Holocaust Remembrance Week









In honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day, winning entries of the Saint Louis Holocaust Museum and Learning Center’s annual Art and Writing Competition will be displayed at Ellis Library on the University of Missouri campus April 2-30. Each year middle and high school students from across the Midwest are invited to submit entries related to lessons of the Holocaust, persecution, intolerance and injustice. The winning entries will be presented in display cases in the Ellis library colonnade on the main floor. For more information about the Saint Louis Holocaust Museum and Learning Center or how to enter next year’s competition, please visit www.hmlc.org.

In addition, survivor Guenther Goldsmith will visit the University of Missouri to share his experiences during the Holocaust. Mr. Goldsmith survived the war by taking the last Kindertransport out of Germany to the United States. The event will be held at Ellis library on Tuesday, April 17 at 2 p.m. and is sponsored by the University of Missouri Hillel, the MU Department of German and Russian Studies and the MU Libraries Diversity Action Committee. This program is open to the public.

Holocaust Remembrance Week Schedule

Tuesday, April 17, 2 p.m., Ellis Library

Holocaust survivor Guenter Goldsmith will be speaking about his experience in the Holocaust. There will be a Q&A and reception following his presentation.

Wednesday, April 18, 7 p.m., Hillel

Professor Béa Gallimore will be leading a discussion about modern genocide following a screening of “Sometimes in April,” a film about the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

Thursday, April 19, 7 p.m., Hillel

Cantorial soloist and composer Nancy Tunick will present “Songs for the Unsung,” a multimedia presentation about Christian rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust. A reception will follow her presentation.

Friday, April 20, 6 p.m., Hillel

Hillel will host a Holocaust remembrance Shabbat, followed by our weekly Shabbat dinner.

New Posts, April 2-6

  1. Director’s Calendar: April 9-14
  2. Upcoming Webinars
  3. HathiTrust Announces New Board of Governors
  4. Library Assembly, 3/20/2012
  5. MU Libraries in the News
  6. Check Out New MU Libraries Facebook Timeline
  7. Healthy for Life Update
  8. Paper Presentations From the 2nd Annual MU Libraries Undergraduate Research Paper Contest
  9. Invitation: Meet Nick Basbanes
  10. Current MUSE Posts
  11. Safe Spaces Training
  12. Librarian Search Update
  13. MU Libraries Employee Directory Info Check Request
  14. An Invitation From the MU Libraries Diversity Action Committee
  15. Hello to Dana Houston
  16. Student Excellence Award – Call for Nominations

Director’s Calendar: April 9-14th, 2012

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, April 9th
3:00-5:00 p.m. – Joint Meeting of Provost Staff and Council of Deans, Memorial Union

Friday, April 13th
8:00-10:00 a.m. – Council of Deans, Memorial Union.

2:00-3:00 p.m. – MU Remembers Ceremony, Memorial Union

6:00 p.m. – Library Society Dinner, Grand Reading Room, Ellis Library

Saturday, April 14th

8:30-10:00 a.m. – Friends of the Library Board Meeting, Memorial Union

10:30-11:30 a.m. – MU Libraries Donor Appreciation Ceremony, Ellis Library Colonnade

12:00 Noon – Friends of the Library Luncheon, Grand Reading Room, Ellis Library

Upcoming Webinars

Digital Preservation: Audio and Video Formats (Infopeople)


April 12th, 9-10am in Ellis room 4F51A

  • Basic formats and standards used in digital audio and video collections for libraries, archives, and museums
  • The development of audio and video formats and introduce participants to the significant technical features that pertain to digital libraries.
  • Audio formats and encodings introduced include Pulse-Code Modulation (PCM), WAV and BWAV, and the issues related to compression for online delivery.
  • Video topics include formats and standards, particularly the role of compression and data storage.
  • The meaning of “HD” and options for video transfer and capture, as well as format and encodings for uncompressed video and the Motion JPEG standards.


Summer Webinar Series, starting May 10th

“Anatomy of a Digital Project” Webinar Series


  1. 1. Lightweight Project Management for Digital Collections (May 10th, 9-10am in room 4F51A)
  • In this webinar, H. Frank Cervone, Vice Chancellor for Information Services at Purdue University Calumet, will discuss a framework for a lightweight project management methodology that can be easily learned and implemented in any size environment. Using lightweight methodology and open-source or relatively inexpensive tools, participants will learn how to implement effective project management practices to ensure the success of digital library projects.


  1. 2. Selection of Materials for Digitization (TBA)
  • Some criteria for digitization selection decisions are straightforward: copyright, cost, and condition are obvious factors that influence selection decisions. Other factors include discovery and access mechanisms, intrinsic value, potential audiences, purpose of the collection, and collection policies. Panelists will address the topic of selecting resources for digitization showing examples from existing digital collections and discussing factors that influenced the selection process.


  1. 3. Letting the World Know About Your Digital Collection: A Practical Approach to Promotion and Marketing (TBA)
  • Digital projects involve more than scanning and metadata creation. We want the world to know about and enjoy the results of our efforts. Promotion and marketing are critical parts of a digital collection project and must be part of the overall project plan. This session will cover some practical ways to get the word out – effectively and economically.


  1. 4. Digital Preservation: An Introduction to Technologies and Processes for the Care of Digital Collections (TBA)
  • As libraries and cultural institutions produce and manage ever more digital materials, they are also beginning to wrestle with the complex issues surrounding long term storage and preservation of digital objects. Librarians, archivists, digital projects managers, and interested information technology specialists are encouraged to attend this forum to learn about digital preservation and about putting practices into place that protect digital assets for future students, scholars, and researchers.


HathiTrust Announces New Board of Governors

(Ann Arbor, MI—March XX, 2012) — HathiTrust is announcing the composition of its newly elected 12-member Board of Governors, which will lead the library collaborative into its next phase. The board, which replaces the Executive Committee that was established by the founding members in 2008, will oversee HathiTrust’s 10-million volume digital preservation repository, research center, and other initiatives. The decision to create the board was made during the HathiTrust Constitutional Convention held in October 2011, which was convened to chart its governance structure and priorities going forward.

Members of the Board elected at-large from the participating institutions are:

Five year terms:

Betsy Wilson (University of Washington)

Robert Wolven (Columbia University)


Four year terms:

Richard Clement (Utah State University)

Patricia Steele (University of Maryland)


Three year terms:

Carol Mandel (New York University)

Sarah Michalak (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)


They will join six other members appointed by the founding institutions, each of whom will serve a term of five years:

Carol Diedrichs (Ohio State University)

Wendy Lougee (University of Minnesota)

Bradley Wheeler (Indiana University)

Laine Farley (California Digital Library)

Brian Schottlaender (UC San Diego)

Paul Courant (University of Michigan)

“The caliber of all the nominees was outstanding, and it speaks well for the future of HathiTrust to have this group of wonderfully qualified, enthusiastic leaders installed as our new board,” said John Wilkin, Executive Director of HathiTrust.

The board officially begins work on April 16, 2012. Among its first priorities will be to implement the remaining proposals passed during the constitutional convention. These initiatives call for the establishment of a distributed archive of print monographs corresponding to the digital copies held in HathiTrust; the creation of an approval process for proposed new initiatives, a fee-for-service model for content deposit, and a mechanism for allowing non-partners to contribute content to the repository; and a coordinated effort to expand access to digitized U.S. federal government documents.

HathiTrust is a collaboration of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future. There are more than sixty partners in HathiTrust, and membership is open to institutions worldwide. The HathiTrust Digital Library brings together the digitized collections of some of the world’s largest libraries, making them discoverable and accessible today and for generations to come. More information about HathiTrust can be found at HathiTrust.org.

Contact:  Lynne Raughley (raughley@umich.edu)

Library Assembly, 3/20/2012

Attending: Members: Gary Cox (Chair), Laura Buck, Stephen Stanton, Stephen Clayton, Karen Witt, Libby Myre, Jack Batterson, June DeWeese, Mark Ellis, PT Martin Ex-Officio:  Deb Ward (LMT);  Jim Cogswell (LMT), Anne Barker (MULAC) Guest: Shannon Cary

  • Mark and Shannon sought feedback on the format of the MU Libraries Celebration of Service.
    • The 2012 Celebration of Service will take place on May 24th, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, in the Grand Reading Room, 201 Ellis Library.
    • Discussion ensued concerning department/constituent feedback.  Some of the comments included:
      • Can the notable anniversaries be published prior to the event.
        • Some of the celebrants don’t realize they are being recognized.
          • Work Anniversary dates at the University can be hard to formalize (especially if an employee transferred or worked for the university at two different times during their carreer).
          • Shannon will look into how Leo assembles his list of employees with monumental anniversaries.
      • Top Ten List – After brief discussion it was resolved that the Library Assembly will help Jim read off the top ten list again this year.
      • Mixer/Games -Some feedback from the employees suggested mixing up the seating so that employees are encouraged to visit with colleagues that work in different departments.
      • Flowers, plants and/or take away items – Some discussion took place regarding the tradition of giving out boutonnières/corsages to the anniversary employees.
        • Some felt this was an old fashioned practice that could be replaced with giving plants or some type of take-away gift that might last longer or be more meaningful.
        • It was also noted that not everyone likes plants/flowers.
        • Shannon Cary will consider the feedback and various options.
      • It was noted that MULSA provides food for the Celebration of Service and that without their participation the event would not be nearly as festive and as anticipated as it is.  (Thanks, MULSA!)
  • Development of a Web Based Ellis Library Room Calendar underway – Shannon and Mark presented the prototype of what may soon be a web based system to calendar the Ellis Library Conference rooms, classrooms, and event space.
    • The program is the same shareware that the Reference Department uses to book the student study rooms (it has been successful for that purpose).
    • The web based system would provide a single virtual place for MU Library employees to see what rooms are available.
      • An employee could also see what is scheduled throughout the library – thereby acting as an internal Library calendar.
      • A column could be added to note library sponsored events taking place outside the library (at Branch Libraries, Memorial Union, etc.).
      • LTS is exploring ways to control who can schedule rooms that are overseen by certain departments or entities – Ellis Library Colonnade, Ellis Library Staff Lounge, Instruction Rooms, etc.
    • The overall guidelines for reserving rooms would not greatly change, but the proposed shift over to this web based program promises some exciting advantages over what we currently use (Outlook).
    • To see a prototype of the calendar developed by LTS, log onto the Ellis Library External Event Calendar from the Staff Web Page: http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/default.htm
    • More information on the development of this calendar to be relayed soon.
      • So far reception has been positive.
      • To be implemented some time over the summer.
  • Student fee update
    • MSA (Missouri Student Association) and the GPC (Graduate Professional Council) have designated students to work with a team from the MU Libraries to develop a Student Library Fee proposal.
      • The goal is to have the issue appear on a ballot in the Fall Missouri Students general election.
    • Jim would welcome volunteers from the Library Assembly to join the Library representatives who will be meeting with these students.
      • Jim also plans to approach the MU Librarians and Archivist Council (MULAC) to ask for volunteers.
      • The meeting with the students will take place the first week in April.
        • On a weekday, likely around 5-6:30 pm.
      • Jim is considering 5-6 Library Representatives total.
    • Discussion ensued about the role of Library employees on this committee.
      • Jim: to help get a feel for what the students want.
        • To help draft a proposal in such a way to show students how a fee will help provide what they want.
    • Discussion ensued about:
      • How to spread awareness of the many things the library provide for students that they already have without charge.
        • And how they may be threatened due to budget restraints.
      • If student employees present at these meetings might help spread awareness through their informed perspective.
      • About whether or not pithy examples (comments or data) might be helpful.
    • Send all volunteers, self-nominations and/or suggestions to Jim Cogswell for consideration.
  • Future meetings: Gary Cox
    • Development officer  to be invited to next Library Assembly Meeting.
    • Also Julie Rogers from security may attend the May meeting to discuss the suggestion to have a Library Fire drill over the summer and to discuss the Active Threat Training that has been taking place in the Library.
    • Jim Cogswell cannot attend May 22 Library Assembly meeting.
      • Gary may be in touch about rescheduling.
  • Announcements:
    • Anne Barker – MULAC:  Jim’s evaluation coming up.
      • Deans are evaluated every 5 years.
      • Provost office has a standard form that MULAC was able to modify for the library.
      • Survey Monkey will be used.
      • An email with the link to come out after spring break.
      • When finished the numerical data will be available.
      • The questions with (anonymous) comments will only be viewable by the Provost and Jim.
    • Deb Ward – Ellis RAIS and HSL.
      • HSL – lounge renovation is complete.
        • Funds have run short in construction
        • We are in Middle of phase one – it will be completed.
          • Moving stuff out, creating study rooms.
        • Other plans are back to the drawing board.
      • HSL – Literature in health care – Robin Blake is going to help pick out some titles.
      • Ellis RAIS – MU Libraries – Faculty Lecture series:
        • April 4th:  Carol Ward – Where did we come from.
        • April 19th: Doug Randal
      • Ellis RAIS- Government Documents will hold an event May 3rd to celebrate 150th Anniversary of being a Federal Repository.
        • Mary Alice Baish, The Superintendent of the National Repository (in Washington, DC), will be here with other Government dignitaries.
        • A program, open to the public, will be held 1:30-2:30 p.m.
      • E-Learning  – MU Libraries is asking for extension on Annelise Freeman’s E-Learning Position (co-funded by the Undergraduate School)
        • Hoping to extend two months (to end of June).
        • Annelise is making progress on the fulltime E-Learning position description.
  • PT – LTS – New staff machines will be arriving soon.
    • To be replaced: Staff white Macs and Dell 745s.
    • Paid for by desktop enhancement funds.
    • June DeWeese – Access services
      • Brooke Shannon – starts working full time next week.
      • There have been many applications for Assistant Head of Access Services.

Healthy for Life Update

Wellness Incentive
Faculty & Staff—the clock is ticking to earn your Wellness Incentive and Healthy for Life doesn’t want anyone eligible to miss out! More than 3,000 of your peers have completed the program. Simply complete a personal health assessment (15 minutes) and a FREE health screening, which you can get at our largest screening event this semester. Primary subscribers to the UM Medical plans will receive $100 in a tax-favored account to use for medical expenses in 2012 Benefit Plan year. The requirements must be completed by April 30, 2012.

Get started now:

  1. Create your Cerner Health account by visiting www.healthyforlife.umsystem.edu.
  2. Enter your email address and join the program.
  3. Complete your personal health assessment – an online questionnaire that helps you understand your health risks and provides you with resources to improve your well-being.
  4. Schedule your FREE health screening at a convenient time and location on campus. Your health screening provide you a look at your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, height and weight. If your screening is before noon, fasting for 9 hours is recommended, but not required (6 hours if pregnant) and drinking 64 ounces of water the day before is suggested.

Upcoming Screenings
Date Time Location
April 6 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Missouri Psychiatric Center, Gym
April 10 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Reynolds Journalism Institute
April 11 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Heinkel Building, Room 205
April 13 8-11 a.m. University Hospital, Room GL-20 (Fit for Life Hallway)
April 17 8-11 a.m. Hulston Hall, Room 204
April 18 8 a.m.-12 p.m. ABNR, Conference Room
April 19 8-11 a.m. University Hospital, Room GL-20 (Fit for Life Hallway)
April 20 7-11 a.m. University Hospital, Room GL-20 (Fit for Life Hallway)
April 24 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Hulston Hall, Room 204
April 25 8-11:30 a.m. Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, Conference Room
April 27 8-11 a.m. University Hospital, Room GL-20 (Fit for Life Hallway)

*SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT AT www.healthyforlife.umsystem.edu

Questions? Email Blaine Snow at SnowB@umsystem.edu

Already Visit Your Doctor?

If you have had your annual physical since July 2011, you can complete the online Doctor Screening Form!

Better Choices Better Health Workshop

Better Choices Better Health is a FREE workshop that teaches you the skills you need to manage your symptoms & take control of your health! MU faculty, staff, retirees and benefit-eligible family members qualify for an incentive based on participation in a health assessment. If you are interested in leading a group, contact Amber Phelps at phelpsam@missouri.edu or call her at (573) 882-8097.

Drop-in and de-stress with meditation
Three decades of research suggests that engaging in a regular mindfulness meditation practice can reduce stress and enhance overall psychological and physical well-being.  Find out for yourself by taking advantage of these stress reduction meditation sessions held each week at the following locations:
Mondays: 12:15–12:45 p.m., Heinkel Building, Room 10

Wednesdays: 4:15–5 p.m., Hulston Hall, Room

All students, faculty, and staff are welcome. No previous experience with meditation is necessary.  For more information, contact Lynn Rossy. If you can’t make the sitting, listen to online recordings at:  http://www.umsystem.edu/ums/curators/wellness/mindfulness/guided.htm

Columbia Slimdown Challenge

The Columbia Slimdown Challenge is a friendly 12-week weight-loss competition. Join the challenge by forming a team of 4-6 peoplemade up of your coworkers, friends and family. Together, you will compete with all of Columbia to lose the highest percentage of weight.

Register on April 16th: ColumbiaSlimdownChallenge.com

Follow the movement: facebook.com/ColumbiaSlimdownChallenge

On April 16th your team can register atColumbiaSlimdownChallenge.com, where the competition is managed using a real-time scoreboard. Your next task will be to weigh-in at one of the 8 official Slimdown kiosks placed throughout Columbia. The official weigh-in week begins Monday, April 23rd and ends Monday, April 30th. Visit the challenge website for official weigh-in locations and instructions.

Throughout the challenge prizes will be awarded at random to participants. The team and top three individuals that lose the highest percentage of weight at the end of the challenge willreceive an exciting grand prize, including tickets to MU’s first SEC home game.

Paper Presentations From the 2nd Annual MU Libraries Undergraduate Research Paper Contest











Monday, 16 April
2-3 p.m.
Ellis Library Colonnade

1st Place:

Nathaniel Schuster
Alma’s Betrayal and Mahler’s Unfinished Symphony No. 10
Written for Music 3085: Problems in Music
Teacher: Professor Judith Mabary

2nd Place:
Donald Glen Cole
“…In View of Impending Conflict…” The Role of Southern Christianity in Sectionalism, Secession, and Southern Defeat
Written for English 4310: Civil War and Memory
Teacher: Professor Maureen Konkle