757

MULSA Cookbooks $5

MULSA cookbooks are available for $5.00 each.  MULSA has cookbooks available from past printings.  Check out the display cabinet outside of Ellis’ staff lounge.  These books are full of wonderful, tired-and-true recipes that your fellow staff members (past and present) contributed.  If you would like to have one (or both) or are looking for some unique gifts, please contact  Karla Geerlings in 52 Ellis Library (Technical Services – Catalog Dept.).