Digitization Interest Group – 2nd meeting

Please come and share your digitization projects and activities.  Last meeting we didn’t get around the whole room to hear what is happening.  This time, we’ll start with news and updates from everyone and save discussion items for the end.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Ellis 4F51A

Can’t come?  Need more information?  Contact:

Felicity Dykas

Kelli Hansen

Healthy for Life Update

Wellness Incentive

Due to popular demand, we have extended the Wellness Incentive deadline until May 25th for in person screenings and May 31st for individual screening submissions (you can use our online Doctor Screening Form). Thousands of employees have completed the program and time is running out, don’t miss out on your $100. Simply complete a personal health assessment (15 minutes) and a FREE health screening. Primary subscribers to the UM Medical plans will receive $100 in a tax-favored account to use for medical expenses in 2012 Benefit Plan year.

Get started now:

  1. Create your Cerner Health account by visiting www.healthyforlife.umsystem.edu.
  2. Enter your email address and join the program.
  3. Complete your personal health assessment – an online questionnaire that helps you understand your health risks and provides you with resources to improve your well-being.
  4. Schedule your FREE health screening at a convenient time and location on campus. Your health screening provide you a look at your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, height and weight. If your screening is before noon, fasting for 9 hours is recommended, but not required (6 hours if pregnant) and drinking 64 ounces of water the day before is suggested.


Upcoming Screenings
Date Time Location
April 13 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Missouri Psychiatric Center, Gym
April 17 8-11 a.m. Hulston Hall, Room 204
April 18 8 a.m.-12 p.m. ABNR, Conference Room
April 20 8-11 a.m. University Hospital, Room GL-20 (Fit for Life Hallway)
April 24 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Heinkel Building, Room 205
April 27 8-11 a.m. University Hospital, Room GL-20 (Fit for Life Hallway)

*SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT AT www.healthyforlife.umsystem.edu

Questions? Email Blaine Snow at SnowB@umsystem.edu

Our video won the contest!

Thank you to all who voted for the Eat for Life video. The University of Missouri will get national recognition for research on this innovative, mindfulness-based weight management program being presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine conference this week.  The video was produced by a team of amazing School of Journalism students. If you’d like to view the video, click on http://youtu.be/PBK05SH2l5g. If you’d like more information about Eat for Life, contact Dr. Lynn Rossy at RossyL@umsystem.edu


Congrats to Eat for Life survey winner

Congratulations to Christine Sheriff! She is the winner of our raffle for a free massage or pair of running shoes. We asked employees to complete a brief 14-question survey about how you use social media for your health education and your understanding of the Eat for Life course. We appreciate the hundreds of you who participated.


Get moving with a 5K run/walk


Join the Mizzou Student Foundation and ESPN’s John Anderson at 5 p.m. on April 26 at Tiger Plaza to participate in a 1 mile or 5K run/walk around campus to raise money for student scholarships. Preregistration is $10 before April 25 and $15 at the event. T-shirts will be provided to participants who register before April 16. Registration forms are available online at musf.missouri.edu/mizzou-mile and in 306 Reynolds Alumni Center. Learn about the importance of private giving while enjoying an evening of fun and entertainment!


Columbia Slimdown Challenge seeks volunteers

The Columbia Slimdown Challenge is fast approaching and organizers are looking for some fun and energetic people to make it a success! They are seeking volunteers to proctor the weight kiosks during this official weigh-in week of April 23rd  – April 30th. Sign up now and enter to win a Fitbit, a smart device that tracks steps, calories burned, sleep cycle and more! The Columbia Slimdown Challenge is a 12-week weight-loss challenge where teams of 4 – 6 people compete for prizes and healthier living.

Volunteer Lead sign upVolunteer Assist sign up

Weigh-in Dates

  • Monday, April 23rd – Friday, April 27th | 7am – 7pm
  • Saturday, April 28th | 9am – 1pm
  • Sunday, April 29th | NO WEIGH-IN
  • Monday, April 30th | 7am – 7pm

Weigh-in Locations | (check the Slimdown website for full location details):

  • The ARC
  • HyVee (West, East, South)
  • Hearnes Center
  • Wilson’s Fitness (North and South)
  • University Hospital

Volunteer Responsibilities:

  • Weigh-in and register Slimdown players
  • Hand out Slimdown T-shirts
  • Communicate updates with Slimdown Project Team

Volunteers will be given a Slimdown T-shirt to wear during their shift. We ask that volunteers wear jeans (no shorts) and tennis shoes. Please bring your own snacks and drinks, as these will not be provided to volunteers. We greatly appreciate the valuable support you will provide by volunteering. Please direct any questions regarding the Columbia Slimdown Challenge and volunteering to comoslimdown@tiger-institute.org.

NISO Webinar on Linked Data

SISLT is hosting the following NISO webinar and we’re invited:

Schema.org and Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Publishing Data
April 25, 2012
Noon- 1:30 p.m.
Place TBD (check with Felicity if you haven’t heard before the date)

From the website:  Schema.org — a collaboration of the Google, Yahoo!, and Bing search engines — provides a way to include structured data in Web pages. Since its introduction in June 2011, the Schema.org vocabulary has grown to cover descriptive terms for content such as movies, music, organizations, TV shows, products, locations, news items, and job listings. The goal of Schema.org is “to improve the display of search results, making it easier for people to find the right web pages.” The Schema.org initiative has emerged as a focal point for publishers of structured data in Web pages, especially but not exclusively in the commercial sector.

This webinar will explore how the publication methods of Schema.org relate to the methods used to publish Linked Data. Must data providers commit to one or the other, or can the two approaches exist side-by-side, even reinforcing each other?

More information:  http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/linked_data/

Denim Day at MU

Denim Day has been internationally celebrated since 1999 in protest of an Italian High Court ruling that overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing jeans. The justices reasoned that since the victim wore very tight jeans, the man who was accused of raping her could not have removed her jeans by himself, so the victim must have willingly participated. Enraged by the verdict, women of the Italian Legislature protested the decision by wearing jeans. As news of the decision spread, so did the protest.

Blue jeans are worn by millions of Americans every day, but students, faculty and staff at the University of Missouri would like your department to wear denim on Thursday, April 26th for a special reason – to step forward and take a stand against rape and sexual violence. In addition, the RSVP Center has distributed Denim Day pins, provided by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, to MU departments. Contact Leo if you would like a pin.

The RSVP (Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention) Center, in partnership with the Craft Studio and True North, will sponsor a Denim Day rape and sexual assault awareness event on campus from 10:00am-2:00pm on Wednesday, April 25thin front of the MU Student Center. They will distribute information about Denim Day and encourage the Mizzou community to wear denim on Thursday, April 26th. Anyone interested in helping with this effort can contact Juanita at the RSVP Center by e-mailing RSVP@missouri.edu.

For more information about Denim Day and Sexual Assault Awareness Month events, contact the RSVP Center by phone at (573) 882-6638, by e-mail at RSVP@missouri.edu or visit our website: http://RSVP.missouri.edu.

Position Opening: Digital Resources Catalog Librarian

Digital Resources Catalog Librarian
MU Libraries
University of Missouri
(Immediate opening)

General Overview: The University of Missouri in Columbia, MO is seeking qualified applicants for a Digital Resources Catalog Librarian I position within our division of Access, Collections and Technical Services. Principal duties will include providing bibliographic control of and access to the resources of MU Libraries through original and complex copy cataloging, some metadata production and the oversight of batch records loads.  Resources handled will include monographs, serials, and integrating resources, with a focus on online resources.  Bibliographic databases in use at the University of Missouri include OCLC WorldCat and the University of Missouri online catalog, institutional repository, and digital library catalog. The Digital Resources Catalog Librarian reports directly to the Head, Catalog Department.  He or she may supervise support staff and/or student employees.

Specific areas of responsibility include:

  • Perform original and complex copy cataloging for a variety of materials applying standards including AACR2, MARC, Dublin Core, MODS, MARC, LCSH, and LCGFT.
  • Oversee ebook cataloging and selected special cataloging projects in the department.
  • Complete routine and special bibliographic record maintenance including bibliographic file uploads to Summon and review of MARCIVE Government Document record loads.
  • Oversee bibliographic record loads into the local online catalog (currently III Millennium), including batch editing of records before and after loads using tools including MARCedit and the local online catalog.
  • Work with members of the Digitization Unit in reviewing and setting standards for best practices in workflow, scanning, preservation, and metadata.
  • Share supervision of a graduate library assistant who will assist in work assigned to this position.

The full job description can be accessed at http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/admin/jobopps.htm.

This is an entry-level, Librarian I position. All entry-level librarians must qualify for promotion from Librarian I to Librarian II in three years to obtain reappointment.  Refer to the MU Libraries’ academic Governance Document for criteria.

Minimum Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program or the equivalent. Knowledge of cataloging practices and trends.  Demonstrated self-motivation and strong analytical and problem solving skills, excellent written and oral communication skills, and the ability to think critically. Able to learn and accurately perform complex tasks following established rules, standards, and procedures.  Demonstrated ability to adapt to ongoing change in a positive manner.  Work well independently and collaboratively with staff at all levels; demonstrated positive attitude.

Preferred Qualifications:  Library experience, particularly in cataloging.  Skills in project management and interpersonal relations.  Familiar with emerging metadata standards.  Experience developing and writing procedures.  Experience supervising and training other staff.

Compensation: Annual beginning salary of $40,000 with excellent benefits (medical, dental, vision care, educational) through the University of Missouri plus other fringe benefits including 75% tuition waiver. For more information on MU’s “Total Rewards” package, go to http://www.umsystem.edu/ums/hr/benefits.

To apply: Preference for applications received by May 9, 2012, but résumés will be accepted until the positions are filled. Only online application materials will be accepted. Position is available immediately. To apply, go to MU’s campus Human Resources office at http://hrs.missouri.edu/find-a-job/index.php and include a cover letter, resume and the names of three references. The Job ID # is 7332.

The University of Missouri Libraries is located at the flagship campus in Columbia, Missouri. Working at the University of Missouri in Columbia (MU) offers major learning opportunities in an ARL library with a sizable catalog department, NACO and SACO participation, and a history of support for leadership development.

The University of Missouri-Columbia is committed to cultural diversity and it is expected that successful candidate(s) will share in this commitment. MU is an equal opportunity/ADA institution and encourages applications from women and minority candidates. For ADA accommodations during the application process, please call 573-882-4701.  Relay Missouri users call through 1-800-735-2966.

National Poetry Month Events










poems that stick with you like a song that won’t stop repeating itself in your brain, poems whose cadences burrow into your bloodstream, orchestrating your breathing long before their sense attaches its hooks to your heart.”
—Washington Post on Captivity

Tuesday , April 24
10:30 a.m.
Ellis Library Colonnade

5:30-6:30 p.m.
Berlin Theatre

Performance of Mama’s Kitchen
6:30-7:00 p.m.
Berlin Theatre

Mama’s Kitchen is a short play by Teresa Stankiewicz based on the memoir Bread on the Water: the Olden Times by Antonia Baquet.  Growing up during the Great Depression Nootsie lives with her mother Regina while serving in the house of the “Rice King of the South” in Crowley, Louisiana.   The memoirs of Toi Derricotte’s mother take us through a journey of strength and love of the African Americans who served the rich white families in the American south.  This brief glimpse into the lives of three women shows us the love, laughter and hardship that all of them rose above.

We learn the painful lessons of history in our parents’ beds.  I believe we are sent out on their mission; their un-spoken dreams, the true self that was neglected and even buried because it was a miracle if they just survived to make the lives of their children better.  These are the words that came through my mother and the poems that come through me today
–Toi Derricotte