You’re Invited to the Library Society Dinner on April 13

You are cordially invited to attend the 2012 Library Society Dinner.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Please join us as we honor our Library Society members and celebrate the enduring values of books and libraries.

6:00 p.m. Reception
7:00 p.m. Library Society Dinner, Featured speaker, Nicholas Basbanes, author and “leading authority on books about books”

Ellis Library
Grand Reading Room

Business Attire
Please RSVP to Sheila Voss by April 6

Tickets are $35 per person for MU Libraries staff.
Please make checks payable to the University of Missouri.

New Posts, March 5-9

  1. Library Assembly Minutes, 2/28/2012
  2. MU Libraries Government Documents Librarian and Collection Receive Federal Recognition
  3. Happy Researcher, Happy Librarians
  4. Reference and Collection Move: Update
  5. Current MUSE Post
  6. Hello to Nathan Marticke
  7. Information About Your Wellness Incentive
  8. Float Your Boat: Float for the Food Bank
  9. Goodbye to Matt Stottle
  10. Correction: Library Start Date Anniversary
  11. Completion of Reference Collection Shift
  12. Healthy for Life Update

Library Assembly Minutes, 2/28/2012

Attending: Members: Gary Cox (Chair), Laura Buck, Stephen Stanton, Stephen Clayton, Karen Witt, Libby Myre, Jack Batterson, June DeWeese, Mark Ellis, Matt Stottle Ex-Officio:  Deb Ward (LMT); Mike Holland (LMT),  Ann Riley (LMT), Jim Cogswell (LMT), Ann Barker (MULAC)

  • Announcements:
    • Library Director Jim Cogswell:
      • Ellis Library First floor Women’s restroom remodel.
        • Scheduled for this summer.
        • Central MU Administration will contribute $100K.
      • Expansion of Ellis Library Information Commons.
        • South of main elevators (on the 1R side).
        • Funded by the Libraries portion of the MU ITF funds.
      • New Library Development Director hired and will start 3/5/12.
        • Nathan Marticke.
        • 104 K Ellis Library, 884-8645.
      • MU Libraries and Provost Office budget meeting did finally take place 2/20/12.
        • (Had been rescheduled twice.)
        • Review of 5 years.
          • One past, the current year and projections for three years into the future.
        • The Discussion wasn’t cheery.
          • The future cuts from the state allocations to higher education were reduced recently but will remain significant.
        • As best as MU Libraries Administration and LMT can predict,  FY13 will be impacted in these ways (all figures and plans are subject to change):
          • Salary pool for 2012 will increases around 2%.
            • Originally hoping for 3%.
            • Staffing plan will be impacted.
              • Possible delays in filling positions.
              • Acquisitions will be impacted.
                • LMT is working out the details.
      • MSA/GPC and MU Libraries revisit the topic of Library Student Fee.
        • Topic was brought up by Missouri Student Association President X. J. Billingsley – He heard this was considered in the past.
        • Jim Cogswell met with the MSA Academic Affairs committee 2/21.
          • He hopes to meet with GPC soon.
        • Jim shared and discussed an information sheet detailing enhanced services that a student fee might be able to augment:
          • Extended Hours.
          • More Study space.
          • Collections.
          • See spreadsheet entitled: Libraries Fee Information – MU Feb1.2
            • (This is an informational document to further the discussion of a student fee. No official proposal has been made.)
        • MSA reception of the idea of a Library Fee was rather positive.
          • They asked MU Libraries to work with some of their representatives to put together a proposal.
          • The proposal will be formally presented to MSA with hopes to be put before the student body as a ballot issue.
          • Over the years, Jim has talked to 3 different MSA presidents/administrations about this topic.
            • The current representatives seem the most receptive to the idea.
    • Laura Buck, Veterinary Medical Library.
      • Improvements made to Vet Med Library .
        • Outlets installed.
        • Some rearrangements.
    • Matt Stottle, Ellis Library Security.
      • Matt accepted a new job at IBM (service response coordinator).
        • This will be his last Library Assembly Meeting.
    • Stephen Stanton, Geology Library.
      • New lights in Geology.
      • Campus Facilities has been working off and on since August, but have often been called away to other campus projects.  (Finally complete…)
    • Anne barker, MULAC.
      • Reference books are shifting to make the expansion of Info Commons possible.
      • Wayne Barnes coordinating.
    • Deb Ward, LMT member- Head of HSL and Interim Associate Director of RAIS.
      • HSL construction on library-space/testing-room moving along.
      • Room is complete; furniture not yet arrived.
        • Currently, a space for compact shelving is being created.
      • Questions:  How is this project funded?
      • Answer:  Funded by Med School and made possible by stimulus funding.
    • Mark Ellis, Administrative Services.
      • The MU Libraries Celebration of Service Event has been scheduled for May 24th, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm (or 1.5 hours within this span of time).
      • Mark and Shannon Cary, the Administration representatives to the Celebration of Service “committee” (an informal/unrecognized team), would like to know if Library staff are satisfied with our current format of the celebration of service.
        • Rather than have another survey (they sent one out approximately 3 years ago to reach our current format), Mark and Shannon would like to discuss in Library Assembly.
        • Mark will make sure it is on the agenda next meeting and will send out more information to staff and Library Assembly members soon.


  • Policy review – Mike Holland.
    • Policies 10 and 44 were presented to Library Assembly.  They were revised by Access Services.
      • Since Mike is the facilitator of the process, and these were revised by Access Service, he turns the discussion over to June DeWeese for an overview.
    • June DeWeese, Head of Access Services.
      • Policy 44- Policy for Responding to Disruptive Patrons.
        • Outlines what MU Library staff can/must do when encountering a disruptive patron.
        • Last time revised 1992.
        • Mainly updated the names and positions that were referenced.
        • Branch location procedures may need to be adapted.
        • Discussion:
          • Matt Stottle reports that Ellis Library Security is satisfied with this updated policy and how it pertains to Ellis Library Procedures.
          • Some members expressed that they did not review the “procedures” link that was imbedded in the attached policy.
          • Jim C. – Concerned about branches.
            • Perhaps a separate policy for branches?
            • Discussion ensued about if branch procedures can be handled in sub-points or if the matter needed in a new policy.
            • It was also asked if “frontline personnel” were also getting this information in training.  They were/are.
        • Conclusion: Mike suggests this policy be circulated further to the various departments/constituencies in the hopes,  if there are not a lot of major changes, it will be passed on to LMT in a few weeks.
          • If he hears that more discussion is needed, it can be brought back to the Library Assembly.
      • Policy 10-Overdue Fines and Replacement Costs.
        • The policy online says that it hasn’t been revised since 1992 however the functional policy was last revised by Access Services, Nov 2009.
        • Changed some specifics about the counting of days overdue.
          • Policy reflects how the system counts holidays.
        • Some changes reflect new issues such as laptops.
        • The biggest change is the removing of a cap on fines.
        • Discussion Ensued:
          • Question/Answers…
            • Q. Does anyone try to go beyond our policy (“over our heads”) to refute/refuse fines.
            • A. Rarely – almost never. Especially with our support/allowance of patrons buying replacements.
            • Q. Wouldn’t the replacement cost for some of our bound journals reach thousands?
            • A. Yes, the provision 4.4 B which calls for billing at twice the subscription rate for bound journals almost always results in the items being “found” by the patron.
            • This policy/procedure did go through MERLIN Circ/Reserve committee.
            • Concerns expressed by Branches Representative Stephen Clayton on behalf of branch libraries.  (Journalism even sent a list.)
              • A request was made for the Circulation and Reserve staff from all the various libraries to meet and discuss.
        • Conclusion: Mike feels this policy revision and discussion, which cuts across most (and perhaps all) divisions, needs an ad hoc committee.
          • He will make that recommendation to Jim Cogswell, who would select such a group.
          • It was requested that policy 29 also be reviewed at the same time.

MU Libraries Government Documents Librarian and Collection Receive Federal Recognition

On March 4, 2012, the Acting Public Printer Davita Vance-Cooks appointed University of Missouri libraries government documents coordinator Marie Concannon, along with four others, to the Depository Library Council (DLC). The Council, composed of 15 members each of whom serve three year terms, advises the Public Printer on policy matters relating to the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). The FDLP provides access across America to the published information of all three Branches of the United States Government through partnerships with more than 1,200 libraries ranging from public libraries to research universities.

Concannon is a strong advocate for promoting the FDLP and for preserving historic documents, both digital and tangible. She is active in several national and local library organizations, including the American Library Association and Government Documents Roundtable. In addition, she has contributed to the work of the Legislative Committee of the Missouri Library Association. Concannon’s term will run from June of this year to May 31, 2015.

“We are proud of Marie and her well-deserved appointment,” stated Jim Cogswell, the director of MU Libraries. “Those of us who work with Marie are aware not only of her leadership and expertise in the area of Government Documents, but also of her passion and enthusiasm for serving the public and guaranteeing access to government information.”

In addition to the appointment of Concannon to the DLC, the MU Libraries have been chosen by the U.S. Government Printing Office to be highlighted this month on the Depository Library Spotlight website (, which highlights a different Federal depository library each month.

Designated in 1862, the MU Libraries are celebrating 150 years of participation in the FDLP this year. To learn more about the MU Libraries government documents collection, visit


Happy Researcher, Happy Librarians

In January, a researcher in Baltimore noticed a title he had not seen before, related directly to his research, in WorldCat.  The University of Missouri is the only owning library, and he wrote to us to ask about the book.  His request found its way to June DeWeese, who found the item and had it digitized (thanks to Felicity Dykas, Elaine Huntsucker and Regina Guccione).   The researcher wrote back, delighted, indicating the item is indeed one of a kind.  It is a book assembled in 1814 by a scholar and collector of fine arts and illuminated manuscripts, Robert Gilmor, 1774-1848. Brian Cain recently did major enhancement of the WorldCat record.  We are happy to report the book is on its way to Special Collections, and its image is available at

–Ann Riley

The Reference and Documents Collection Move: Update

Yesterday, the MRI crew finished work relating to our Reference and Documents collections.  The crew may return to store the shelves and supports that were generated as a result of our reduced footprint, but this is a separate issue that does not impact our collections directly.

Now that the “dust has settled,” there will be some corrections, tweaking and refinements to bring the collections up to a certain level.  These include shelf reading, producing end panel labels, producing “pull-out tray” labels, etc.  Some tasks have been delegated to begin.

For orientation purposes, here are some of the main points:

  • The Reference print collection begins with the “A” classification on the north side, and ends with the “Z” classification on the south side.
  • Because there are no counter shelf ranges in this new Reference collection footprint to serve as countertops, there are now pull-out trays distributed throughout for this purpose.  There is always one of these trays within 10 feet of any location point, either on the north side or the south side of each range.  Most ranges have both sides covered.
  • The ERIC and FDLP microfiche cabinets are now on the north end of the Documents print collection.
  • Unique microfiche sets are near the windows on the east and on the outside north wall of the Documents office.  For example, the TIM (Tests In Microfiche) cabinet is near a window.
  • A microfiche reader is near a window, close to the bulk of the microfiche collection.

Items to be moved:

  • The scanner/digitizer is to be moved near the microfiche reader, but the electrical outlet near an appropriate table needs to be activated.
  • The Adaptive Workstation will be returned to its original location after reading tables west of the Documents office have been relocated.

I’ll keep you posted as changes occur.

Hello to Nathan Marticke

Hello to Nathan Marticke, Director of Development for the MU Libraries. Nathan has a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville MO and a Master of Arts in Communication and Leadership, 2010, from Park University, Parkville, MO. His development work experience includes serving as Regional Director of Development for William Jewel College and Associate Director of Annual Giving for the Burnett Honors College at the University of Central Florida.

Information About Your Wellness Incentive

In order to receive your $100 wellness incentive, you must have a health screening and complete the online wellness questionnaire. More information about this process  can be found in the Healthy for Life Update. If you have completed these steps (you must do so by April 30), see the information below about checking on the status of your incentive.

If you are enrolled in myChoice (the lower-deductible plan) the Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) will be automatically set up. You can check the status of your $100 incentive by going to Coventry’s website,

  • Set up your Coventry account: You’ll need your member ID number found on your Coventry card.
  • After creating your account: Click on Login or Register Now in the gray box that says, “My Online Services” on the right side.

Ø  Scroll over Benefits tab on the brown toolbar and then click on “Manage my HRA/HSA or Coventry Fund.”

Ø  Then, directly under “Manage Health Accounts,” click on My Coventry Consumer Choice Online or Coventry Fund Click Here.

Ø  On the left side, under “My Accounts,” is the word “more”. Clicking on this will show you the balance of $100 Wellness Reward.

  • Your health care provider visit: You will be responsible for any payments such as copays, deductible amounts, and/or coinsurance as usual. Coventry will then reimburse you for these amounts as they see them come through on claims. The reimbursement will accompany the EOB or if you receive your EOBs electronically, the check will be mailed.
  • Questions: Contact Coventry at 800-613-7721 or your Campus Benefit Representative.

If you are enrolled in myOptions, (high-deductible plan), you will need to make sure that you have also enrolled for a Health Savings Account (HSA); otherwise, there is nowhere to place your incentive money. You can check the status of your $100 incentive by going to

  • Set up your Health Equity account: You will need to click on Purple box that says “Activate Now.”
  • After creating your account: Click on Login box that says, and sign in.

Ø  Your HSA balance will show on the right side, under “Quick Stats.”

  • Additionally, you should be receiving a packet in the mail with full details about the HSA account along with your debit card.
  • Questions: Contact Health Equity at 877-372-5383.

Float Your Boat: Float for the Food Bank

The College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources is teaming up with The Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri to present the first Mid-Missouri cardboard boat regatta!  This event will bring groups together to collaborate on an innovative, team-building project, culminating with a fun, unique competition — all the while supporting a great cause!

Students, faculty, staff and administrators…. can all participate! Teams are encouraged to get creative with their cardboard boats — go crazy with themed boats and costumes to match.

The regatta will be held Saturday, April 21, at Philips Lake Park in south Columbia. Learn more at